Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 168 The Death of Zhang Jiao

Chapter 168 The Death of Zhang Jiao
Lu Chen flew backwards, knocked over a dozen soldiers into the air, and fell to the ground hard.

Fang Tian's painted halberd shattered directly after Lu Chen fell to the ground. It looked the same as Lu Bu's Fang Tian's painted halberd. I don't know if it was a coincidence, or if Lu Bu did it on purpose.

It's fine if it's the former, but if it's intentional, it means that this blow was not with Lu Bu's full strength, maybe it was just a casual blow.

After Lu Chen landed, he found that he was seriously injured and couldn't get up.

In desperation, I had no choice but to take out a Xiaohuandan from my backpack and swallow it.

Under the power of Xiao Huan Dan, Lu Chen managed to get up, but it was still possible to see that Lu Chen's face was very pale and bloodless.

After Lu Bu sent Lu Chen flying, instead of pursuing the victory, he jumped and tried to ride on Xiaolong.

Apparently, Lu Bu has taken a fancy to Xiaolong.

That's right, a fierce horse is a good BMW. At first glance, this little dragon is at least a thousand-mile steed. Lu Bu has long wanted to replace his ordinary war horse.

Seeing this little dragon now, is there any reason not to?

However, Xiaolong was not a vegetarian. The moment Lu Bu jumped up, Xiaolong stood up, and his two front horseshoes stomped hard on Lu Bu who was still in the air.

Lv Bu's pupils shrank in fright, and he quickly crossed his hands to block his chest.

Although it blocked the attack, it was in the air after all, and there was no way to rely on it. The moment it was stepped on, it was slammed into the air, flying backwards for tens of meters.

At this time, the soldiers who were angry because Lu Chen was attacked did not attack because they had scruples before.

Now, Lu Bu has been sent flying, if he doesn't shoot at this time, then when will it be.

Moreover, the same is true for the thousands of cavalry that Lu Chen secretly mobilized nearby.

In an instant, nearly a thousand crossbow arrows flew away, directly covering Lu Bu's surroundings completely, even if Lu Bu flashed again, he would not be able to escape the coverage.

When Lu Bu saw it, his face was also very ugly.

Immediately afterwards, the same golden light as before appeared on his body again, completely covering Lu Bu's whole body.

As soon as the golden light came out, the crossbow arrows had already arrived.

The crossbow arrow hit the golden light fiercely, as if it had hit an invisible barrier. After the crossbow arrow shot on it, it fell to the ground, looking a little distorted.

Round after round of crossbow arrows, the golden light remained unchanged.

But just when everyone thought that the golden light was indestructible, another wave of crossbow arrows shot at the golden light.

In an instant, the originally shining golden light shattered directly, and Lu Bu in the golden light flew upside down, spitting out a mouthful of blood, his face was like gold paper, obviously seriously injured.

And just when the next crossbow arrow was about to shoot Lu Bu out of the sieve, suddenly, blood-red rays of light appeared in the void.

These rays of light gradually distorted and entangled, and condensed into a hand in front of Lu Bu. This hand looked very real, with the lines and nails on it lifelike.

After this hand appeared, it directly caught thousands of crossbow arrows that were originally shot at Lu Bu.

The palms were slowly clenched, like rubbing plasticine, ravaging the crossbow arrows in his hands.

And Lu Chen, who just rode the little dragon again, saw it.

Lu Chen naturally understands what this is. This is the incarnation of fighting spirit condensed by the highly substantive fighting spirit of special arms.

And in this city, there is no need to mention those who have the ability to condense the incarnation of fighting spirit.

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the group of people who just entered through the gate of the barracks.

The leader is naturally the marshal of the army, Huang Fusong.

"Okay, let's stop here and focus on the overall situation."

"Then since the marshal has said so, then I'd rather be respectful than obedient, stop."


Lu Chen looked at Lu Bu, who was standing on the ground and was seriously injured, with a sneer on his face.

With a wave of his hand, all the soldiers who were still aiming at the ground immediately put away the Qin crossbow in their hands.

Lu Bu who was on the ground looked at Huangfusong fearfully.

Lu Bu naturally recognized this, and it was precisely because of this that he knew how powerful this giant hand was and how difficult it was.

At the same time, he also knew that even if he was in a state of complete victory, he would not be able to fight against Huangfusong who had gathered fighting spirit among millions of troops.

Not to mention the fact that Lu Bu has been seriously injured now.

Lu Bu joined forces with the remaining 2 elite light cavalry troops, and led them back to the emperor's soul.

"I don't care about this matter, so let's forget it. However, I don't want to have a next time, otherwise, there won't be no punishment like this time."

"Thank you Marshal."

"Well, next, I will give you an hour to rest. After an hour, you will go to the Guangzong battlefield according to the original plan and implement the plan."

For the Emperor Soul, this time because of being violently abused by Lu Chen's dragon cavalry, most of the [-] light cavalry directly lost, leaving only [-] people.

This is just the death toll, and basically everyone else is wounded, so he needs time to repair the damaged armor and resurrect the fallen soldiers.

Moreover, Lu Bu, the most powerful general under his command and the main executor of the plan this time, was injured by the shock again under the condition of several crossbow arrows in his body.

If the two are superimposed, Lu Bu's injury is not serious, and it is no less serious than Lu Chen's previous injury.

It's just that Lu Bu's martial arts are much higher than Lu Chen's, and his vitality, internal strength, and recovery ability are also much higher than Lu Chen's.

Although this kind of injury is not light, it is not fatal enough, and it is not enough to lose the ability to move.

Therefore, Emperor Soul just used this time to heal his wounds, revive soldiers, repair weapons, and heal Lu Bu.

And Lu Chen's side is similar, although the casualties are much lower than the Emperor Soul, but nearly a thousand people died and need to be resurrected.

However, one thing worth pointing out is that apart from the dead, few people were injured on Lu Chen's side. Even if someone was injured, as long as he applied the middle golden sore medicine that every soldier was equipped with, nothing would happen.

Moreover, because the dragon cavalry has fully popularized bronze-level weapons and equipment, the durability is much higher than that of non-grade equipment. In the battle just now, the opponents are just some non-grade weapons.

Are you kidding me, it takes a hundred or eighty ordinary battles to lose all the durability, okay?
Therefore, Lu Chen only needed to resurrect the fallen soldiers, and then waited in the school grounds, quietly watching the busy Emperor Soul, his eyes narrowed slightly.

I don't even know what to think.

An hour is only two hours, it is very short, and it has passed in a short time.

And the Emperor Soul has just put the army in order, and Lu Chen has been resting for an unknown amount of time.

When the hour came, Huangfusong, who was originally sitting on the top, opened his eyes and walked up to the high platform.

"Now, the Emperor Soul belongs to Lu Chen, immediately"

Before Huangfusong could finish speaking, a system announcement interrupted his words.

"Hey, Zhang Jiao overestimated his strength, went against the sky, and died under the scourge of heaven."

"Di, Zhang Jiao, Zhang Bao, and Zhang Liang are all dead. The plot of the Yellow Turban Uprising is over and the settlement begins."

"Drip, the system will be maintenanced in 5 minutes, so please be prepared, players."

(End of this chapter)

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