Chapter 48

Qin Minglei made a few torches and walked along the edge of the cave. After walking for about a quarter of an hour, the road in the cave began to undulate, and he had to climb over some small hurdles, but this was not difficult for everyone.

Finally, not long after Qin Minglei changed the torch in his hand, he saw a wall-like ridge more than four meters high in front of him, so Qin Minglei handed the rope made of vines to the savage, who took the rope and let out a cry. He began to climb along the edge of the cave, climbed up after a while, and then tied the vine rope to a large rock and let the other end down.

Qin Minglei who was below caught the rope and pulled it hard. It was quite strong. Then he took the lead in pulling the rope and climbed up little by little. After he got up, he waved his hand to the bottom, and then Ye Ye and Li Bin went up again.The black shadow has been following behind, and it floated up directly.

The road after that was all like this, but it didn't have to go down five or six meters as Qin Minglei said. On the contrary, after each step was not far away, there would be another step, just like a staircase!It's just a tall staircase.

I don't know how many steps I have climbed, and everyone is exhausted.So he decided to rest first, Qin Minglei took out fruit and water, and after distributing them to everyone, he also distributed some to the savages.After the rest, everyone started climbing again.I don't know how long it took, but when the savage climbed up again, he tied the rope. Suddenly, the savage uttered an extremely painful cry, and then he jumped off, with his head on the ground. Qin Minglei immediately went up to see that he was already dead. !

The three of them were startled, immediately took out their weapons, and then climbed up.The three of them were shocked immediately, the top had already reached the top, and there was a door there, a huge stone door!And outside the stone gate, there are two stone men guarding it.

"Nothing unusual, why did that savage die inexplicably?" Qin Minglei asked suspiciously.

Ye Ye thought for a while and said, "Don't let your guard down, I'm afraid there may be fraud!" After Qin Minglei and Li Bin heard this, they immediately put on a defensive posture, and then the three of them slowly walked towards your stone gate.

The stone gate was huge, about ten meters high, and the three of them couldn't push it open.And the lock that locks the stone gate is six or seven meters above the gate.There is no way to get in.When the three of them were in a hurry to go to nowhere, Ye Ye saw the black figure suddenly pointing at the two stone men beside the stone gate.

Ye Ye looked at the stone man, and then slowly approached the stone man.Curiously, he touched the stone man.Suddenly some dust fell on the top of Ye Ye's head, Ye Ye looked at it curiously, and then exclaimed, the stone man moved!
Qin Minglei and Li Bin also felt it, and then stepped aside. The two stone figures were originally standing, but now they turned around, and then slowly approached the three of them!

Boom, boom, boom, the ten-meter-high stone man stepped on the ground and made an extremely loud sound.The three kept retreating until they reached the edge.

"Quick, get down, they are so huge, they can't get down." Qin Minglei suddenly shouted.Then Ye Ye immediately pulled up the rope and prepared to go down.

However, it was too late, the feet of the two stone men had already stepped down, and the three immediately rolled to the side, and then ran under the stone man's crotch, heading towards the stone gate.And those two stone men also turned around slowly, and came towards the three of them. This time, there was nowhere to hide!

The stone men slowly approached them, and then the two stone men waved their huge fists at the three of them at the same time, and the three of them closed their eyes.

Boom!There was a loud noise, Ye Ye frowned, except for the deafening sound, they were unscathed!The fists of those two huge stone men went through them!

"It's an illusion, everyone, don't believe it." Ye Ye shouted loudly!

Then Li Bin and Qin Minglei also opened their eyes, looked at their bodies, and then looked at the two stone men. Qin Minglei and Li Bin sighed at the same time, and then sat down on the ground. Qin Minglei took out a cigarette and lit it. Said: "Damn, it's too scary, but luckily it's an illusion." After speaking, he took a deep puff of the cigarette!

