Chapter 145 Chapter 140
Under the arrangement of Xi Zhicai, the infiltrating Yellow Turban Army kept shouting when they were escaping, "I want to run east, hurry up, I want to run east."

When the fire was on fire, when the enemy was attacking, when I was confused and at a loss, I suddenly heard many people say, run to the east, run to the east, and then run to the east involuntarily up.

Perhaps in the early stage, there were not many running east, only a small group, but this was the only large number of Yellow Turbans running in one direction.

As the old saying goes, people say what others say.

One day, a man had a nosebleed. In order to prevent the nosebleed from continuing, the man had to look up at the sky. Naturally, he couldn't continue walking when he looked up, so he had to stand where he was.

But at this time, a passerby came over and saw someone looking at the sky. He wondered if there was something in the sky, so he also looked at the sky.

One after another, one after another, finally, the person with the nosebleed was healed, and asked the person next to him why he was looking at the sky?Is there something on it?

Isn't this what you are looking at?
I just have a nosebleed.

Although this is overdone and a bit exaggerated, it can also explain a problem, that is, most people follow what others say, but it is more or less that’s all.

Under such circumstances, the rupee noticed that many people were running towards the east, and thought to themselves, why did they run that way?Is there a way out there?There is no fire over there?Still no enemies there.

No matter, just run along, there are so many people, there will be no mistakes.

The ingenuity of this technology plays Zhicai, taking advantage of people's herd mentality, and easily playing with millions of troops like puppets.

And the Zhenhai transport ships to Qin Ling stretched for hundreds of miles. There were dozens of pots in front of each Zhenhai transport ship, and white rice was boiled in the pots, and the leaves of these vegetables were also dotted in the pots, which was even more tempting. People exude the fragrance of food.

It can be said that as long as the Yellow Turban soldiers running in this direction can see this giant ship in Zhenhai, it is logical that they can also smell the aroma of food floating over, and naturally, they can also see the steaming big white rice.

Of course, although most of these Yellow Turbans are peasants.

But after joining the Yellow Turban Army, he acted recklessly, burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of crimes. Perhaps he was oppressed before, so he finally found a chance to vent and broke out completely.

The human character is greatly distorted, from cowardice to madness.

Trying to gather manpower to attack the Qin army, they were about to grab a ship and run away, but they saw that there was food being moved from the ship all the time.

They are not satisfied with this point, even, they are already thinking, after grabbing the ship, carrying food, find a deserted island to live the life of the emperor.

However, they were blinded by their interests, not to mention the gap between them and the Zhiqin army, just because they just ran out of the battlefield.


Looking at their equipment.

To escape, unarmed, or just a knife, a gun, and no armor.

First, the equipment is not complete, and the entire army is not equipped.

Second, in order to facilitate escape, I lost it.

I don't know who gave them the courage, the number?

It is also possible that they assembled a total of 5 people, while there were only 200 people in front of each ship.

Although they are well-equipped and in full condition, in their view, 5 people can drown them with just one mouthful of saliva.

In fact, they are right, 200 people are indeed not their opponents.

5 people, as long as they keep attacking and charging, one by one, it only takes a little time to grind them all to death.

At this time, other Yellow Turbans also began to wait and see, and these 5 people were just a test of water. If the [-] Yellow Turbans succeeded, then maybe they had to change their attitude.

At the beginning, it was indeed similar to what the Yellow Turban Army thought. Even if the [-] Yellow Turban Army was not equipped enough or even had none, even if the soldiers were not very powerful, they were at the first, second, and third levels.

But quantitative changes can lead to qualitative changes, and 5 people are enough to cause qualitative changes.

Therefore, in the eyes of everyone, the two hundred well-matched Zhiqin army is like a small boat, ups and downs in the huge waves formed by the yellow scarf army, protecting the pot behind it, and it is already the leader of the fire.

In front of the crowd, although the Qin army was powerful, they killed many Yellow Turbans when resisting, did not cause a single casualty, and did not take a step back, but in front of so many Yellow Turbans, it is only a matter of time before they are destroyed.

Under such circumstances, many Yellow Turban soldiers in the queue secretly looked at each other, feeling eager to try.

But at this moment, some people with keen senses suddenly felt a slight vibration, which was so weak that it was difficult to detect it, just when he thought it was an illusion.

Strips of dust and smoke flew into the air, entering the Yellow Turban Army's cause, and below it was the menacing [-] Black Flood Dragon Riders who were in charge of this area.

Under the shocked eyes of the Yellow Turban Army, the cavalry on the weird horses rushed directly into the troublesome army formations, and it didn't take long before they rushed out again.

Then turn back and charge again.

These people who were directly killed were crying for their fathers and mothers, and they regretted it for a while.

As soon as he regretted it, he surrendered, put down his weapon, and raised his hand. However, the Yellow Turban Army was stabbed to pieces by a gun in that flattering expression. meaning.

It seems to be asking, why did you kill me? Didn't I already surrender?Go away with this incomprehensible death.

This point can answer him.

It’s just killing the chickens to warn the monkeys. If you don’t kill you, just admit your mistakes when you do something wrong?Then what do the police do, and what do the army do.

So in order to calm the situation, this time, all those who participated in the attack to the Qin army had to die.

In the end, even this section of the river bank was filled with blood. As for the corpse?After being thrown into the Weishui, all the corpses in the water would be cleaned up within a day.

After this incident, the people who saw it became much better-behaved. Even those who hadn't seen it but heard about it were more restrained, and those who had just moved their minds were poured like a basin of cold water On his face, he became sober in an instant, not daring to do anything.

In this way, one after another, one after another, the Yellow Turban soldiers boarded the Zhenhai transport ship, and went to live in a territory they had never heard of. They didn't know the name, location, or situation. the boat.

Maybe this is a sign of troubled times. Human life is cheap, and a bowl of rice can be exchanged for one person, one life. This kind of situation only happens in troubled times.

(End of this chapter)

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