Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 148 Intermediate Historical Generals

Chapter 148 Intermediate Historical Generals
Not to mention that little Huangmen whose mind has been twisted due to castration.

After Liu Bei left, Huangfusong also arranged some things to deal with after the war, such as dealing with the collapse of the army and so on.

After the meeting, Lu Chen returned to the military camp where he was stationed.

Under Lu Chen's signal, a Xuanjia soldier took out something. If Huangfusong was there, he would be able to recognize that this was the soldier who gave Bocai's head at the meeting before.

After Lu Chen asked him to quit, he didn't directly start checking the loot, but instead clicked on his own attribute panel to check the information.

In fact, every piece of information on the panel will be prompted, but Lu Chen feels that on the battlefield, the most important thing is to concentrate, a little distraction may cost his life.

Out of this consideration, Lu Chen directly blocked all the information in the personal panel, and checked it after the battle was over.

At this time, Lu Chen opened the panel at one click, and he could see a piece of red in the sub-columns. There was a small red circle on many sub-columns, with Arabic numerals inside. This is the reminder of information, telling you that there is information in those sub-columns. , and how many more.

Lu Chen glanced over, and first clicked on the column of player information.

Since Lu Chen didn't have much contact with players, he added friends with a few guild leaders he had met.

Go in at one o'clock, as expected, did not exceed Lu Chen's expectations, it was Long Chen, those big guys from the Nine Masters sent a message.

But it’s just using different languages ​​to express the same meaning, congratulations, I hope we can cooperate next time.

Only Long Chen was slightly different, Lu Chen looked at it a little bit.

But Lu Chen looked at it and rubbed his chin.

"How can I feel his resentment through the screen.

Hey, wait, there seems to be something wrong, what did I just say, him?Resentment?
I seem to be thinking about something, no, it seems that I am too tired, I have an illusion, yes, I have an illusion. "

Lu Chen quickly shook his head, shook off some messy thoughts, and closed the chat bar.

"I didn't see anything, yes, I didn't see anything."

Lu Chen pointed to the column of system information, but before he clicked, he suddenly thought of something, quickly withdrew his finger, and closed the personal panel.

With his eyes slightly closed, some indescribable pictures began to appear in his mind.

Not long after, Lu Chen found some indescribable changes in an indescribable part of himself, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and said to himself.

"It really is an illusion."

Open the personal panel, and click the system information bar without hesitation this time to view the latest information.

"Hey, congratulations to the player who successfully killed the king-level general Bocai, obtained the intermediate-level historical general template*1, and obtained 656100 points"

Lu Chen looked at it, and there was no surprise. These are just things that can be obtained for sure, and there are no extra rewards, treasure chests, etc. that Lu Chen expected before.

Just like this intermediate historical general template, this one will be obtained as long as you kill a historical figure.

The meaning of historical figures is that the talents who have left their names in history, the more famous and influential they are in history, the higher the level.

It is worth mentioning that although the generals in the dungeon also have many well-known military generals and advisers, and they also have the title of historical figures, killing them will not give this template reward.

Only by killing the historical figures of the Three Kingdoms period, the killer will get the template.

And this template can be used at will, as long as it faces a person, whether it is a player or an NPC, he will get a template of the corresponding level.

And recalculate the attribute, get the title of historical figure, and enjoy the bonus of historical figure.

And the historical figure template that Lu Chen obtained by killing Bo was because Bo was a military commander, and his influence was moderate among the Three Kingdoms.

His boss Zhang Jiao is just a high-level historical figure, so Bo is a mid-level historical general with a 60% combat power bonus. If he is killed, Lu Chen will get a mid-level historical general template.

Different from this, there are historical counselor templates, historical beauty templates, historical hermit templates and so on.

Lu Chen didn't use this template on himself. After all, although he would greatly improve his strength after using it, he couldn't make the most of it.

Besides, from Lu Chen's point of view, he still doesn't like the template of this mere mid-level historical general, let alone Bocai's template is not suitable for Lu Chen.

After reading this, Lu Chen stopped paying attention to the system information. Although there was more than one message under it, and although there was a red 99 on the system information column, Lu Chen did not continue to read it.

Because Lu Chen just glanced at it, and he knew that the following are all news about killing soldiers to get points, such as Modao heavy soldiers, ordinary Yellow Turban soldiers, Yellow Turban players, etc. It is not worth wasting time, as long as the points are credited to the account Just do it.

Lu Chen put away the attribute panel, and cast his eyes on the objects on the table in front of him in the tray.

The first thing to bear the brunt was a rectangular sign made of a strange material, neither gold nor wood, nine centimeters long and three centimeters wide, with many patterns engraved on it, and words engraved on both sides.

Lu Chen looked carefully, one side was a soldier, and the other side was Mo Dao.

Lu Chen probably had the bottom line, and got one of his fancy things.

Pick it up and look, sure enough, it's a job transfer token.

Mo Dao heavy soldier (job transfer certificate)
Mo Dao, also known as a long sword, is held by infantry soldiers. Gaigu's horse-cutting sword weighs fifteen catties. It is also called a machete. It is seven feet long, the blade is three feet long, the handle is four feet long, and it is equipped with an iron drill.Horse steps and waterways are salty and available.Hercules hold it, and anyone who spins and slashes with waist power is a powder... "It is mostly used against cavalry, and its power is huge.

With the token, qualified soldiers can be transferred to Mo Dao Heavy Soldiers.

Conditions of transfer:

Bronze level full body heavy armor*1
Bronze Grade Mo Dao*1
Soldiers Qualification Requirements: B
Lu Chen took a look. As an intermediate-level special unit, the job transfer requirements are not high. As for the B-level job transfer requirements, this is one of the basic requirements for all special units, with B-level qualifications or above.

As for a set of bronze-level full-body heavy armor and a bronze-level mo knife, after seeing the Xuanjia Army's job transfer requirements, Lu Chen said that they are too cheap, too cheap, little splash, little splash.

After all, in the army led by the Qin Dynasty, every soldier was equipped with bronze-grade armor or a bronze-grade wallet, with a bronze-grade long knife, a bronze-grade longbow, and even the arrows were bronze-grade.

Even the elite troops will be equipped with silver-level Qin crossbows, otherwise, they would have such strong combat effectiveness from the Qin army.

Lu Chen has always had a purpose, if you can kill someone with money, then don't risk your life.

What, have an opinion?I beat you to death with money.

(End of this chapter)

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