Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 152 The Tightrope Walker to Qinling

Chapter 152 The Tightrope Walker to Qinling

In Yuzhou, Lu Chen took a step ahead of Huang Fusong, and took [-] heavy cavalry to attack first. After briefly looking at the military map, he selected a Yellow Turban territory as his target.

Not long after, a small town with about 2 or [-] people appeared on the horizon.

There is also a flag belonging to the great virtuous teacher, that is, Zhang Jiao, hanging above this small town, which shows that this is a small town belonging to the Yellow Turban forces.

In fact, in Yuzhou, behind the Yellow Turban Army, basically all small towns and counties belong to the Yellow Turban forces.

This is because this is the rear of the Yellow Turban Army. Even if you do not join the Yellow Turban Army, you will be attacked and occupied by the Yellow Turban Army.

Then some of the young and strong were taken away from it, and they were transferred to Yellow Turban soldiers, and then some Yellow Turban soldiers were transferred to garrison.

The rear of the Yellow Turban Army basically has this kind of rule, and because the people stationed in the small town are not from the local town, most of them are from other counties, or even other counties, so the rule of the Yellow Turban Army is quite firm. .

Moreover, the army will not be unable to rule because the area it occupies is too large. Of course, under this kind of rule, whether the town can develop, whether the people can live well, and how much defense it has against the enemy army, that is all. That's another matter.

You know, the Yellow Turban Army was originally a group of peasants, and they were deeply oppressed people. The oppression caused them to have resentment and dissatisfaction, so they responded to Zhang Jiao one after another.

After being suppressed, they burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of evil.

The reason why human beings are human is that human beings can tame their hearts and suppress the demons deep in their hearts by virtue of etiquette, morality, and law.

But when they choose to revolt and choose to burn, kill, and loot, it means that the shackles on them are released, which means that the demons in their hearts have been released.

When they were sent to garrison the town, they would not re-imprison the demons, but mostly let them continue to wreak havoc, and the consequences of this were that the people were in dire straits and their combat effectiveness deteriorated.

Lu Chen galloped all the way with [-] cavalry, and quickly approached the town. The town didn't respond, until the thunderous sound of horseshoes could be heard in the town.

It was discovered that he tried to close the door of the simple fence, boarded the guard tower, and shouted something to the outside.

But is it still useful?When you can clearly hear the deafening hoofbeats.

That means, the source of the sound of horseshoes has come to you.

As a result, not long after they closed the wooden door, the cavalry was in front of them.

And the seemingly solid wooden gate was useless. Just when Lu Chen approached, Fang Tian painted a halberd in his hand. When the halberd fell down, the gate was torn apart, and even the walls connecting the gate were twisted and deformed.

And the cavalry who followed directly rushed into the town along the gap, and wiped out all the thousand soldiers gathered in front with one charge.

5 people against 1000 people, there is no suspense, a charge, and the bones are hard to find. At this time, after the threat was lifted, Lu Chen slowly slowed down, as if he was thinking about something, and muttered in his mouth.

"Hey, just now the person on the sentry tower seemed to be about to surrender?"

However, although Lu Chen spoke in a low voice, the perception of a king-level general is so keen.

Zhang Liao, who had been guarding Lu Chen's side all the time, could hear clearly. Hearing Lu Chen's words, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

"My lord, I think there are only a thousand Yellow Turbans in this town, and they are all gathered at the gate of the town. Naturally, they don't want to fight us head-on, I guess."

If Lu Chen couldn't understand Zhang Liao's meaning, he would be really a fool, and his face was slightly troubled.

"Who told them to close the door? Besides, these Yellow Turban soldiers are doing evil, and they will die. If I want to surrender, I have to consider whether to accept it or not. I deserve it if I die."

Zhang Liao next to him listened, his lips moved slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but he saw Lu Chen's eyes with a strong sense of threat.

Zhang Liao still chose to forcefully swallow what he was about to say just now. Some Yellow Turban soldiers are nothing more than that. If they die, they will die. As long as the Lord is happy, the rights of the Yellow Turban Army?What is that (ー_ー)!!
"Then, my lord, I have successfully disintegrated the resistance of the town, so I want to start the next step."

"Well, start migrating."

Yes, relocation, that's right, relocation. For Lu Chen, these small towns occupied by the Yellow Turbans, what benefits are there for Lu Chen to attack?

You know, Lu Chen will not do meaningless things lightly, especially when mobilizing [-] troops, it is not a small loss. If there is no corresponding gain, Lu Chen will not mobilize come out.

And Lu Chen's capture of a small town mainly has a few points.

First, points. Every small town has occupation points. A small town has [-] points, which is equivalent to a ninth-level ordinary soldier. Of course, if you defend for seven days, you can get ten times the points .

Moreover, there are about a thousand Yellow Turban troops stationed in each town, and most of these Yellow Turban troops are third-tier soldiers. Here, there are almost [-] points.

Second, every small town-level territory has a village building order. Although the white board village building order is useless, if the character explodes and a bronze-level one appears, it will not be a loss. If you are lucky, If you meet a silver-level player, it's blood money.

Thirdly, that is the population. Although every small town has a part of the young and strong because of being engulfed by the Yellow Turban Army, there are at least tens of thousands of people left in a small town, but women and elders make up the majority of them.

Don't look at the fact that most of these are old people and women, but this doesn't mean that Lu Chen doesn't like these people.

You know, Lu Chen has been suffering during this time, the Yellow Turban Army, they are all young and middle-aged.

And Lu Chen was able to recruit more than 100, nearly 200 million Yellow Turbans at one time. What does this mean? It means that there are nearly 200 million more young and middle-aged people in the Qin Dynasty.

This is certainly a good thing, there are enough soldiers and labor, but it also means that Lu Chen's territory has basically become a temple for monks.

Have you ever seen a male to female ratio of twenty to one?Do you know what a magnificent sight that is?Looking around, they are all fucking men, and they want to fuck a sow when they see a sow. Do you think that the law and order in this territory will be good?
Fortunately, those Yellow Turban soldiers have not been in the territory for long, and the security of the territory has only plummeted by around [-] points, and has not yet fallen below [-].

After all, when a group of old men are together, they are full of yang and energy, there is no place to vent, and there is no woman to neutralize them. Lu Chen finds it strange that there will not be dozens of fights and frictions in a day.

If this situation is allowed to ferment for a period of time, not to mention digesting the 200 million Yellow Turbans and turning them into the foundation of the territory, so that the territory is not dragged down, then it will be fine.

Unless Lu Chen is cruel, Sai Baiqi drowns 200 million in one fell swoop.

(End of this chapter)

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