Chapter 176
The tunnel is several thousand meters long. It was originally a big mountain, but it was opened up by Lu Chen with a terrain-changing scroll.

Then a tunnel thousands of meters long was formed. In the depths of this tunnel, there was no sunlight, and the darkness was like the mouth of an ancient giant beast, trying to swallow everything.

Inside, a few torches were inserted at intervals, and the firelight brought a little light to the darkness.

Lu Chen followed the light and walked in the corridor, and through the light of the fire, he could see many small windows on both sides of the corridor.

Inside the window, under the light of the fire, there was a cold light. Lu Chen knew that it was the alert period, and the cold light was the reflection of the arrows and spears in the soldiers' hands.

After walking for a while, Lu Chen came to the end of the corridor, and the gate here opened slowly after realizing that Lu Chen had arrived.

Lu Chen could see a ray of light shining through the crack of the door and shining on Lu Chen's face.

With a creaking sound, the door slowly opened.

Lu Chen walked out, narrowing his eyes slightly. After seeing the sun again, he got used to the sudden light.

With complete adaptation, everything in front of him appeared in front of Lu Chen's eyes.

Here, within a few thousand meters in front of the gate, there is no building, no shelter, only some poles, which are used to place torches at night.

Going further, the first thing to bear the brunt is a road that allows a hundred horse-drawn carriages to pass by at the same time.

What is striking is that this road is completely paved with stones.

This is one of the main roads to Qinling.

This main road extends directly from the gate of the city to the front of the mayor's mansion in Qin Town, and then to Wanghai Port. Of course, there are still many checkpoints between this road to prevent people from directly breaking into it.

It can be said that this road is one of the main roads in this valley.

Across the valley, all paved with stones, the project is huge.

Of course, the effect is also extremely outstanding. It can quickly mobilize military supplies, which greatly improves the reaction speed of the Qin leader.

On both sides of the road is the commercial area carefully built by Lu Chen.

All of this area has been built with shops, and it has been shaped like a pedestrian street.

On one side, a huge bowl-shaped building can be seen, which can be said to be the most eye-catching building.

This building is tens of meters high, which is almost as tall as a ten-story building in reality.

Lu Chen knew that this building was proposed by himself. The shape and height were all proposed by Lu Chen.

Then led by the best architects in the territory, super carpenters and super blacksmiths personally go into battle.

It even used the few ten-thousand-year-old Zhenhai wood in the territory as the main girder, and the thousand-year-old Zhenhai wood as the main material, and finally manufactured this pure wooden building with a height of tens of meters.

This is the Zhiqin Auction House, where the Zhiqin Auction will be held a month later, and it is also one of the reasons Lu Chen thinks can shock players.

Not just because of the auction items, but also because of the auction location.

In addition to this, there are other huge buildings such as commercial buildings, arenas, etc., which are only slightly inferior to this auction.

Lu Chen can say that this small town is definitely the best in terms of architecture. It can even be said that some modern urban business districts are not as good as this one.

However, Lu Chen just looked at it roughly like watching flowers on horseback.

Then go directly along the avenue in the middle, pass through the wall that separates the commercial area and Qin Town, and go straight to Qin Town.

On the flat official road, the horses should not move too fast. Before long, Lu Chen could vaguely see Zhiqin Town lying on the ground on the horizon.

At the entrance of Zhiqin Town, there were some people standing there. Lu Chen took a closer look, and they were Ning Yuan, Mu Le, Xi Zhicai, Li Jindao and the officials of Zhiqin Town.

What I have to say here is that Xi Zhicai and Li Jindao were sent back after Zhang Jiao died, and they arrived at the territory one step earlier than Lu Chen.

"See my lord, my lord, Shenwei, has returned in triumph."

"Please get up."

Lu Chen got off the horse, supported Ning Yuan with his hands, and let the others get up.

"Wen Yuan, you take the army back to the barracks, and then rest for a few days, don't rush to train recruits."

That's right, recruits, when the population of the territory further expanded to 400 million, Ning Yuan and Mu Le, who received Lu Chen's order, held a new round of recruitment in the territory.

Now, in the territory, there are 40 recruits waiting for training.

However, because the 40 recruits have exceeded the carrying capacity of the valley.

As a result, these 40 recruits are only at the strength of the first-level soldiers who have just been promoted.

After all, the number of wild animal camps in this valley is overwhelming because of the platinum-level village building order.

But if it's a town-level force training troops, well, that's more than enough, but now there are 40 troops, don't say whether a town has so many troops, and the population is not so large.

Therefore, such a small camp is just a drop in the bucket for an army of 40.

And although there are wild beasts on the islands, villages and small towns have been established on the offshore islands above the intermediate level to house the extra 300 million people.

After all, the valley cannot accommodate so many people.

Under such circumstances, all the beasts on these islands were cleaned up and could not be used for leveling, and there were not many beasts on the small islands.

Although in the deep sea, countless islands have been discovered in the Qin Dynasty, including small, medium, large, and giant, and even a miniature continent, the Yizhou mainland, which is the real Taiwan Island.

However, the generals in the territory, Zhang Liao and Li Jindao, have already set out with Lu Chen, although the only Wang Qi is in the territory.

But he wanted to sit at the gate of the city. You must know that the weather was not calm there. During this period of time, there were dozens of attacks, large and small, but nothing was caused, so they were not reported to Lu Chen.

Therefore, he couldn't get out of his body, and most of the military generals independently trained by the territory were also in the Jiaolongqi.

Then the remaining little fish and shrimp can only be taken with them to do some basic training, and that’s fine for leveling, let alone going to sea.

As for Ningyuan, Muller and the others are civil servants, and they are not allowed to touch the military. This is a restricted area. Therefore, the 40 troops are scattered on islands and valleys. While training basics, they are waiting for Zhang Liao's arrival.

Now, Zhang Liao is back. However, considering that he just came back from the battlefield, Lu Chen specially let him rest for a few days. Anyway, 40 people have been eating and drinking for nothing for so long, so these days are not bad.

"Yes, my lord, but the supplies consumed by the 40 troops every day are astronomical, and I can't take them off anymore. Please allow me, my lord, the end will start immediately."

However, Zhang Liao refused, and Lu Chen saw that his attitude was very firm, so he let him go.

"Well, that's fine, then you can handle it yourself."

"Yes, I will retire at the end."

After finishing speaking, he took fifty thousand cavalry down the road to several giant military camps set up outside Qin Town.

(End of this chapter)

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