Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 150 "Fairy"

Chapter 150 "Fairy"

Lu Chen picked up the yellow talisman on the table, suddenly felt something was wrong, frowned, and rubbed the yellow talisman in his hand with his fingers.

Rubbing and rubbing, finally, Lu Chen found out what made him subconsciously feel something was wrong.

The talisman paper is too thick. Although Lu Chen didn't touch it often, and it was even the first time in his life, he still felt that it didn't feel right in his hand, pure sixth sense.

Lu Chen rubbed it hard again, and sure enough, this thick talisman paper was directly divided into three pieces, three different talisman papers.

Is this normal? Three sheets stacked together are too thick.

With such an expression on his face, Lu Chen began to check the properties of the first talisman paper.

heaven is dead
Features: After use, within a certain range and within a certain period of time, disrupt the secrets of the heavens, shield the perception of the heavens, and the heavens cannot be checked within the effective time.

Effect envelope area is inversely proportional to effect duration.

Lu Chen looked at it, his pupils shrank, and he thought of something.

What is the way of heaven? From the perspective of NPCs, this is the will of heaven, but from the perspective of players, the way of heaven is a system, a game system, and a system that is everywhere.

And what it means to block the heavenly way, it means to block the system, and what does it mean to block the system in the game.

It means that Lu Chen can use this dead talisman to open a loophole in the game and create a loophole for himself.

And this is another easy-to-understand way of saying, that is, crack the source code of the game and write a plug-in for yourself.

As for the players who have cheats, the players affectionately call them, hanging on the wall.

But there is another saying, that is: the gods
Lu Chen calmed down his excitement a little bit, and continued to check the second yellow talisman.

Lu Chen is no stranger to this talisman paper, after all, Lu Chen has experienced it himself.

That is the Yellow Turban World, you can transfer the Yellow Turban Army within a certain range to a low-level special unit Yellow Turban Wrestlers, which lasts for an hour, and after an hour, the soldiers die.

When Lu Chen saw this blueprint, he subconsciously wanted to destroy this talisman paper.

After all, this talisman paper is not like other talisman papers, although it is the same as the others and can be used freely.

The objects that can be used are limited, and can only be used against the Yellow Turban Army who believes in Zhang Jiao, otherwise it will be invalid.

If it's just the Yellow Turban Army, it's okay to say, there are as many Yellow Turban Army as Lu Chen wants, and there are millions of Yellow Turban Army on his own ship, close to 200 million.

But the condition is as long as this is the case, such a talisman can change the direction of a war at a critical moment.

But the conditions are not so simple, there is an additional condition, that is, one must believe in Zhang Jiao's Yellow Turban Army.

Belief, what does belief mean? Belief refers to the belief and respect for a certain idea, doctrine, religion, or someone or something, and regards it as one's own code of conduct.

Belief is colored by subjective and emotional experiences, especially in religious beliefs, which can even lead to loss of reason.

Faith refers to treating Zhang Jue as a god. According to Zhang Jue's words, he believes in it very much. Fanatics can even sacrifice their lives for their beliefs.

So if Lu Chen dared to use this talisman on the battlefield, unless Lu Chen had already defected to the Yellow Turban camp, hehehe.

But just when Lu Chen was about to tear it off, Lu Chen suddenly stopped what he was doing, looked at the talisman paper in his hand, the corner of his mouth slightly curved, and took out this yellow talisman by himself, storing it separately .

"Perhaps, this talisman paper is still very useful, but no one has ever said that this talisman can only be used against one's own army, aha."

After putting away the yellow scarf, Lu Chen turned his attention to the last talisman paper.

However, it wasn't the talisman paper that Lu Chen had guessed, and it wasn't far behind.

Originally, Lu Chen thought it would be a yellow talisman with the effect of Sui Zaijiazi's skill, but he didn't expect it to be a yellow talisman with another skill.

good luck
Features: After use, within a certain range and within a certain period of time, there will be no disasters, and all injuries, diseases, and pains will be exempted.

Effect coverage is inversely proportional to effect strength.

After Lu Chen saw this talisman paper, a bright light flashed in his eyes.

"This piece of Tianxia Daji is more suitable for me than Sui Zai Jiazi."

Lu Chen held the two yellow talismans of Heaven is dead, and the world is auspicious, and he clenched his hands tightly. Looking at the two talisman papers, he seemed to see a top historical figure, and it was the kind of buy one get one free.

However, at this time, Lu Chen still had some lingering fears. He was really right. You must know that Bo Cai was holding these three talisman papers and was about to use them. No, it should be said that he was already using them.

If Lu Chen hesitated for a second and a half, maybe Bocai would have successfully used it.

The consequences were unimaginable.

Think about it, under the influence of the Yellow Turbans, millions of troops have turned into low-level special arms.

Millions of yellow turban troops, all raised to the first level of strength, and regardless of morale attributes, directly entered a state of frenzy, fearless of death.

Then Lu Chen, and all the troops that have been trapped in the Yellow Turban camp will be doomed.

Even for those special units of righteous anger cavalry with this sixth-level combat power, the Xuanjia Army and the tiger and leopard cavalry who can temporarily have seventh-level combat power are the same.

Bo Caike is also a Modao heavy soldier with a combat power of [-] ranks. Under the circumstances of the Yellow Turban World, his combat power has increased by one level again, becoming a rank [-].

And Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, Xuanjia Army, Righteous Wrath Cavalry and so on.

Although the yellow turban wrestlers on the periphery are not the opponents of these three arms.

But the yellow turban wrestlers in a state of frenzy can use their lives to hold back their breakthrough.

Under such circumstances, unless the tiger and leopard cavalry and the Xuanjia army turned into white tigers and sky wolves, there was absolutely no possibility of escape.

After all, with the assistance of millions of yellow turban fighters, Mo Dao, who has a seventh-level combat strength, has the capital to keep them.

Of course, maybe they can desperately defend for an hour, waiting for their vitality to be exhausted and die naturally?
If Bo Cai only activated the yellow talisman of the Yellow Turban World, then this is feasible, but Bo Cai has three yellow talismans in his hand.

The world is happy, but it can restore any damage, including life, within a certain range.

In other words, under the shroud of auspiciousness in the world, the Yellow Turban World will not have any negative impact on the soldiers at all. After the effect of the Yellow Turban World ends, it will just change back to its original form.

It's just changing the fate of the Yellow Turban Army who was mortal, and making it unscathed.

Only by surviving the scourge of heaven can the Yellow Turban Army survive.

But this has the effect that the sky is dead, shielding the way of heaven.

Therefore, these three talisman papers can raise all the millions of troops to one level for an hour without any negative effects or side effects.

It can be seen that he is against the sky, and it can be seen how dangerous and lucky Lu Chen is this time.

In other words, Lu Chen's decisive action against the tiger and leopard rider actually saved his life.

It's just a coincidence.

PS: Thank you Qiu Lai Zhi Ye Luo for the 200 tip, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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