white snake evolution

Chapter 601 8 Swords Return 1

Chapter 601
Seeing Bai Feixue, Shenyue Mengli, and Bai Meisheng drunk at this time, Wang Shu murmured softly: "This is the Yuegui Immortal Wine that can even make Daluo Jinxian drunk. The three of you will be drunk in the next paragraph." During the time, you can have a good sleep."

She was speaking.

While gently waving his hand, he poured all the remaining Yuegui Immortal Wine in the three wine glasses into the mouths of Bai Feixue, Shenyue Mengli and Bai Meisheng without leaking a single bit.

"This kind of good thing can't be wasted by you unintentionally."

Immediately afterwards, Wang Shusu raised her hands lightly, and patted Bai Feixue, Shenyue Mengli, and Bai Meisheng respectively, returning the three of them to their original time and space nodes, exactly as if they had never experienced such a thing before. .

And in the process of returning.

After being drunk by the three of them, the Yuegui Immortal Wine in their stomachs has already been digested and absorbed, and the three of them have strengthened their respective life sources, so that they can easily transform their life sources in the next period of time sublimation.

This kind of powerful assistance can be said to have enhanced the chances of the three of them breaking through and advancing in the next cultivation realm to a certain extent.

And there will be no hidden dangers.

Do these things.

Wang Shu sat on the chair alone, poured himself a drink, with an indifferent expression.

The empty and majestic Taiyin Shrine gradually regained its dusty and desolate appearance, as if it had gone through the vicissitudes of the ages and had been baptized for a long time, a desolate and ancient charm emerged spontaneously here.

"The use value of some chess pieces is almost the same, and they can be destroyed." Wang Shu opened his red lips lightly, sipping the laurel wine in the wine glass, and at the same time opened his snow-white right hand slightly, on which various All kinds of mysterious silk threads and the figures of many creatures.

Her eyes turned, and she looked at the female barbarian Lingyue.

The vivid and beautiful figure in the center of the palm disappeared, like a false phantom of bubbles, no longer existed.

at the same time.

Lingyue, the female barbarian who lived in the same time stage and space dimension as Bai Feixue, also collapsed into bits and pieces of shimmering light, flying all over the sky, and finally completely annihilated into nothingness.

The fall is inconspicuous and plain.

As Wang Shu's eyes turned again, five slender and white jade fingers flicked slightly.

Sai Liyue, Mo Luotian, Bacchus, and many other biological mothers and younger siblings of Bai Feixue's first life, all completely escaped from the puppet control of the evil spirit black mist, and regained their freedom.

And through the erosion experience of the evil spirit black mist.

Their cultivation aptitudes have also become extraordinary, and they have retained the law-level god-level cultivation that was quickly transformed after being eroded by the black mist of evil spirits. They each live in different areas within the original fairyland.

However, the memory information about Bai Feixue in their minds has completely faded and finally disappeared completely.

It was as if there had never been such a sister and daughter.

"Your destiny is not strong enough, but you can't bear the terrible influence of Bai Feixue's real name. If you really want to continue to remember her, you will only fall completely in the future, and you will die right away. Dao disappears, but does not get any benefits."

"Unless you have practiced to at least the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, you can recover this lost memory information."

Wang Shu muttered to himself, with a calm and indifferent expression on his face.

After taking care of these insignificant things, her eyes turned to Master Frost and Ruan Xingfeng. The five snow-white slender fingers swayed slightly, manipulating the mysterious threads such as Qi Luck Line, Karma Line, Fate Line and Time Line.

Control and reverse the actions of Frost Master and Ruan Xingfeng.

Do all these things.

Wang Shu waved his hand and put away the jug, wine glass, table and chairs, turned around and returned to the altar of innate gossip at the top of the Taiyin Temple, and re-formed into a beautiful statue carved from laurel wood.

The many subtle expressions on the statue can be said to be vivid, as if the real god stands here.



And in the space-time node where Bai Feixue was suppressed and sealed by Frost Master.

30 days later.

The Master of Frost sat cross-legged in his private retreat and practice room alone, holding a simple and unadorned long sword in both hands, with a serious and respectful expression on his face, as if he was facing some terrifying existence.

"It's been a full 30 days of comprehension. After such a long time, I still haven't been able to see through the slightest trace of information about Da Luo's detached person. It's really too difficult!" Master Frost sighed secretly in his heart.

She began to doubt her own talent and understanding, whether she could not support herself to touch the innate level limit of comprehending Daluo Jinxian.

Just when Frost Master was thinking and enlightening silently.

The Kunwu Divine Sword Shocking Salamander, which was quietly displayed between her hands, suddenly flickered slightly, and then disappeared out of thin air, so that the Master of Frost, who was close by Chi Chi, did not sense the slightest abnormality.

"What the hell happened here? Why did the Great Luo Immortal Sword suddenly disappear?" Seeing this situation, Master Frost was horrified, and stood up abruptly, feeling a little panicked.

I couldn't help thinking about it in my mind.

"Could it be that the spirit of this Great Luo Immortal Sword was revived, and he didn't want me to touch Shenwu, so he chose to leave? Or... Kunwu, the innate demon god of the demon clan, revived and called back his own soul. Accompanying Daluo treasure?"

"Or maybe other Da Luo detached people sensed the existence of this Da Luo Immortal Sword and snatched it away?"

Just for a short while.

All kinds of scary guesses emerged in Frost Master's mind, and the delicate and pretty face was constantly changing.

But no matter what kind of conjecture it is, she is not qualified to intervene in such a small domination realm practitioner. At this moment, she is still alive, and she is already extremely lucky.

She didn't dare to ask for too much.

Being in a high position, the more you know, the more you understand your own weakness and humbleness.

The basic gap between the Dominator Realm and the weakest Da Luo's detached Da Luo Jinxian was so huge that she couldn't believe it. She took any ability beyond the ordinary Dominant Realm for granted.

"Forget it, let's just give up on this matter, you can't force it." Master Frost sighed silently, then restrained his breath again, bowed respectfully, and kowtowed towards the void in front of him.

"Thank you Bingling for the gift from the Transcendence, and spare Bingling's life."

She had a respectful demeanor and a humble tone, even though she never knew who the other party was from the beginning to the end.

Perhaps being able to survive was already the best result for her.



at the same time.

In the southeast of Pangu supercontinent in the original fairy world, in a certain dark dead place.

A Nine Nether Spider with a body length of hundreds of feet is quietly crouching on a pile of broken bones of gods and demons, using its special bloodline talent to control the dead, devouring and absorbing the Dao contained in these broken bones of gods and demons Fragments of rule order.

Use this to strengthen all of yourself and achieve the effect of quickly improving your cultivation.

At this time, the terrifying aura circulating in this Nine Netherworld Spider has suddenly reached the level of a god and demon comparable to an immortal golden fairy. The eight dark and shiny eyeballs are like eight black holes in the universe, black and evil. And scary.

Daoist dark laws of divine light lingered around Ruan Xingfeng's divine body, like ribbons, like halos, extremely extraordinary.

(End of this chapter)

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