Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 172 The Huge Advantage of War Intent Transformation

Chapter 172 The Huge Advantage of War Intent Transformation

For other players, NPCs, and ordinary troops, the requirement is D-level qualifications.

Although the limit for people with this qualification is changed to a soldier, the limit is the third level, and generally only one tenth of them can advance to the third level.

But for players and some NPC lords.

What would a thousand third-tier soldiers have to pay?It's just [-] people with D-level qualifications and a weapon.

After a few bloody battles, you can get a third-tier soldier with a thousand potential overdrafts.

In this case, some players and NPCs can mass-produce Tier [-] soldiers as cannon fodder.

Of course, there are still some people who will choose civilians with C-level qualifications to transfer to the army. More than half of such troops can become third-tier soldiers, and they still have the qualifications to continue to advance.

Of course, this kind of troops belonged to the elite troops among the major forces.

As for the higher B-level qualifications?This can already be regarded as a talent. Most of the people at this level are engaged in various industries, manufacturing, military industry, etc. It is rare for a lord to form an army with B-level qualifications.

Unless it is the special arms training method of the lord owner, this will enlist B-level qualifications to join the army.

As for Grade A, it was a grade that only the top special arms had.

Therefore, Lu Chen's entire army is composed of B-level qualifications. In the eyes of others, they are either stupid and aggressive, or local tyrants with money and willfulness.

And one thing is that at present, Lu Chen's army has not reached its limit, and most of them are still at the third level.

A third-tier soldier, even if you have a seventh-tier potential, so what.

On the battlefield, what is the difference between you and the D-level qualified third-tier units that have reached the limit, and the C-level qualified units that are almost reaching the limit?

There is no difference.

As the saying goes: A dead genius is no longer a genius.

Even if the emperor died, he would turn into loess, without any difference.

On the battlefield, there is no difference between these things. It doesn't mean that you have higher aptitude, stronger combat effectiveness, and higher survivability rate.

And this situation is extremely disadvantageous for Lu Chen. Can you not suffer a disadvantage if you exchange B-level qualifications for D-level qualifications?

And now it's different.

Now that the heaven and the earth are stable because of the increase in aura, ordinary generals can rely on ordinary military formations to condense the fighting spirit of ordinary troops and condense them into shapes.

In this regard, Lu Chen's high qualifications are superior.

High aptitude means more intelligence, greater potential, stronger will, and stronger plasticity.

And what are the conditions for the illusion of fighting will?What is the decisive factor?

The condition lies in generals, military formations, and troops.

As far as Qin Ling is concerned, the army has a B-level qualification.

The fighting spirit that can be condensed and the potential that can be stimulated are definitely not comparable to other low-qualified troops.

For the third-tier army composed of D-level qualifications, it has reached the limit, there is no potential to stimulate, and the will is weaker than B-level qualifications.

Under such circumstances, it would be good if the condensed fighting spirit can be transformed into a shape, and the power should not be pursued too much.

And the bigger possibility is that even the illusion of fighting will can't be done.

You must know what qualifications represent. Many people only know that qualifications represent the ceiling of a person's growth.

But I don't know the deeper things, but it just so happens that Lu Chen knows some secrets.

That is, the determinant of qualifications.

Just like talent is determined by the rules, and aptitude is determined by the soul.

If the soul source is strong, then the aptitude is high; if the soul source is weak, then the aptitude is low.

After all, the mysterious power of fighting intent comes from the same mysterious soul.

With a strong soul, the fighting spirit that can be aroused is also naturally strong.

The stronger the fighting will that is aroused, the stronger the illusion of the condensed fighting will.

This is also one of the reasons why special arms are so powerful.

Therefore, this is why Lu Chen pays special attention to the sixth point.

The emergence of this rule will widen the combat power gap between high-qualified troops and low-qualified troops.

For the improvement of the battle power of the Qin Dynasty, it has grown geometrically.

Of course, correspondingly, there are also requirements for leaders and generals in order to condense a strong fighting spirit.

Don't you see that after Li Jindao forcibly gathered the fighting spirit of 20 troops, he almost collapsed?
You know, before, the aura of heaven and earth was insufficient, and the condensed fighting spirit was only a weakened version, which almost killed Li Jindao.

Now, Li Jindao should only be able to condense the fighting spirit of [-] elite soldiers.

After reading these points, Lu Chen quit this pinned post and came to the main page of the forum.

Here, Lu Chen can see a conspicuous number.

This is a countdown, a 24-hour countdown, that is, the countdown to the closure of the forum.

After 22 hours, the forum will disappear from this world.

But now, taking advantage of the forum not being closed, Lu Chen immediately posted two posts.

"The first player auction in the Three Kingdoms period, please wait and see.

No. 30 days after the end of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Zhiqin Ling holds the first Zhiqin Auction, and sincerely invites you to come.

To Qin Fengxuan, the lord of the Qin Dynasty"

This auction was what Lu Chen wanted to hold a long time ago, and he and Long Chen had revealed this intention some time ago.

You know, the business district in the valley where Zhiqin Ling is located has been fully constructed.

A tall city wall in the valley divides the valley into two parts.

The small, outward-facing part has been completely built into a commercial area after construction during this period.

But this business district has only just been built, and the first step is naturally to attract investment.

But how to attract business, businessmen seek profit, as long as there is enough market, you can't stop businessmen, so Lu Chen only needs to create a market.

But where does the market come from?Come from people.

But now that the NPC structure has gradually formed, and the commercial cake has basically been divided, it has to start from the players.

So how to attract players, how to gather players.

That's why Lu Chen held this auction.

First, report a grand auction.

With his own reputation and the mystery of Qin Ling, he can definitely attract a large number of players. For this, Lu Chen has enough confidence.

However, this is not enough, and the people who came are not qualified.

Therefore, on this premise, Lu Chen chose to hold an auction to gather a large number of big-name players, such as the ten guild leaders and so on.

Players like to join in the fun of such a big event, it is impossible not to come, it is impossible not to pay attention.

At this time, if Lu Chen releases some attractive products and ensures the safety of the players, it will naturally retain the players.

With players, wouldn't the market survive?

If the market is alive, will the merchants still come?
The businessman is here, will Lu Chen still have no money to make?
(End of this chapter)

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