Chapter 154 Trap
A small town slowly appears on the horizon.

This small town is relatively large, and it is the largest town Lu Chen has seen so far.

There are hundreds of thousands of people living in this small town, so Lu Chen deliberately left this small town as the last one to attack.

Yes, it's the last one. After all, Lu Chen has already migrated more than 100 million women and children.

In addition to the previous 180 million Yellow Turban Army, with these two windfalls, plus the territory's original population of more than 40.

Now the total population of Qinling is close to 400 million.

And although Lu Chen has been preparing for this day, with the help of the territorial characteristics, he has developed a large area of ​​deserted islands and grown food.

And manufacture a large number of fishing boats to develop fisheries.

After all, Lu Chen's valley is near the sea, and even occupies many islands in the sea, so it can be said that the fishery is well developed.

In this case, in addition to supplying the needs of the territory, there is still a large surplus of food obtained every day.

Under such circumstances, many granaries have already been erected in the valley, and the stored grain is piled up like a mountain.

Here, one thing I have to mention is that at this stage, there are still many traces of games in this world.

For example, no matter what kind of grain you have harvested, it is okay to put it outside, but once it is stored in the granary, it will become grain with the same weight and uniform type.

And just as the food piled up like a mountain in the territory, after the territory increased its population by more than 300 million.

The food reserve instantly triggered the red line. Just a few days ago, Lu Chen received an emergency message from the territory that the food storage was in an emergency.

Of course, triggering the red line does not mean that there is no more food, and the situation is not so urgent.

After all, Lu Chen also had a lot of preparations, so it was useless to prepare for such a long time.

This triggering the red line means that the food reserves are insufficient.

When the more than 300 million people entered the territory, if they did not engage in production and only relied on grain storage, they could still last for fifteen days, which was about half a month.

Of course, this is the case of not engaging in production, that is, eating and not working.

Of course, they didn't just eat and don't work, otherwise, even if Lu Chen didn't kill them all, he would drive them all out of the territory.

In fact, these 300 million people, especially the 180 million young and strong from the former Yellow Turban Army, arrived at the territory after a good meal.

Group by group, they went to those occupied and explored clear intermediate islands, high-level islands, or giant islands.

On the above, a group of administrative talents who have just been trained, as well as some people transferred from the territorial administrators, established villages on these islands with village building orders, and attached themselves to the Qin Dynasty.

After the establishment, there will be batches of young and strong populations, as well as the deployment of territorial resources, logging, mining, fishermen, and militias. According to the differences of each island and individual talent, they will divide their labor one by one and quickly enter the production stage.

With the support of these labor forces, Zhiqin Ling once again burst out with strong production capacity, and the daily food consumption achieved a balance of payments.

However, Zhi Qin Ling is already in a tense state, and the load has reached the limit.

Just like a giant python, if it devours food that exceeds its body weight, it cannot eat again. Otherwise, it will burst its stomach, burst its stomach, and die directly. It must lie dormant for a period of time to slowly digest the harvest this time.

The situation is similar to the Qin leader, who can no longer accept more people, and must slowly digest, adjust, improve people's hearts, stabilize law and order, expand military strength, and so on.

And the emergency letter from Zhiqin Territory just explained this point, telling Lu Chen that the territory is almost unable to carry the population, don't continue, it's time to stop.

That's probably what it meant, so after Lu Chen learned about this situation, he was also preparing to end this battle.

As for Lu Chen, who has a slight obsessive-compulsive disorder, after seeing that only one or two small towns in this county have not been captured, how do you look at it, how uncomfortable, no, just clean up this county, and it will increase by tens of thousands anyway. People, under the base of 400 million people, it's drizzled.

If you capture this small town, stop, and talk to Jiang Yang's bandit again, and wash your hands after this is done.

Before he knew it, Lu Chen set a death buff for himself
This time the town was relatively large. According to Lu Chen's investigation, the garrison inside was much larger, with a total of [-] Yellow Turban soldiers and a low-level general in command.

It can be said that compared with other small towns, the military power of this small town completely crushes other small towns by several levels. Such a large military power is rare in small towns after all.

However, in front of [-] heavy cavalry riding on dragon horses, is there any difference between [-] and [-]?They can all be crushed with a single charge.

Not to mention the low-level generals who lead these five thousand soldiers, sorry for the low-level generals, after such a long battle, although it is very difficult to train generals, many have been trained.

After all, the qualifications of these people are there, and it is not difficult for low-level generals. Therefore, in this case, every commander of a thousand is a low-level general, and the commander of a thousand is an intermediate general. As for the commander of cavalry, it is directly A senior general.

Therefore, this mere low-level general will naturally not be taken seriously by Lu Chen.

However, I don't know what happened, just when the town appeared on the horizon.

Lu Chen suddenly felt a great terror, and then, the huge town looked to Lu Chen like an ancient monster crawling there, waiting for Lu Chen's arrival.

However, this feeling passed by in a flash, and disappeared in an instant. If it weren't for the cold sweat that just broke out on Lu Chen's face, Lu Chen thought it was just an illusion.

However, the army had already moved, and Lu Chen didn't believe that there was still a Yellow Turban Army in this county that could directly threaten them.

Even if it is a county town, it is because Lu Chen thinks that the small city wall is too troublesome. Even if it is mobilized to mobilize siege equipment to knock it down, it will cause a lot of casualties. Moreover, a county town cannot be easily destroyed by Lu Chen, and the same goes for the residents. .

Therefore, without enough income, Lu Chen didn't want to attack the county for a few points, but if the soldiers from the county dared to come out, then Lu Chen would not be afraid.

Based on the above considerations, Lu Chen did not retreat at this point, but sped up his speed slightly.

But it's not that Lu Chen didn't make any preparations. After all, he had this bad premonition. To be on the safe side, Lu Chen still mobilized dozens of fully armed warships.

Because this small town is so big, it is because it occupies such a small river hub, and warships can come in.

PS: Thank you Qiulai Zhiyeluo, thank you for your reward, thank you (*°°)=3
(End of this chapter)

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