Chapter 180

The curiosity on Lu Chen's face grew stronger, and he patted Xiaolong to let him continue to lead the way.

Xiaolong understood, took small steps forward, one step after another.

Lu Chen followed behind.

Although there are only 95 Zhenhai trees for ten thousand years.

But because of the ten thousand years Zhenhai tree is thick and tall.

At the same time, the area of ​​the canopy is very large and very thick, and the coverage is correspondingly relatively large.

Therefore, although there are only 95 trees, the land area is not small at all.

Therefore, the further Lu Chen and his party walked in, the weaker the light became.

After walking for a while, it is a bit exaggerated to say that I can't see my five fingers, but it is almost less. Fortunately, I had the foresight before and brought a torch in, otherwise, I have to leave now.

As it got deeper and deeper, the coercion Lu Chen felt became stronger and stronger.

However, although this Longwei is relatively high in quality, it is relatively weak in quantity. In front of Lu Chen's will and soul that has undergone several transformations, it is still not very useful.

However, for the Xuanjia army who was only fourth-rank beside them, although their bodies would not have any problems in such a short period of time, their faces were already flushed.

Obviously, they are struggling to persist, and they are afraid that they will not be able to persist after a while.

However, looking at Xiaolong now, not only did he not feel the pressure, on the contrary, Lu Chen saw a sense of comfort and joy in him.

At this time, Xiaolong realized that Lu Chen hadn't followed, turned his head, and Lu Chen actually saw a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Moreover, after Xiaolong saw the situation of the Xuanjia Army, he shook directly and turned into the prototype of a dragon horse.

Then, with a hiss, a drop of golden blood emerged from under the dragon scale.

In an instant, this drop of blood turned into five hundred parts and merged into the Xuanjia.

Then there was a pain in its eyes, like, like a miser just lost 100 million.

Moreover, Lu Chen's sharp eyes noticed that after the little dragon turned into a prototype, the gourd emitted from his body became slightly weaker and dimmer.

And at this time, looking at the face of the Xuanjia Army, it was as if he didn't feel anything, his face was normal, only the sweat still on his face proved what happened just now.

If Lu Chen didn't understand what happened at this time, he would be a fool.

He touched Xiaolong pitifully.

Xiaolong squinted his eyes and seemed to enjoy it very much, but suddenly, Xiaolong turned his head and walked forward with a skip.

Lu Chen's hand stopped in the air, and he smiled helplessly.

"This arrogant little dragon, I'm afraid he has become a genius. Since the two worlds merged into one, he has become more and more human."

However, Lu Chen also sighed and followed immediately.

Because, Lu Chen discovered that just after the little dragon became a prototype, there seemed to be some light shining in the depths of the forest.

This light is not strong, if it weren't for Lu Chen's sharp eyes, he would definitely ignore it.

Moreover, Lu Chen saw that this direction was exactly the direction that Xiaolong had been leading him.

Lu Chen didn't believe that this was a coincidence. If he guessed right, that place, where the light was shining, was the goal of this trip.

However, although Lu Chen saw the destination of this trip.

However, he did not rush over in a hurry, but was more cautious.

Not to mention that it was dark there, and I didn't know what there was.

Even if it's bright there and everything looks lightly and clearly, you can't relax your vigilance.

The closer things are to success, the more prudent one must be. It is not uncommon for one to make a mistake at the last moment and then suffer a crushing defeat.

Therefore, Lu Chen still followed behind, advancing step by step.

However, I don't know if it was intentional or accidental, just now Xiaolong's drop of golden blood was sprinkled on the five hundred Xuanjia soldiers, letting them shield Longwei.

But Lu Chen was ignored, so when everyone in the Xuanjia Army left easily.

Lu Chen was alone, step by step, every step he took, he could see Dou Da's sweat dripping down.

It made some Xuanjia soldiers look at Lu Chen strangely.

What's wrong, my lord?Could it be that or that?

But Lu Chen has no time to deal with these cranky soldiers.

At this time, Lu Chen was fighting against this coercion with all his heart.

In fact, Lu Chen didn't have to be so difficult.

You know, Lu Chen's soul has undergone many transformations, and it has been condensed into a human form.

And although this Longwei is noble and pure, it is only a faint layer.

It stands to reason that although Lu Chen can't ignore it, it's not like this.

In fact, it's no wonder that Lu Chen, according to normal circumstances, is indeed the case.

But Lu Chen is not in a normal state now.

You know, Lu Chen still has the injury of the Great Dao on his body.

When comprehending the rules before, the entire sea of ​​consciousness was crushed.

Although later a rule was integrated into the soul, slowly tempering and repairing the sea of ​​consciousness.

However, the disease comes like a mountain, and the disease goes like a thread.

Injuries come quickly and heal slowly, so although Lu Chen's comprehension of the rules is far beyond ordinary people, he has never bred talent.

Moreover, up to now, although the situation of Consciousness Sea has improved a little, it has only improved a little.

The kind that won't collapse when blown by a gust of wind, the kind that won't turn into a fool.

But it's still like a sieve, with cracks everywhere.

Originally, if the Sea of ​​Consciousness was intact, Long Wei would be directly excluded from the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

But this sieve-like sea of ​​consciousness, the dragon power penetrates through the barrier of the sea of ​​consciousness, seeps in, and directly acts on the soul.

This caused Lu Chen's scene.

However, with the current situation, the problem is not too big, after all, where is the foundation of Lu Chen's soul.

Moreover, it has now reached that shining place.

Fortunately, nothing happened in the middle of this.

Here, it's not what Lu Chen imagined, but a luminous body here.

Lu Chen opened his eyes wide and looked at this place. This is a hole, and there is light coming from the hole.

However, this is not a cave in the conventional sense, an underground cave.

Instead, it looks like a black hole.

Under the light of the fire, a black hole with a diameter of about one foot slowly turned.

Part of the hole is below the ground, and the part above the ground is about two meters high, like a door.

Moreover, during the continuous rotation of the black hole, some light and a sense of coercion were revealed from time to time.

It was the faint light that Lu Chen saw before.

Lu Chen looked at the wormhole, his black eyeballs shone with a strange light under the light of the torch.

It's very quiet here. Now, Lu Chen is motionless, and of course the soldiers next to him are also motionless.

In the silence, you can hear your own breathing.

However, before Lu Chen could say anything, Xiaolong turned his head and glanced at Lu Chen.

He slammed into the wormhole directly.

".I have a sentence MMP, I don't know if I should say it or not."

(End of this chapter)

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