Chapter 67
Qin Minglei looked at the altar, but didn't speak.

The altar was actually made of human bones, more than three meters high, and there was a step to go up, which was full of human bones!Qin Minglei and Li Bin walked up slowly. There was only a stone the size of a human head on the altar.Not at all.

"Where are we?" Qin Minglei asked carefully. "In Yunnan." Li Bin replied suspiciously, and then looked at Qin Minglei inexplicably.

"Do you know about raising little ghosts in Yunnan?" Qin Minglei continued to ask. "Hey, why didn't I know? When they came here, those people always casually mentioned raising little ghosts." Li Bin seemed impatient, Qin Minglei had never had so many questions.

"The last question, do you know what it is?" Qin Minglei's eyes showed terror and fanaticism.

" mean this is..." Li Bin suddenly reacted.That's right, that's exactly the initial state of the raised kid!
"Oh my God, I just don't know why this altar failed. After using so many creatures, it was only summoned to enter the initial state? This may not be a kid, but the ghost king!" Qin Minglei said in horror.

Only now did Li Bin see the seriousness of the matter: "Then...Ming Lei, let's take him immediately and find Ye Zi! Find a way to destroy it, and we can't let him cause harm to the world!"

Qin Minglei didn't speak after hearing this, he took out a small pocket from his clothes and put the ghost stone in it.As soon as it was put in, suddenly, several sharp cries sounded from all around, the cries seemed to be crying, laughing, and frightened.

Qin Minglei and the two immediately looked around and took out a strange-shaped dagger to guard against it.Suddenly, a black-body laughing man less than 3 feet tall ran up from the steps at high speed. In Qin Minglei's heart.

However, Qin Minglei is easy to provoke.He swung the odd-shaped dagger with his backhand and slashed at the little black man's neck without any sound, and even separated the little black man's head from his body!
Slap, the little black man also fell to the ground.But before the two of them had time to relax, the little black man on the ground suddenly stood up, then fumbled with his hands, touched his head which had fallen to the side, then picked it up, pressed the neck, and then unexpectedly With an incomparably sharp hiss, he came towards the two of them again!And his hissing attracted countless little blacks like him!
"It's a brat, it's all brats!" Qin Minglei exclaimed.Then he punched the resurrected kid flying away, and thought about it calmly. Suddenly, he touched the ghost king stone that had just been put into his clothes and exclaimed again: "Li Bin, this ghost king stone was raised by them. !" Li Bin exclaimed immediately after hearing this: "Oh my God, I must take it out."

It turned out that all this was done by those little devils.Those little ghosts didn't know when and what month they started to arrest people everywhere and come to sacrifice to Ghost King Stone!In order to bring their king back to life!If the ghost king is allowed to come back to life, then he will not only cause harm to the human world.

"No, let's go quickly." Qin Minglei said after knocking a flying kid away again.Those little ghosts cannot be killed, because every time they die, their strength will become stronger.

"Let's go..." Li Bin said and went down the steps.Along the way, he knocked away many little ghosts who jumped up and attacked him.However, he had been stabbed many times on his arm, and the multiple pains from the wound healed immediately made him clenched his teeth and his face was covered in sweat!In the past five years, the two have experienced a lot of life and death, and Li Bin has also experienced a lot of pain, from the initial unbearable to the current several times the pain!This is the perseverance gained in life and death!
Soon after, the two came to the water's edge and jumped in immediately.At this time, countless little ghosts followed behind them, shouting "Yeah, yah, yah, yah..." overwhelming.After they saw Qin and Li jumping off, they also jumped down.

In the water, the countless skeletons are still there.At this moment, Qin Minglei and Li Bin felt sorry for them, and were no longer afraid of these skeletons!Because these skeletons are just the remnants of those little ghosts who made altars!Immediately, countless skeletons surrounded the two of them and pushed them forward.Go in one direction.On the other side, a part was separated to block the path of those little devils!

Those little ghosts can swim, and they are very good!After countless little ghosts entered the water, they went straight to the two people who were being pushed by countless skeletons.But the front was blocked by some other skeletons, and they all opened their mouths and shouted.But this is in the water, how could they scream out, not only poured a lot of water, even some little ghosts have slowly floated up, suffocating to death!But not long after, they dived into the water again, heading towards the two at an even faster speed.Those skeletons that blocked them were all torn to pieces!

Those skeletons sent the two of them directly to the exit, and the two of them looked at the sunlight at the exit, and ran towards it with all their strength.Behind him, there were still countless little ghosts, and they had already followed.

The two of them didn't care so much at the moment, they ran with all their might.But their speed was not as fast as that of the little ghosts, and they were almost chased immediately. Several little ghosts jumped up, and the daggers in their hands pointed directly at their vests.

Finally, the two finally bathed in the sun.And the little ghosts who jumped up behind them dissipated as soon as they came into contact with the sun!The dagger in their hands fell to the ground, causing the two of them to look back and feel relieved.

Those little ghosts all gathered at the entrance of the cave, not daring to come out.

"Hahahaha, they can't move during the day. Haha, let's run. Let's talk in the village ahead." Qin Minglei gasped and said excitedly.

