Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 156 Bloody Battle in Quicksand Town

Chapter 156 Bloody Battle in Quicksand Town
In the center of Liusha Town, Lu Chen looked at the [-] cavalrymen who came back, and his heart was bleeding. You must know that this time, [-] heavy cavalry were dispatched.

It was just that more than [-] people came back, and what happened to those who didn't come back, Lu Chen didn't dare to think about it, and he didn't have to think about it.

It can be said that the loss was heavy this time. These heavy cavalry had been fighting with Lu Chen for a long time, and they could barely be regarded as veterans of hundreds of battles.

During such a long battle, naturally many of them have reached the third-order limit, and even most of them have reached the third-order limit.

And their qualifications are all B-level. It can be said that as long as they go back, go back to Qin Ling, and then go to the remote sea islands occupied by Qin Ling, while cleaning up the islands, they will all be promoted. Tier [-] soldiers.

Besides, before they were all living people, how could Lu Chen not feel sorry for them? They fought together and killed enemies together before.

But now, after all, he is still surrounded by the Yellow Turban Army. Although Lu Chen is grieving, he can't be immersed in it.

"My lord, we are now surrounded by the town. We are like eagles in cages and real dragons in the shallows. We are completely unable to display the strength of heavy cavalry. Please give me an order, my lord. I will break through the encirclement as soon as possible.

And as long as we break out of the siege, the situation can be reversed in an instant. First of all, not to mention how to deal with the Yellow Turban Army on the plains, but we can also advance and attack, and retreat and defend. "

"Okay, let's break through first."

Just when Lu Chen was about to assemble his troops to break through, the soldiers on the main road leading directly to the outside of the town suddenly became confused.

Right under the eyes of Lu Chen and the others, rows of triangular fences were placed on the main road.

And looking at the situation, these fences are not only the first layer in front of you, they may stretch for hundreds of meters, nearly a thousand meters. It is basically impossible for Lu Chen's heavy cavalry to charge, given the level and strength of these heavy cavalry now Rush out, especially when tens of thousands of troops are still distributed inside these fences.

Seeing this, Lu Chen's plan to rush out just now was dismissed. If there were no these fences and he rushed directly, it would not be a problem. The Yellow Turbans alone could not stop [-] cavalry.

But after all, there are these fences, so this road will be cut off immediately.

Lu Chen looked at the Yellow Turban Army approaching slowly, like a shrinking circle, leaving less and less space for Lu Chen.

I don't know the reason, maybe it is because it is convenient for the lord to call up the army, or to prevent people from breaking into the lord's mansion. There are some open spaces in front of and around the lord's mansion.

It can be called a school ground or a square, and Liusha Town is no exception.

But now, Lu Chen is blocked in this school ground.

Countless Yellow Turban soldiers poured out from the houses and alleys around the school grounds like a tide, and then surrounded Lu Chen and the others.

They were not reckless, and advanced slowly. At the front was a group of shield bearers, their shields connected to each other, ready to resist the attack that came anytime and anywhere.

A long spear sticks out from behind the shield obliquely, facing the middle, slightly inclined, and the other end is pressed against the ground, moving step by step.

In this way, they advanced step by step, and they were less than 500 meters away from Lu Chenjun. The battle was about to start.

However, after Lu Chen found it difficult to break through, he didn't panic.

"If you want to fight, I'm afraid you won't succeed in that battle."

This time, Lu Chen did not hand over the command to Zhang Liao, nor did he let the commander of the [-] cavalry command, but went on the field himself.

A series of orders were issued from Lu Chen, and under the action of the messengers, they spread throughout the entire army.

Under Lu Chen's command, the army moved slowly and precisely, slowly changing its original formation.

On the periphery of them, the Yellow Turban Army surrounded them like ants, and there were about 80 to [-] troops.

According to Lu Chen's speculation, there were hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turban soldiers who were attacked by him and then fled. However, his actions this time affected three counties. It can be said that Lu Chen's actions during this period of time pissed them off.

The yellow turban towns in three counties were cleaned up, leaving only a bald commander in the county seat.

You must know that most of the food in the county is supplied by small towns. If there were no such small towns, the county would not need to be attacked by others. Just because of the lack of food, it would be self-defeating.

In fact, these three counties were unable to send out so many troops. Although there were other troops in the county, they still had to defend the city.

A large part of the army this time came from other counties in this county.

Originally, these counties complemented each other and interfered with each other in front of the local emperor for a short time, but Lu Chen's actions were too arrogant, and he directly emptied all the Yellow Turban towns in a county.

Moreover, although Lu Chen was satisfied and planned to stop after completing this vote, the others didn't know.

What they knew was that if Lu Chen followed this trend, he would soon extend his claws to his own county and clean up the small towns in his county.

If they knew that this was Lu Chen's last battle, the result would be completely different.

A dead fellow Daoist is not dead, poor daoist, if you die, it has nothing to do with me, anyway, I can still be my emperor with peace of mind.

save you?What benefits do I have, no benefits, and loss of troops, why save you, take home and be your wife?
However, it is too late to say these things now, and now the Yellow Turban forces in the entire county are dealing with Lu Chen together.

Because it's not like they didn't try to encircle and suppress Lu Chen before, but with the speed and sophistication of Jiaolongma, Lu Chen often killed 2 or [-] people, and then ran away, leaving them suffocated and had nowhere to go.

Then they made a plan to quietly evacuate people from a small town, and then hide the Yellow Turbans in, hiding a few in each house.

But I don't know if it's Lu Chen's good luck or their bad luck.

Lu Chen attacked the town again and again, one after another, but he didn't come to Liusha Town.

It even made the Yellow Turban Army think that Lu Chen had already discovered their plan.

You know, more than 100 million people are hiding in a small town with only 10,000+ people. On average, there are seven or eight people in a room. You have to be careful not to be discovered. You can imagine how sad it is.

Fortunately, just when the Yellow Turban Army thought their plan had been discovered, spies came to report that there were cavalry marching in the direction of Liusha Town, these Yellow Turban Army were very happy.

And later, Lu Chen fell into a trap and was besieged in Quicksand Town.

This is why Lu Chen felt uneasy and rushed to fear.

(End of this chapter)

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