Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 178 Exploring Zhenhai Island

Chapter 178 Exploring Zhenhai Island

Three days, like a white horse passing through the gap, passed with a whiff.

During these three days, Lu Chen didn't go anywhere, and stayed in the study to deal with government affairs wholeheartedly.

View reports, critique them, and learn every aspect of this land of millions.

Three days was just enough for Lu Chen to get a rough impression of what was there and what was going on.

After the end, Lu Chen also told Ning Yuan about the auction and job fair in a month's time, and asked him to prepare.

These, as early as when Lu Chen was building the business district, he had already talked about it with Ning Yuan, and now it is just for Ning Yuan to start making preparations.

After all, it is impossible to open such a large commercial area immediately. Service personnel, public security, and management must be prepared in advance.

After explaining these things, Lu Chen rode Xiaolong and left Zhiqin Town with five hundred Xuanjia troops.

Along the main road, five hundred heavy riders galloped at high speed, and arrived at the port in a short while.

Today is different from the past, this place is no longer the desolate sea estuary with only a few small broken fishing boats.

Here, after being transformed by Lu Chen with a terrain-changing scroll, it became an excellent deep-water harbor.

Moreover, as there are more and more giant ships in the territory of Zhenhai and the port is becoming more and more prosperous, the port has been remodeled again and extended outwards, with an astonishingly large throughput.

Lu Chen just arrived here, waved back the officials who came to greet him, and walked directly into the port.

Every moment, there are Zhenhai transport ships docking, and there are also Zhenhai transport ships leaving the port. Every day, a large amount of ore and grain are transported into the valley, and then they are further processed, stored, or turned into items, and some of them are put into use. Some are stored.

These Zhenhai transport ships are like arteries to the Qin territory.

Constantly promote the development of Zhiqin Ling, and constantly accelerate the development of Zhiqin Ling.

Based on this, Lu Chen does not allow the development of the territory to be stuck in a bottleneck or even stagnated just because of a raw material at this time.

Therefore, after roughly handling the affairs of the territory, he hurriedly led the Xuanjia Army to investigate, hoping to solve this trouble in the shortest possible time.

In fact, after discovering Zhenhai Island and the overlord of the island, Jiaolongma, was tamed, Lu Chen had already sent people to investigate further.

However, in the deepest part of the island, it was extremely empty and a bit gloomy. After lighting a torch and entering, they found large pillars, which could not be surrounded by several people.

After taking a closer look, I realized that these pillars are some huge Zhenhai woods, and I don't know how old they are.

And the reason why the inside is gloomy is also because the leaves and branches of these tall township trees have completely covered the sky, and no light can penetrate.

Then the soldiers sent in searched over and over again with torches, and even dug up a lot of practice ground.

It is not an exaggeration to say that digging three feet into the ground, but still nothing was found.

Moreover, after these scouting soldiers stayed inside for a long time, their nerves became a little abnormal, and their spirits were on the verge of collapse.

After learning about this situation, the soldiers were immediately withdrawn.

Then he reported it to Lu Chen, but during that time, Lu Chen had to deal with the Black Shark Pirates and prepare for the Yellow Turban Rebellion that would come at any time.

Later, the Yellow Turban Rebellion started, and Lu Chen had no time or energy to explore Zhenhai Island.

Then it was delayed until now, the Zhenhai wood was cut down, and the development of the territory was about to hit a bottleneck, so I came here to explore.

Although the speed of the Zhenhai transport ship is not slow, Zhenhai Island is not a short distance from the valley.

Therefore, it took Lu Chen more than half a day to reach Zhenhai Island.

The Zhenhai giant ship leaned against the small pier of Zhenhai Island amidst a loud noise.

The ship leaned sideways against the pier, and thick wooden planks were stretched over to build on the pier, and Lu Chen followed the planks to Zhenhai Island.

Standing on the pier, Lu Chen looked at the town and the island, feeling quite emotional.

Thinking back to the last time I came, at that time, Zhenhai Island was still in the hands of the Black Shark Pirates, and the last time I came here was to capture the island.

At that time, the island was completely covered by Zhenhai wood.

After all, at that time, although the Black Shark Pirates also sent people to cut down, but the Black Shark Pirates were just a pirate group, how capable they could be in this regard.

The cutting speed is so slow that it looks like there is no cutting at all.

But Qin Ling is different.

Because of the strength of the Zhenhai Giant Ship, and because Lu Chen set the Zhenhai Giant Ship to a crucial position in its future development.

All of this means that the giant ship Zhenhai must be produced quickly.

The construction of the Zhenhai giant ship requires not only thousands of forged steel, but also thousands of years of Zhenhai wood.

Therefore, a large number of talents in the territory were arranged to be transferred to carpenters, and then sent to Zhenhai Island to cut Zhenhai wood.

Zhiqin Ling has the attribute of raising qualifications by one level, so there are not a few highly qualified talents. Naturally, the qualifications of people who are used to change jobs to carpenters are not low.

Under such circumstances, their carpentry level rose very quickly.

Correspondingly, in terms of production efficiency, the improvement is very significant.

This can be seen from the fact that more and more Zhenhai giant ships come to Zhenhai Island for transportation every day.

In this way, for the sake of development, more and more investment is made in logging. Talents are only one aspect, and there are more material resources.

A special class has a very good understanding of its own field and is proficient, so it can do research and study some new technologies.

This time, a new logging ax and logging saw were specially developed for mining, and the cutting speed was further increased.

Then, even though Zhenhai Island is a huge island, but at this speed, one area after another has been cut down.

Although the officials managing this area consciously planted seedlings, it didn't help.

For such a long time, the green of the island has almost disappeared.

There are only a few Zhenhai trees left in a hundred years or a thousand years, and even a large part of Zhenhai trees that are more than ten years old have been cut down.

Because, although ten years of Zhenhai wood cannot make flat sea ships.

However, who told you that this Zhenhai wood cannot be used for other purposes.

Wharfs, ports, even ladders and siege vehicles are all made of Zhenhai wood.

After all, these Zhenhai woods are tough enough and hard enough.

So, after Lu Chen looked at it like this, apart from a small amount of ten-thousand-year-old Zhenhai trees inside the island, there are only those outside the town that are less than ten years old, and the ten-year-old Zhenhai trees that have been stopped for sustainable development. .

Then, there was an empty space in the middle of the island, only the sparse Zhenhai wood seedlings could be seen.

Most of the years are not full.

What's more, the thousands of dragon horses reserved for stallions kept screaming in the only remaining forest.

(End of this chapter)

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