Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 116 3 Pieces of Cake

Chapter 116 Three Cakes
Silent all night.

Lu Chen slowly finished his work, washed up under the service of the maid, and walked out of his other courtyard after having breakfast.

It was late now, the sun was high, about eight o'clock in the morning.

For Lu Chen, this was the time to go to work, but for the ancient working people, it was time to get up and work before dawn.

So now the port is also busy. There are fishing boats returning from fishing, and fishmongers collecting fish on the spot. People come and go, so it is very lively.

At this time, no one dared to go in the nearby military port. They could only marvel at the huge warships. At the same time, they had confidence and pride in the territory, that is, a sense of honor in the territory.

Even Lu Chen couldn't help but be amazed when he saw it.

In the port, fifty Zhenhai transport ships are neatly arranged on the sea, like fifty small islands, giving people a visual sense of oppression.

And every Zhenhai transport ship has a Pinghai battleship standing behind, around, guarding it, and each frigate is attached to these five small Pinghai reconnaissance ships.

It can be said that every Zhenhai transport ship is a complete combat unit.

Using the transport ship as the mother ship, carrying supplies, and cooperating with the Pinghai warship and the Pinghai reconnaissance ship, it can go out alone for long-distance combat missions.

It's a pity that Lu Chen didn't have the blueprints for making crossbow arrows and catapults, neither of these two things.

The Zhenhai warship and Pinghai warship are like tigers without minions. Although they have this deterrent power, they don't have enough combat power. They can only fight with their speed and size advantages.

However, Lu Chen is not in a hurry, because as far as Lu Chen knows, the Yellow Turban Army has a large number of siege equipment, including but not limited to siege vehicles, catapults, and arrow towers.

So what is certain is that there are a large number of ordnance masters in the Yellow Turban Army, and they gather together to have a large ordnance manufacturing area, otherwise it would be impossible to produce so many siege equipment.

Now that the Yellow Turban Army exists, then Lu Chen will not panic. If it exists, Lu Chen can snatch it. It's not like Lu Chen doesn't know where the Yellow Turban Army's lair is.

In fact, this is one of the biggest cakes of the Yellow Turban Rebellion that Lu Chen said.

There are three main cakes in the plot of the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

First, military exploits. In this Yellow Turban Rebellion, by killing the Yellow Turban Army and regaining the lost ground, a lot of military exploits can be obtained.

This military achievement is not only equivalent to points, but also a proof of receiving rewards at the end of the story. The fastest way to increase ranks and ranks is to fight.

Second, population, if you want to say what Lu Chen lacks the most, needless to say, population, although the two refugee camps in the territory are operating at high speed every day, they can't increase the population by much.

The so-called horses are not fat without night grass, and people are not rich without windfalls. How can such a step-by-step population be quick to grab.

But if you usually dare to rob, then wait to be wanted, and then be besieged.

But it is different now, it is the Yellow Turban Rebellion, and most of the Yellow Turban Army are just ordinary people who were coerced into it.

As long as you defeat the Yellow Turban Army and then use food to lure them, that is a real population, and no matter how much you rob, as long as you are not too arrogant, no one will find fault with you, but someone will reward you.

You know, turning the Yellow Turban Army back into peasants can be regarded as eliminating the Yellow Turban Army. How could such a good opportunity not be used well.

This is the second piece of cake, the opportunity for Lu Chen to increase the number of people crazily.

Thirdly, talents. Zhang Jiao has been preparing for a rebellion for more than ten years. In order to rebel, he needs to consider all aspects, but the most important thing is the issue of siege.

Because if you can't even take down a city, then you are talking about rebellion, it's just a joke, you might as well go home and farm.

Therefore, Zhang Jiao will definitely develop siege equipment from various aspects, perhaps secretly buying ready-made ones, but most of them still go to find, train, and grab equipment masters.

After all, the matter is very important, and it is impossible to rely solely on buying, because if you rebel, all these channels will be cut off.

Because in peacetime, that’s all. If you secretly take some ordnance and sell it, as long as you use the money to manage it up and down, it’s not a problem. After all, officials can buy it, so why can’t the ordnance?It's also generating income.

But in the war years, absolutely no one had the audacity to sell ordnance to the enemy, and then let the enemy use these ordnance to attack themselves. This is impossible, so Zhang Jiao definitely collected a large number of talents.

And there is a high possibility that it is in the old lair of the Yellow Turban Army, providing the Yellow Turban Army with ordnance, weapons and equipment, siege equipment and the like.

This is the third piece of cake, an opportunity for Lu Chen to increase his territorial background and crazily increase his hematopoietic ability.

It's just that what makes Lu Chen more depressed is that the Yellow Turban Army's lair is not at sea, nor in large waters, but in Yizhou.

It is estimated that Zhang Jiao had taken a fancy to the complex and changeable terrain of Yizhou, which made it easier to hide. After all, the entire military equipment manufacturing area cannot be too small, and it is not easy to hide in ordinary places, but in the mountains of Yizhou, no matter where it is Not easy to find.

Furthermore, Yizhou is rich in resources, which can greatly reduce the pressure on resources for making equipment.

Coupled with the fact that it is easy to hide, has abundant resources, and is within the sphere of influence of the Yellow Turban Army, then Yizhou is of course chosen.

In fact, this is also a retreat set up by Zhang Jiao. After all, no one knows whether the uprising can succeed. It's Zhang Jiao's age, and he will definitely leave a way out for himself.

However, Yizhou is vulnerable to attack, and it is also a land of abundance. It has all kinds of resources and food, so it is naturally Zhang Jiao's first choice.

Lu Chen could understand all of this, and after knowing that Zhang Jiao's lair was in Yizhou, he could easily guess what he was thinking.

But Zhang Jiao accidentally avoided a trouble, and that was Lu Chen's powerful navy.

If his old nest was by the water, Lu Chen would not have worked so hard to plan, and even get a share of the pie, copying his hometown for you every minute.

However, Lu Chen wasn't thinking about these things. He took back his thoughts and stopped being a good boy, otherwise he would be beaten.

Lu Chen shook his head and continued to walk towards the military port.

There, based on the iron-blooded battle flag condensed by the Xuanjia Army, it was made by a special tailor, and the flag representing the Qin Dynasty was fluttering in the wind on the mast, making a grinning sound.

There, [-] combat units and [-] black dragon riders are ready to go out at any time, waiting for Lu Chen's arrival.

Proclaim the prestige of the Black Flood Dragon Knight in this world.

(End of this chapter)

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