So the two didn't dare to stay in Yunnan any longer. As soon as they arrived in the village ahead, they exchanged two flashlights with a family for a carriage, and then immediately headed towards Kunming, the capital of Yunnan.After that, immediately transfer to Chongqing by car, and then arrive in Shaanxi!

A few days later, the two finally came to the Shen mansion exhausted!There was no time to rest, and he continued to take the stone man and ghost king stone towards the night gate.

When Ye Ye saw the two of them, he was very excited, but when he heard Qin Minglei say that the little ghost raised the ghost king, he immediately became excited: "We must get rid of them, otherwise they will also cause harm to the world. Brother Minglei Shitou show me "Qin Minglei took out the ghost king stone, and Ye Ye observed it carefully, when Huang Shang and Ye Xincheng heard that Qin Minglei was back, they immediately went here to check on them.Ye Xincheng immediately exclaimed when he first entered the door: "Ghost King Stone!"

The three of Ye Ye immediately focused their attention on him. Ye Ye doubtfully handed the Ghost King Stone to Ye Xincheng, who held it almost tremblingly: "Ghost, ghost! Don't hang out with people in the world when you are young." , at three o'clock in the afternoon, it will become an adult. But why is it still in the initial state?" Holding the ghost king Shi Yexincheng, he immediately studied it carefully.

"Hello, Father Emperor." Only now did Li Bin and Qin Minglei see the Emperor's Corpse King who had been renamed Huang Shang.The two of them already recognized the emperor corpse king as their godfather, so naturally they shouted respectfully.

"It's good that you are free. I'll go out first. This book is really good." At this time, Huang Shang fell in love with the novel. He stayed in the imperial mausoleum for the longest time, probably thousands of years. Now there are books, Definitely love it!After speaking, he left Ye Ye's room.

When Xincheng saw Huang Shang leave that night, he looked up: "Oh, Master Ye, let me study this first." After speaking, he immediately put the ghost king stone into his clothes, as if Ye Ye would snatch it back, and said Then he ran away.

After the others dispersed, Qin Minglei recounted their experience in the past five years. Except for the top ten forbidden places, they almost ran everywhere.Nine deaths along the way!Even Li Bin's left cheek was unable to recover because of the poisonous poison in the tomb of the Fuxi clan, leaving a scar!
Until he talked about the incident of raising ghosts that he encountered by chance in the underground, Qin Minglei took out the stone man while talking.When Ye Ye saw the stone statue, he thought it was nothing at first, but when he saw the two eyes of the stone man, he suddenly shouted excitedly: "Nuwa Stone!" The two eyeballs were gouged out.Then he took out the water-type Nuwa stones he got from Nuwa's tomb, and put them together, and sure enough, the three can be combined!
Afterwards, Ye Ye took out the candlestick, clamped the red Nuwa stone with an iron clip, and put it on the candlestick. Immediately, the flames of the candlestick shot up to a height of more than three inches, and the whole candlestick burned. Ye clamped down the Nuwa stone, and immediately the candlestick returned to its original state, the candlestick was still a candlestick, and the candle was still a candle!

Qin Minglei and Li Bin were startled by this strange phenomenon, but Ye Ye didn't see their expressions. He picked up another blue Nuwa stone again, thought for a while, put it to his mouth and blew, and suddenly However, Li Bin and Qin Minglei felt a strong wind blowing towards them!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Ye put away the three-carved Nuwa stone, apologized to Qin and Li with an excited face, and then slowly talked about his own guess about the Nuwa stone: "I have a water-type daughter." Washi, remember Nuwa’s tomb? That’s where I picked it up. Ever since I got this Nuwa, I’ve been guessing whether the Nuwa stone is not a round ball, it may be square or other shapes Yes, and the Nuwa stones are composed of five series of Nuwa stones, and then pieced together, they can be called the real Nuwa stones."

"Then you guessed right?" Qin Minglei said.

Ye Ye smiled, and said happily: "Brothers, I really guessed right, and I have to thank you for the surprise, brother Ming Lei, brother Li Bin, you can rest here first, we will start again in a few days .I really can't sit still."

"Hey, Ye Zi, you have grown up now, and you are the head of a sect, not to mention Li Bin's godfather and I are still your subordinates in your sect, if you call us brother again, it will not be so good How about this, you still call him Ming Lei, call him Li Bin, anyway, we have a good relationship, there is no need for any understanding." Qin Minglei said with a smile.

"This... alright. Then you guys go to rest first." Ye Ye is not a procrastination person, after thinking about the whole situation, he agreed.

After Ye Ye agreed, Qin Minglei and Li Bin immediately ran to the bed, collapsed and fell asleep.In the past few days, they were pregnant with heavy treasures and did not dare to take more rest. They were very tired!

After Ye Ye saw it, he smiled and closed the door, and exited the room.

In the middle of the night, a woman's scream suddenly sounded in a small village somewhere in Yunnan. The villagers were all awakened and gathered around to have a look, and then they all dispersed in horror.

What they saw was the group of brats!They screamed and started slaughtering the entire village!

(End of this chapter)

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