As soon as Qin Minglei finished speaking, the two stone figures disappeared immediately, and then they reappeared in front of the door, and even the cigarette Qin Minglei just lit disappeared.They actually entered the phantom as soon as they arrived at the door!

Depressed, Qin Minglei took out a cigarette and lit it, and said, "Oh my god, is this still alive?" After speaking, he leaned against the huge stone gate and smoked on his own.

"Why is there a huge stone gate here, and why are there such phantoms and two stone figures?" Ye Ye wondered when he thought about it.Then he walked around the two stone men.

"Hey, brother Ming Lei, brother Li Bin, come here, you can go up here." Ye Ye's voice suddenly sounded from behind the stone man on the right.

The two immediately went over to see that there was an iron staircase behind the stone man. The three of them thought about it, and then Qin Minglei took the lead to climb up.

After going up, Qin Minglei saw an iron chain on the stone man's head, curiously he put the torch close to the iron chain, and immediately took the iron chain to burn, a ball of fire passed down the iron chain, and then branched, There was also a flame on the other side, the flame passed down, and a torch would be ignited after a certain distance. Soon, torches were lit on both sides of the road they came up. Ye Ye and Li Bin saw their way up as soon as they came up. Immediately stunned, it turned out that the so-called five or six meter high ridge they came up was actually a staircase!Who is such a high staircase for?Such a question suddenly arose in the hearts of the three of them!

Soon the three of them woke up, and Ye Ye suddenly found that the black figure was pointing ahead. Ye Ye looked over and found that there was a road about one meter wide behind the stone man, leading to the stone gate!So all three set foot on that road.

Soon, the three of them entered the stone gate. Although they didn't enter through the gate, they were sure that it was inside the stone gate, because through the firelight, all three of them could see the huge stone gate below!

This is a road that leads all the way to the front. The road has grown from one meter wide to more than three meters now and the height is getting lower and lower!The three of them walked for a long time, and finally reached the ground from above. Ye Ye and the three of them all held weapons, beware of the danger that appeared!

Suddenly, the three of Ye Ye saw a stone tablet, to be precise, it was a stone tablet with a turtle hunched over it!It read: Shenlong Cave, the resting place of Shenlong!Do not enter the stranger, whoever enters will die!

A short sentence was simple and powerful, directly intimidating the three of them.

Qin Minglei swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said: "How is it? Go in? My addiction has come, how can I return empty-handed when I arrive at the treasure land? This is a tomb, but I don't know who buried it."

Ye Ye looked at the text, then thought about the text on the stone tablet he saw outside the wooden house, and said in surprise: "Is there really a dragon? This is really the resting place of the dragon?"

"Ha, what kind of dragon, have you seen it? It's all a lie..." Qin Minglei was full of disbelief.

Ye Ye smiled and said: "Yeah, it's a lie, the story about the half-corpse was also a lie." Qin Minglei's words were choked in his throat, and Qin Minglei said after a long time: "It's just a half-corpse. What's the matter? There are a lot of them." Qin Minglei's innocent tone immediately made Ye Ye and Li Bin laugh.Immediately, the oppressive atmosphere lightened a lot.

At this time, the black shadow suddenly pointed to the inside of the stele again, Ye Ye sighed and said, "It pointed to the inside, maybe it wants us to go in."

"Then let's go, go in quickly." Qin Minglei became excited when he heard this. How could he, who was supposed to be Captain Mo Jin, endure such a temptation?

So the three of them groped their way in. Who knew that there was no tomb passage inside, but the tomb chamber appeared directly.Qin Minglei was puzzled and said to himself: "Could it be that this is a virtual tomb? No way." After speaking, he began to explore cautiously.Suddenly, he saw that there was a sarcophagus in the middle of the tomb!Immediately excited, ready to approach the sarcophagus.

But Ye Ye's voice suddenly sounded, Qin Minglei looked at Ye Ye with a face full of displeasure, opened his mouth wide, and exclaimed: "Shenlong!"

(End of this chapter)

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