white snake evolution

Chapter 274 Metal Control

Chapter 274 Metal Control
After Bai Feixue swallowed some of the many weapons made of rare divine gold.

The brand-new fusion characteristic evolved from the super-evolution of the swallowing financial body, its main ability metal strengthening, began to play a role on its own. At this moment, her stomach pouch seemed to evolve into a melting pot.

Smelt and decompose those many divine gold weapons, and return to the source.

Then it absorbs and fuses into every snake-shaped origin mother gold rule cell, and begins to strengthen her cell-level flesh, muscles, bones and marrow in all directions without dead ends. Although this strengthening range is very weak, it is even easy to be ignored, thinking that there is no strengthening. .

But at this time, Bai Feixue was in the middle of the experiment, and her spirit and will were highly concentrated, so she was naturally keenly aware of this extremely weak strengthening change.

"Swallow any kind of metal, smelt its original essence, and in turn strengthen all the microstructures of my own body." Sensing the slight changes in her body, Bai Feixue said thoughtfully, "This is the metal strengthening method. The actual effect of the main ability."

"Then, next, let's try the actual effect of metal activating this secondary ability."

After making a decision in my heart.

Bai Feixue didn't hesitate anymore, she lowered her head and looked down at the platform below, her eyes fixed on the remaining metal weapons, suddenly, two gray rays of light shot out from her eyes.

As swift and bright as lightning, it flashed away in the air.

In an instant, he fell into the remaining metal weapons placed on the platform.

"Zi la la...!"

In an instant, the gray rays of light exploded, turning into dazzling silver arcs that jumped and rose, meandering and swimming, as nimble as a living thing.

Just wandering among these metal weapons so quickly.

"Crack, click...!"

next moment!
Something that surprised Bai Feixue happened.

All these metal weapons stained with bright silver arcs really have their own life and wisdom.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of metal mechanical collisions, and all the metal weapons burst into changes and reorganizations that dazzled her.

But in the blink of an eye.

Those metal weapons that were originally like dead objects were deformed and reorganized into metal mechanical life forms one after another, large or small, with different shapes.

"Number [-], pay my respects to the ancestor of the mechanical goddess!" Suddenly, a metal mechanical life form that looked like a petite girl knelt down in front of Bai Feixue and yelled tenderly.

Those pair of gleaming crimson metal mechanical eyes were filled with incomparably pure fanaticism and excitement.

Other metal mechanical life forms saw this.

Likewise, all of them knelt down, looking at the expression of Bai Feixue suspended in mid-air, in awe and admiration, so excited that they couldn't control themselves.

It's like seeing the only one in my life.

"Huh? Ancestor Mechanic Goddess?" Bai Feixue was a little confused when she heard this small metal mechanical life form less than [-] centimeters tall call herself so.

She lowered her head and looked down at this small and exquisite metal girl, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in her mind.

Suddenly, my heart moved, and I stared carefully.

The more she observed, the more she felt a little similar, as if she had seen similar scenes somewhere.

I couldn't help but muttered to myself: "These metal mechanical life forms, why do I feel a bit like the Transformers in a mortal movie?"

"But it feels much stronger than those Transformers!"

"Am I super-evolving my body into a metal mechanical fire source? It turns out that this is the actual ability of metal activation!"

Speculation experiment here.

Bai Feixue couldn't laugh or cry in her heart. Inexplicably, she became the only ancestor of a new metal machine race with great potential.

She glanced at the illusory interface of her rule system talent, and noticed that the name of truth with fusion characteristics has changed from the original swallowing financial body to the current metal control.

"Okay, you all get up first." Bai Feixue said out loud.

Many metal mechanical life forms with different shapes heard the news, and first saluted Bai Feixue respectfully: "Thank you, the ancestor goddess of machinery!"

After the ceremony.

Only then did they stand up, quietly standing on the ground, looking up at Bai Feixue floating in mid-air frantically and excitedly.

"The rare divine gold has been activated and transformed into a brand new metal mechanical life form." Bai Feixue stretched her neck, lowered her head slightly, and looked down at the petite metal mechanical beauty who claimed to be No. [-] who spoke first. girl.

After pondering for a while, she suddenly said: "If that's the case, then, the title of your race will be the Mechanical Protoss."

This statement came out.

Many newly born metal mechanical life forms suddenly became extremely excited, and couldn't help cheering loudly.

"Mechanical Protoss, we are Mechanical Protoss!"

"We have a race, and a brand new race is born...!"

"Thank you for the name given by the ancestor mechanical goddess!"

"One day in the future, the supreme glory and prestige of our Mechanical Protoss will surely illuminate all the heavens, all realms and all planes, and let countless beings remember our name."

"Today, the Ancestral Mechanic Goddess bestowed us with life and wisdom, allowing us to be born in this world. In the future, we will fight for the Ancestral Mechanic Goddess...!"

"Fight to protect the goddess!"


"Okay, calm down." Bai Feixue ordered softly, suspended in mid-air.

All the metal mechanical life forms immediately quieted down after hearing the words, and there was no more noise.

Standing obediently on the ground like this, she looked up at Bai Feixue, the ancestor goddess of machinery, who was suspended in mid-air.

Seeing this situation, Bai Feixue nodded secretly, and suddenly ordered: "Number [-], you will be called Shenqiuyue from now on, and No. [-], you will be called Shenmengyun from now on, and the other mechanical protoss Members, who also use God as their surname, can each name themselves."

"Thank you, the ancestor of the Mechanic Goddess!" All the first-generation members of the mechanical gods standing on the ground suddenly knelt down excitedly and shouted loudly and in unison.

Among them, Shen Qiuyue, a beautiful girl whose body looks like a miniature, and Shen Mengyun, who looks like a shadow tiger and leopard, are the most excited and happy.

"I have a name, my name is Shen Qiuyue, wow ha ha ha...!"

"Shenmengyun will surely become the sharpest and most terrifying butcher knife under the seat of the Ancestral Mechanic Goddess, and she will use her life to defend the majesty of the Ancestor Mechanic Goddess."

Bai Feixue also narrowed her eyes slightly, feeling a little happy in her heart, and whispered to herself: "I have my own loyal power again, and the potential is not weak. Let the Sheng clan compete against each other."

Imagine the future, there are infinite reverie.

She slightly lowered her huge and terrifying head, stared at Shen Qiuyue, who was less than [-] centimeters tall, and ordered out of curiosity, "Qiuyue, come, show all your current abilities, and let my ancestor take a look."

"Okay, I invite the Ancestral Mechanic Goddess to watch." The petite Shen Qiuyue saluted Bai Feixue respectfully and enthusiastically.

Then, she stood up, her frantic eyes turned cold.

The miniature and exquisite body of less than thirty centimeters suddenly burst out an extremely pure sword intent of destruction, forming a sword intent field around her.

It seems to be able to cut through the sky and the universe, and slaughter countless creatures.

The slender right hand was raised slightly, and the metal in the palm of the hand flowed like liquid.

(End of this chapter)

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