Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 104 The Yellow Turban Plot

Chapter 104 The Yellow Turban Plot
"Drip, Emperor Ling of Han is incompetent, the government is corrupt and incompetent, the aristocratic family is rampant, the people are in dire straits, Zhang Jiao of the Taiping Road rises up, the first large-scale plot mission, the Yellow Turban Rebellion officially begins."

Three consecutive regional system announcements woke up Lu Chen who was in deep thought.

When Lu Chen heard the announcement, he was not surprised. After all, he had seen Zhang Jiao's dragon slaying battle before, so he was mentally prepared for the opening of the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

Opening the forum, Lu Chen thought to himself, sure enough.

Because at this time there is a post on the top of the forum.

"Yellow Turban Rebellion"

The post is golden yellow, and there is an official logo in the upper left corner. Obviously, this is a post from the system.

It's the same as Lu Chen's previous life, but I just don't know if the content is different.

Open the post.

"Yellow Turban Rebellion

Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty is incompetent, the government is corrupt and incompetent, the people of the aristocratic family are in dire straits, Zhang Jiao rises up in the Taiping Road, the first large-scale plot mission, the Yellow Turban Rebellion officially begins.

The first large-scale plot mission in Huaxia District.

Task camp: Dahan camp, Yellow Turban camp
Task rules:

[-]. Choose the camp, choose the Dahan camp or the Yellow Turban camp, you must choose within three days, and the default will be the Dahan camp when the timeout expires.

After the lord player chooses the camp, the people in the territory will automatically be in the same camp as the lord, and the possibility of defection cannot be ruled out.

Adventurer players can choose freely, but please choose carefully, if it is different from the territory camp, the possibility of being killed cannot be ruled out.

The selected faction cannot be changed. If you betray the faction, it will default to your own faction, and the possibility of being encircled and suppressed cannot be ruled out.

[-]. During the story mission, kill the combatants of the enemy camp and occupy or destroy the enemy territory, and you can get corresponding points according to the level.

You can get 1 point for killing a Tier [-] soldier.

You can get 1×3 points for killing the second-tier soldiers.

You can get 1×3×3 points for killing third-tier soldiers.

You can get 1×3×3×3 points for killing Tier [-] soldiers.

You can get 1×3∧8 points for killing ninth-level soldiers.

Killing low-level special soldiers can get twice the points of ordinary soldiers of the same level.

Killing middle-level special soldiers can get four times the points of ordinary soldiers of the same level.

Killing high-level special soldiers can get eight times the points of ordinary soldiers of the same rank.

Killing the top special arms can get sixteen times the points of ordinary soldiers of the same level.

The points of low-level military generals are ten times that of the sixth-tier ordinary troops.

The points of mid-level military generals are ten times the points of seventh-tier ordinary arms.

And so on.

The points of the king-level generals are a hundred times that of the ninth-level generals.

Each level increases tenfold.

One thousand points can be obtained for destroying a village at the first level, two thousand points can be obtained for the second level of the village, and the level increase within the same level is doubled.

Destroying a town level can earn [-] points, and the increase between ranks will increase tenfold.

Occupy a territory and stick to it for a week, you can get ten times the points for destroying the territory.

[-]. During the Yellow Turban Rebellion, you can get twice the usual experience by killing the combat power of the enemy camp.

[-]. During the Yellow Turban Rebellion, you can spend points in the military camp to revive your own dead soldiers. You can revive ordinary generals, but historical figures cannot be revived.

[-]. During the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the points obtained by killing the combatants of the same camp will be deducted and obtained by killing the combatants of the opposing camp, except for special circumstances.

[-]. If a player is killed more than three times within a month, the player who is killed for the fourth time will get half of the player's points. The player who is killed for the fifth time will lose all points, and the player who is killed will get all the player's experience .After the sixth kill, the player can choose to leave the faction and form a faction of his own, or quit the campaign, and cannot enter the game during the campaign.

[-]. After the Yellow Turban Rebellion is over, the ranking will be divided into camps. Players of the winning camp will get half of the points of the same ranking players of the defeated camp, and then calculate the overall ranking, and the top ten will get special rewards.

[-]. After the Yellow Turban Rebellion is over, open the points mall, where points can be exchanged for items.

The wheels of history are rolling, you are waiting for the car or just passing by, are you ready? "

Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief after reading the old lady's foot wrap, which was smelly and long.

What is relaxed is that the rules have not changed from the previous life, what is relaxed is that the wind blown by his wings is not too strong, and what is relaxed is that his foresight will not fail for the time being.

After reading the rules, Lu Chen immediately went to the barracks.

What is fought in the battle formation is the logistics, and what is consumed is human life.

My Zhiqin leader is all NPC troops, there is not even a single player, let alone a player army. Players can be resurrected. There is no price for the first three times. Instead, one of my NPC troops dies one less. Fortunately, they can be resurrected, but I hope Resurrection conditions have not changed.

Lu Chen came to the barracks, waved Li Jindao to stand aside, entered the innermost part of the barracks, opened the page of the barracks, and sure enough, there was a resurrection option.

Click on the resurrection, and there are two categories in it, soldiers and generals.

Lu Chen took a look and found that it was indeed the same as the previous life, which made him feel relieved and at the same time feel heart-wrenching pain.

Because the system is as black as the previous life, black people feel pain.

As explained above, resurrecting a soldier is three times the points of killing a soldier of the same level, that is to say, you need to kill three enemies of the same level before you can resurrect a soldier of your own.

In other words, one's own battle results must be three times higher than the casualties in order to barely equalize in points.

In other words, it is the points obtained for killing a higher-level soldier.

Looking at generals, it was ten times more direct, which made Lu Chen, who already knew it, a little off guard.

The good thing is that special arms enjoy the same treatment as ordinary arms at this time, and they only need to kill three special arms of the same rank.

It can be said that if you want to use the resurrection function to consume the enemy, you can already eliminate this idea.

What Lu Chen was looking at, he knew what it was like before he came here, and he just watched it again to confirm, after all, this is only the first large-scale plot mission, after six years, it is good for Lu Chen to have an impression, but there is no such thing as a back-to-back Of course, you have to read it again and compare it with what you remember.

Walking out of the barracks, he waved away Li Jindao and others who were following behind him.

Lu Chen was walking alone on the road to Qin Town. After the official road was built, some people with good eyesight bought some horse-drawn carts and traveled between towns and cities. They could get on the carts for a certain fee.

In fact, it is a post station, or the ancient version of the bus.

Therefore, under such circumstances, as the main city of the Qin Dynasty, it has extremely important political significance, and it is naturally much more prosperous than before.

There are also a lot more people. Recently, Lu Chen rarely shows up. Most of the newcomers don't know him, so now Lu Chen can walk comfortably on the street.

Looking at the territory that I have built with my own hands, I can't help but feel a little bit emotional. Although it is not as good as my own royal city in the previous life, it is completely controlled by me and built by myself. It feels different.

(End of this chapter)

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