Chapter 123 Plan Failed
After the leader was shot with an arrow, the next thing was relatively simple.

Let Wang Ermazi identify one by one who are the confidants of the commander and those who have been oppressed.

Identifying them one by one, of course, is not just listening to Wang Ermazi's words, but many people identify them one by one without communicating with each other.

Then in correspondence with each other, those who are considered by many people as confidantes, would rather kill the wrong than let them go.

Under such circumstances, hundreds of people were directly killed.

Under such circumstances, Long Chen is not over yet.

The transport team consisted of 1 people, and after Long Chen killed hundreds, there were still more than 9000 people.

Long Chen was worried that something might go wrong, so he picked out [-] people who looked more honest, and escorted the rest back.

Then it was changing clothes, directly took off the clothes of the Yellow Turban Army, then took off his own clothes, put on the clothes of the Yellow Turban Army, and wore a yellow scarf on his head.

Then touch the dust on the face, and the two players cooperate with a yellow turban army to pull a car.

In an instant, as if nothing happened, a convoy from the bottom of the mountain transported supplies to the cottage. It seemed that there was no difference from before.

And Long Chen stood on the road, watching the convoy leave, and then led fifty thousand troops to clean up the battlefield, cover up the blood, and throw the corpses into the wilderness.

Then, it is to take the army back and return to the place where it was stationed before.

It is worth mentioning that Zhang Liao, who was still by Long Chen's side before, disappeared at some point, and Long Chen didn't seem surprised.

At this time, the outskirts of the Yellow Turban cottage.

Lu Chen secretly watched with a few people here.

This is to see if Long Chen's actions are going well.

Just now, Lu Chen has received the news that Long Chen has successfully changed the world.

It can be said that if this step is successful, it is actually equivalent to half of the success. After all, the Yellow Turban bandit seems to be really lax.

Probably because there has been no war here for a long time, no enemies, no problems, and then the vigilance has become very low.

However, Lu Chen came to see it in person, just to be on the safe side, something depends on people, and it depends on God.

No matter how good your plan is, it may fail. What if, maybe there is no one in a million, but you are unlucky and you meet?

So Lu Chen is also keeping a backup here. After all, Zhang Liao also went in together. Although Zhang Liao is as high as the king, even with the addition of the title of a senior historical figure, he can leapfrog the battle.

It is also an invincible existence in the Yellow Turban cottage, even the guard Ma Xiang is not Zhang Liao's all-in-one enemy.

But a good man can't hold back a crowd, two fists can't match four hands, after all there are a full 10 people in it, no matter how powerful Zhang Liao is, but a man has strength when he is poor.

That is a dead end in the siege.

So Lu Chen is here to prevent accidents, after all Zhang Liao cannot be lost.

Moreover, at this moment, the 25 army is ready to attack.

Especially the Black Flood Dragon Rider brought by Lu Chen came down to the valley, ready to charge at any time.

Forcibly rushed to the cottage to rescue Zhang Liao.

At this time, the transportation team had already arrived in front of the cottage and stopped there, as if to say something.

But it was too far away, Lu Chen couldn't hear it.

But at this time, Lu Chen's nerves became tense, as long as there was a slight movement at the gate of the cottage, he would order an attack.

However, what happened next made Lu Chen heave a sigh of relief. It turned out that the gate of the village had been opened, and the Yellow Turbans' food delivery pair entered the village in an orderly manner.

Seeing this, Lu Chen heaved a sigh of relief, but was worried. After all, outside, with Zhang Liao's force, even if he was discovered, Zhang Liao didn't need to be rescued. He could easily run back by himself.

But once you enter, it is equivalent to going deep into the tiger's den, and you are already surrounded by an army of [-].

Just when Lu Chen thought the plan was successful, there was a sudden chaos in the cottage. Lu Chen was startled and took a closer look.

The fight has already started, just at the gate of the village.

I don't know what's going on, but just halfway in, they were already exposed.

For some reason, Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

"Everyone, the original plan has failed, so follow the emergency plan."

"it is good."

The so-called contingency plan is a backup plan, that is, a spare tire.

Because just after the plan was confirmed, everyone was ready for the plan to fail.

And according to various situations, different stages of failure, each with a corresponding contingency plan.

And the one enabled now is actually one of the best situations.

After all, how could it be so easy to enter the Yellow Turban cottage? After all, it is one of the old lairs of the Yellow Turban Army. It is impossible to be so lax and easy to enter.

Therefore, everyone's expectations for this plan are not very high, even if it is Long Chen who implements the plan and the nine masters.
Sure enough, although the vigilance was already very low, it still failed.

But it is already considered half of the success, after all, the door of the Yellow Turban cottage has been successfully opened.

According to the original plan, Zhang Liao would lead [-] players to guard the gate of the village, waiting for the main force to arrive.

Then Lu Chen led [-] black flood dragon riders into the camp to protect the craftsmen.

Together with the player army, we will wipe out the [-] Yellow Turban Army.

Spare tire, oh no, the backup plan went very smoothly. Zhang Liao led [-] players and easily defended the gate of the village. Although there were many Yellow Turban soldiers, they couldn't break through Zhang Liao's defense line in a short time.

At this moment, a black torrent swept over.

The black torrent was in the shape of an arrow, and the tip of the arrow was Lu Chen who was riding a little dragon and holding a Fangtian painted halberd in his hand.

The speed of the Jiaolong horse is getting faster and faster, the head of the Jiaolong horse is drooping, and the Jiaolong horn exudes a cold light, facing the front.

Just like two lances, coupled with the lance in the hands of the armored man on horseback, it is majestic.

The fighting power of the Black Flood Dragon Knight did not disappoint Lu Chen either.

At the gate of the village, the horns of Jiaolongma easily penetrated the bodies of several Yellow Turban soldiers.

Pierce, penetrate, collide, and smash into pieces.

In addition, this is in Yizhou, and there are no defensive measures against cavalry, not even a single antler.

But the Yellow Turban Army couldn't resist the charge of the Black Flood Dragon Knight.

He could only let Lu Chen lead an army of [-] to charge in through the open gate.

Then follow the avenue until you find the area around the workshop.

Fortunately, the place hasn't been damaged yet, and they don't have time to deal with these craftsmen, or they don't think it's necessary to kill these craftsmen for the time being.

After confirming that there was no problem with the craftsmen, Lu Chen did not stop the army.

The greatest weapon of the cavalry is the power brought by the charge, so the cavalry cannot stop. Once they stop, their combat effectiveness may not be as good as that of the infantry.

Simply this workshop area is surrounded by a square open space, presumably to prevent someone from secretly murdering the craftsmen, and also to seal off the escape of the craftsmen.

But this time is convenient for Lu Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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