Chapter 164 Conflict
The lights in Lu Chen's study were on all night, and there was nothing to say all night, only the sound of the brush scratching on the paper could be heard.

When it was just dawn, Lu Chen put down the pen in his hand, and the matters to be dealt with had come to an end for the time being.

A new day has begun. However, although the beheading plan has already been decided, Lu Chen has already promised the soldiers and insisted on delaying the plan for a day.

Therefore, on this day, there will be no military operations, and the last batch of soldiers will be on vacation according to the original plan.

As for Lu Chen, he just slept for a while, practiced martial arts for a while, and then continued to deal with internal affairs.

On the second night, Lu Chen looked at the neat cavalry standing in front of him.

Whether they are equipped with armor or mental outlook, they are all completely new, like fallen phoenixes, reborn from the ashes.

"Soldiers, how are you resting?"

"it is good."

"Are your feet soft?"

"If you're not soft, you can do it ten more times."


Accompanied by this shout, bursts of laughter came from inside the phalanx. Obviously, this group of cavalry has been successfully promoted to veterans.Whoring, isn't this normal? I can come here ten more times.

"Really, I'm a little doubtful. Is it possible to use a knife and cut people?"

"Kill, kill, kill."

This time, a total of 5 people, without talking about anything else, raised the big knife on the horse's back, raised it high, and screamed in their mouths.

"Then charge with me, drive."

Seeing that the effect was good and the morale was available, Lu Chen brought out the camp.

You know, the current Lu Chen is no longer the young nerd in the dungeon.

The mind determines the position, but why not the position determines the mind.

Real knowledge comes from practice. Lu Chen has been a lord for such a long time, commanding tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people, and even a single decision can affect tens of thousands of people. Lu Chen's courage and knowledge have played a very good role exercise, unconsciously.

Lu Chen's temperament has been completely changed. It can even be said that even if Lu Chen stands in front of his roommates, even if Lu Chen's appearance has not changed at all, they may not be able to recognize Lu Chen.

The temperament has changed too much. It can be said that Lu Chen is now full of aura and has his own BGM.

Therefore, Lu Chen's methods now are not comparable to those at that time. Of course, Lu Chen's prestige among the soldiers is not comparable to that at that time.

The same boost to morale, before and now there are two completely different, even opposite results.

If the morale value is attribute, then the morale value of the black dragon knight must be full.

After leaving the camp, he went directly to the school field next to the City Lord's Mansion, where there was the Emperor Soul and his 30 elite cavalry.

With a sound of neat hoofbeats, Lu Chen led the way, and [-] cavalry entered the school grounds.

However, the moment they entered the school grounds, something caught everyone off guard.

The moment the dragon cavalry entered the school grounds, the 30 elite cavalry that had been neatly lined up instantly turned on their backs and kept retreating.

Lu Chen's 30 cavalry took a step forward, and the [-] cavalry took a step back, not daring to approach.

Only the cavalry on the horseback kept driving them forward two steps. However, the horses were still a little restless, and their fighting power was reduced by three layers.

"Qin Feng, what have you done?"

Before Lu Chen could pass by, the Emperor Soul called out to Lu Chen with an ugly face.

The current Emperor Soul's face is a bit ugly, gloomy and terrifying.

Lu Chen was also a little surprised, and after turning his head slightly, he figured out what was going on.

Obviously, the dragon horse is restrained by the dragon horse, because the blood level of the dragon horse is higher than that of the dragon horse.

Although Jiaolongma had no temper in front of Longma, he was even bullied wantonly by Longma.

But don't forget that Jiaolongma also acted recklessly and domineeringly on the island before.

There is also an aura in itself, an aura that belongs to the dragon, although it is not big, it is very obvious to the horses.

It's just that Lu Chen didn't touch the dragon horse with ordinary horses before, so he didn't find out. It wasn't until today that Lu Chen discovered that the dragon horse had this ability.

But even though it was my own negligence, the impact was not that great, and what kind of thing is your emperor soul, you can directly question me.

Lu Chen didn't have a good impression of him in the first place. In this way, uncle can bear it, but aunt can't bear it. Damn it, Lu Chen exploded on the spot.

"Oh, it's nothing. Your horse is too bad. I'm afraid it's not full and its feet are weak."

"What did you do, I don't want to ask again, don't test my patience anymore."

"Did I give you face?"

Sometimes Lu Chen can't understand why someone is born with a sense of superiority, what gives you such a sense of superiority, parents?Family background?money?

Moreover, it feels like everything is taken for granted. If I ask you, you have to answer. If I want, you have to offer it.

It's really not that Lu Chen has poor patience. It's because of his expression, movements, and words that made Lu Chen subconsciously feel uncomfortable. Maybe it's a bad first impression, or maybe it's because he was naturally aggressive. up.

"You're looking for death, Fengxian."

"Right on my mind."

As soon as the emperor's soul finished speaking, Lu Bu, who was already a little eager to try, became excited, and directly ordered [-] cavalry to come out to fight Lu Chen.

Obviously, he felt that he had met his opponent. Seeing that Lu Chen only brought [-] cavalry, he didn't want to take advantage of him, so he had a fair fight.

Seeing this, Emperor Soul frowned, but he didn't say anything, he had enough confidence in Lu Bu.

However, facing the Flood Dragon Cavalry, the fifty thousand elite cavalry seemed a little timid, and the charge could not form a charge, and they could not maximize the combat power of the cavalry.

Lu Bu also noticed this, his face was a little solemn, and he shouted loudly.

"Kill, kill, kill."

At the same time, a red light spread from Lu Bu's body, directly enveloping [-] cavalrymen.

Immediately, the cowering cavalry seemed to have changed into a different person, charging strongly, and the momentum of charging had begun.

Wushuang (General Skill): Inspire soldiers' fighting spirit, remove negative status, increase combat effectiveness by 50%, and increase morale by 50%.

If Lu Chen is looking at the attribute panel, he can find it.

"Hey, affected by the title of Wanfu Mokai (Advanced), our army's morale increases by 15%, and the enemy's morale decreases by 15%"

"Hey, affected by the title of Killing God (Top Level), the morale of the enemy troops will be forced to drop by 30%."

"Drip, affected by the characteristics of the Dragon Rider, the morale of the enemy troops will be reduced by 30%."

"Hey, affected by the title of the enemy's general, God of War (Top Level), our army's morale is reduced by 30%."

"Drip, affected by the enemy's general and general skill Wushuang, the effect of the title has been successfully counteracted."

It can be seen from this that Lu Bu, as the only known emperor-level general, is just so perverted.

(End of this chapter)

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