Chapter 170 Talent System
Lu Chen tried to use his will and soul power to capture the fragments of the iron chain, that is, the fragments of the rules.

However, not to mention whether Lu Chen's sea of ​​consciousness can carry rule fragments, whether carrying rule fragments will collapse the sea of ​​consciousness.

It is a question of whether the will of the earth will easily give up the resources for the growth of this world to Lu Chen.

After all, although the will of the earth has given Lu Chen a little shelter because of the favor of the dragon vein, it doesn't mean that he will easily give him the fragments of the rules.

After all, it's like your son knows a good friend, and you, the father, also meet your son's friend.

I have met him outside, and of course I will choose to take care of one or two when I can, but if this son's friend tries to compete with me for benefits, hehe, who cares about you, who are you!

Although this description is a bit one-sided, it is almost like this.

So, just when Lu Chen wrapped the fragment with his soul power and wanted to drag the fragment over, the regular fragment was sucked away by the will of the earth.

However, Lu Chen didn't gain anything at all, and the will of the earth also left a little soup for Lu Chen.

Only when Lu Chen tried to suck it away would he pay special attention and take it away, but Lu Chen just approached it and nothing happened.

Therefore, Lu Chen took this opportunity to use his soul power to get close to the rule fragments.

Directly like printing, using soul power to copy directly.

This kind of copying is much better than looking at it by yourself, much faster and more accurate.

After all, one is like looking at a painting, while the latter is like printing directly by hand.

Which is accurate and which is quickly obvious.

Moreover, Lu Chen used to just observe its shape and copy its shape. This time, Lu Chen observed and copied the interior directly on the fragments.

The progress is much faster.

Copying is several times, dozens of times, hundreds of times faster than the original.

It can be seen that a small chain appeared in Lu Chen's sea of ​​consciousness.

Slowly swaying in the sea of ​​consciousness, the aura unintentionally emitted during the swaying filled Lu Chen's sea of ​​consciousness.

Cracks slowly appeared from the edge of the Sea of ​​Consciousness and continued to spread towards the middle.

Passing through the cracks is like a bottomless dark abyss.

The cracks spread faster and faster, and the entire sea of ​​consciousness seemed to be about to shatter.

Obviously, although this part of the rules is only simulated by the soul force, it also affects the body of the rules in the dark, attracting a trace of power and breath.

It's just that Lu Chen's sea of ​​consciousness is too fragile, or it's too early for Lu Chen to comprehend the rules.

But fortunately, the soul force that built the rules couldn't bear it first, the chain collapsed, the connection was disconnected, and the aura that just appeared disappeared instantly. If it wasn't for the crack in the sea of ​​consciousness that hadn't disappeared, it would be as if nothing had happened just now.

However, Lu Chen shook his head helplessly as he looked at the sea of ​​consciousness that was on the verge of shattering.

The current sea of ​​consciousness is not so easy to repair, the reason is the same as before.

With Lu Chen's current strength, the Sea of ​​Consciousness cannot bear the existence of rules.

Similarly, with Lu Chen's current strength, Lu Chen can't touch the sea of ​​consciousness, and naturally he can't repair the sea of ​​consciousness, unless there are some special skills, natural treasures, or some great ability to heal you personally, otherwise With Lu Chen's current strength, it cannot be repaired.

However, Lu Chen also discovered something, that is, in those cracks, the darkness is constantly eroding the edge of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Under this erosion, the sea of ​​consciousness is shrinking at a not slow speed.

That means that Lu Chen's soul cultivation is decreasing.

Moreover, in order to minimize the erosion rate, the original soul power must be used to maintain the cracks.

That is to say, the soul power cannot be mobilized, and attributes such as comprehension will temporarily decline, unless Lu Chen ignores the injury.

This is the Dao injury, which is enough to break a genius into the mortal world.

However, Lu Chen was not in despair, but a little helpless.

"It seems that I still have too much appetite.

Logically speaking, comprehension of the rules should be done gradually, step by step, first observe the shape, then understand the meaning, build the rules, and finally control the rules.

Now, trying to reach the sky in one step, it seems that I am too ambitious, and now I have ended up like this.

However, if you are alive, how can you not give it a go, you must know that the gap between each step is vast, and even each step may be the direct last step.

There are not always the opportunities now, the rules are explicit, the rules are broken, directly copy the rules, and listen to the voice of the road.

You must know that a world promotion may require the accumulation of countless epochs, not to mention the destruction of the world and the birth of the world.

However, even though he paid heavy consequences this time, it was not without gains. You must know that there are considerable benefits hidden behind such a big risk. "

Lu Chen smiled slightly, imitated the rules again, copied the rules, and directly engraved the rules on the soul source.

It can be seen that Lu Chen's soul villain is also above the soul source, and a chain is entangled.

This chain is extremely illusory, like a phantom that is about to shatter at any time, it is constantly shuttling on the soul villain, the two ends of the chain are deep in the void, and it does not know where it extends.

The moment the iron chain condenses, the iron chain vibrates.

A colorless wave passed by, and the sea of ​​consciousness, which was still slowly shrinking, was shocked instantly. Although it was broken, it gave people a feeling of weighing and indestructibility, and the erosion of darkness was nothing.

Moreover, the moment the chain was formed, Lu Chen felt a heavy pressure, as if he was carrying a mountain on his back.

After taking shape, the power of rules continues to pass through the void, pass through the sea of ​​consciousness, penetrate into the source of the soul, and fill this phantom.

During this process, the fragmented sea of ​​consciousness slightly intercepted a trace of almost non-existent power of rules, tempered the sea of ​​consciousness, and kept shrinking, repairing the cracks.

And when it penetrates into the source of the soul, it retains a part of it again. Compared with what is retained by the sea of ​​consciousness, the source of the soul is retained dozens of times.

But compared with the total amount, this interception is insignificant.

But it happens to be the limit that the soul can absorb.

Most of the remaining power of the rules is filled into the phantom of the rules, constantly trying to materialize the rules.

On that day, Lu Chen will truly reach the realm of constructing rules. Now, it can only be regarded as pseudo-constructing rules.

However, this will be a difficult and long journey.

Because, even after the rules are broken, the power of the rules is extremely strong here, the power of the rules absorbed by the phantom of the rules can't make any changes in the phantom. Of course, the changes may be so small that they are invisible to the naked eye.

However, one thing is, in this process, the sea of ​​consciousness and the origin of the soul are continuously tempered, this is the treatment only for building rules.

Suddenly, before he could react, Lu Chen's five-dimensional vision disappeared, and he was directly sent back to his body.

However, at this moment, Lu Chen seemed to see countless spheres emitting light, just like the earth, the sky was full of stars hanging in the chaos.

Moreover, Lu Chen seemed to see a sphere emitting blood-red light continuously revolving, and the light it emitted became stronger and stronger.

PS: Forgive me, the name has nothing to do with the chapter, though.
You can't kill me through the screen.

(End of this chapter)

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