Chapter 196
Following Lu Chen's counterattack, one tooth after another was shot into the Tyrannosaurus rex's mouth.

As time passed, Lu Chen broke half of the teeth in the Tyrannosaurus rex's mouth.

So many teeth were thrown into the same place by Lu Chen, where there were no bones, but flesh and blood.

Withstood so much, there was hardly a good piece of meat.

If you want to say how much damage it has caused, then the Tyrannosaurus rex's cry is still full of energy.

However, the pain caused is not low, again, this can be seen from the huge roar of the Tyrannosaurus rex, and the vigorous jumping.

However, a sneer flashed across Lu Chen's mouth.

A tooth that was several meters long was lifted up with one hand.

Internal strength, physical strength, all burst out.

This tooth was like a javelin, with a swish, it shot out.

Even, not long after leaving Lu Chen's hand, there was an explosion, and a ring-shaped cloud slowly appeared around the teeth.

This is the only performance that has broken the sound barrier, which also means that the teeth are flying away at a speed exceeding the speed of sound.

Lu Chen looked at the sound barrier cloud, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

With his back behind his back, his exhausted right arm was trembling slightly.

At the same time, the internal force of the meridians in the body has also been exhausted.

However, at this time, what does Tyrannosaurus rex seem to feel?
A golden light erupted from the inside to the outside.

Lu Chen suddenly felt a fatal crisis.

Keep your eyes open.

A little dark red light appeared deep in the Tyrannosaurus Rex's throat.

Before Lu Chen could see it clearly, it erupted directly.

First, it touched the tooth that was shot, swallowed it, and then shot directly towards Lu Chen.

Unfortunately, although Lu Chen has already seen it, it is one thing to see it, but another thing to be able to react to it.

Obviously, Lu Chen didn't react.

There was only time to curl up the body to reduce the area being attacked as much as possible.

Then he was shot by a dark red pillar of fire.

Facing such a strong attack.

Some inscriptions and symbols spontaneously appeared on Lu Chen's body.

After some mysterious and mysterious symbols emerged.

It is not fixed, but constantly wandering on the body.

And in this process, the impact of the pillar of fire has been blocked by the destructive aura.

Moreover, after Lu Chen was hit to the ground, he quickly stretched out his body, propped himself on the ground, and kept striking forward with both hands.

Punch and punch bombarded the past.

It's strange to say that Lu Chen's small fist, facing a pillar of fire with a diameter of one foot, can always repel it.

You know, this is not a stone pillar or a wooden pillar, but a flame without a specific shape, but because it was shot, it turned into a cylindrical shape.

Under the action of the fist, the pillar of fire was directly repelled a little, and nothing shot from the side of the fist.

A stalemate between one man and one dragon.

Lu Chen can dodge it, but Lu Chen doesn't like to let go of such a chance to control his own power.

You know, Lu Chen couldn't control it well because of his power surge.

But there is nothing faster to get familiar with than a hearty battle of life and death.

But for Lu Chen, it is not easy to have a hearty battle.

In terms of Lu Chen's current strength, if he is stronger than himself and can hold Lu Chen down, he needs at least a king rank.

Moreover, it was a life-and-death battle, and it was impossible for Lu Chen to make a king-level life-and-death enemy for the sake of a familiar force.

Lu Chen is not arrogant enough to be so cheap.

So, now that there is finally a life-and-death opponent with rough skin and thick flesh, why run away.

As for the Tyrannosaurus rex, it was probably irritated by the almost death just now, and it usually consumes a lot of money, and it is used as Long Yan, the bottom card of the box.

Now use it like you don’t need money.

The stalemate ended in less than ten seconds.

Tyrannosaurus Rex ended Long Yan with a painful roar.

Only then can Lu Chen see what the Tyrannosaurus rex looks like now.

This time, Lu Chen's eyes almost didn't blink.

T-Rex doesn't look like a T-Rex at all now.

The body is much elongated, the forelimbs are long and grown a lot.

It seems that the body is not bloated, but has become slender and slimmer.

And there are two spiral-shaped long black horns growing from its head.

The sharpness on the sharp corner seems to be able to pierce the sky.

Moreover, all the black cuticles on my body disappeared.

All turned into golden diamond-shaped scales.

At first glance, Lu Chen was taken aback. Isn't this a living golden dragon?

However, fortunately, the golden dragon was not suspended in the air, but stood on the ground with its limbs.

This discovery made Lu Chen heave a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he couldn't fly, otherwise he would be miserable.

After careful observation, Lu Chen finally discovered the reason why Long Yan stopped just now.

A milky white thing protruded from one of Jin Jiao's eyeballs.

Looking at it, Lu Chen saw that it was the tooth he had thrown out just now.

It didn't melt, but was blocked for a moment, and then shot at it.

After thinking about it, yes, the teeth themselves belonged to the Tyrannosaurus rex. If the dragon flames could melt the teeth, the Tyrannosaurus rex sprayed the dragon flames once, and the teeth would still be gone.

But just now, this tooth slowly shuttled through the dragon flames, and then shot into the brain.

It's a pity that the shot missed the teeth a bit, it missed the brain, it just shot out from the eyeball, and it just blinded one eye.

However, this also forced Jin Jiao to stop spraying dragon flames.

Lu Chen took advantage of the time when Jin Jiao was blind and not used to it.

Straight forward.

Jumping up in one fell swoop, he jumped directly onto Jin Jiao's head.

Holding the jiaojiao, he punched hard at the center of the two corners.

However, this time, it was beyond Lu Chen's expectation.

The fist hit it, hit the golden scale, the fist exploded directly, and a ball of blood burst out.

Moreover, Lu Chen also felt that his power, after passing through the golden scales, was blocked by a layer, and then was removed.

The rest of the force went in without causing any effect at all, just like scratching an itch.

This time, Lu Chen had nothing to do with the golden dragon, it was like a tortoise shell, it couldn't be broken.

It was only then that Lu Chen felt the helplessness of not having a magic weapon.

In my mind, the ambition to conquer the world with my body disappeared in an instant.

You can use magic weapons, but you can't live without them.

Besides, I am a more aggressive player than RMB players.

You can crush others with equipment, why not use it?

This doesn't fit the personality.

However, this thought just passed by in a flash, and he is still fighting now, not when he is thinking about this, so fighting cannot be a distraction.

What I should think about now is how to break this layer of tortoise shell, otherwise, there is really nothing I can do about it today.

(End of this chapter)

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