Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 201 Dragon's Evil

Chapter 201 Dragon's Evil
Although Lu Chen was still attacking, he didn't think about it anymore. Anyway, these gray shadows couldn't pose a threat to him, so why not care about them.

Has he put his mind on his own feelings?
What is it that makes me subconsciously feel wrong?

With the strength of the soul, the accuracy of the sixth sense is getting higher and higher, perhaps this is the so-called whim.

Therefore, Lu Chen is particularly concerned about his feelings for no reason. Perhaps, this may be his own illusion.

However, as long as it is not an illusion, it may save his life.

Therefore, Lu Chen will not easily miss any feeling.

While crushing these gray shadows, Lu Chen glanced wildly.

When his eyes were wandering, he suddenly saw where his fist was attacking.

It was only then that Lu Chen realized what was wrong.

A direct punch can clear the same space as before.

However, in the same space, the gray diamond-shaped crystals that Lu Chen harvested were not half as much as before. What does this mean?
Lu Chen's brain was running fast, and he immediately thought of the key point.

Quantity, in such a large area, the number of gray shadows has decreased.

But in Lu Chen's view, the front is still the same as before, filled with gray shadows, there is no difference.

Lu Chen immediately thought of a possibility, the gray shadow's size had become bigger.

Before, it was because I didn't look carefully and my attention was not on this.

Now look carefully at the past and immediately notice the change.

These gray shadows are already bigger than before, several times longer.

Before, it was just like a loach, only Lu Chen's palm was long.

But now?Almost as long as Lu Chen's arms.

After discovering this, Lu Chen felt more and more uneasy.

If you are not in love with fighting, you are fighting and retreating, and you are about to leave.

According to Lu Chen's estimation, the portal has only the last 20 seconds left.

Lu Chen came to the edge of the portal.

Going all out, he punched out with a concentrated punch.

All the gray shadows in the one-meter-diameter sphere in front of Lu Chen collapsed.

Lu Chen reached out and picked up a few gray diamond-shaped crystals.

Originally, he wanted to take away all the gray rhombic crystals, but suddenly, his face changed drastically.

He retreated directly, and his body smashed into the slowly rotating portal.

The timing was just right, as soon as Lu Chen entered, the portal spun, shrunk and disappeared, and those phantoms were blocked from the outside.

In the depths of Zhenhai Island, Lu Chen stood at the exit, stroked his chest, and took a deep breath. His heart was still beating very fast, and he still had lingering fears. It was really too dangerous just now.

Before, Lu Chen was calculating the time and preparing to leave.

Before leaving, Lu Chen deliberately exploded, preparing to make a final grab before leaving.

The final eruption effect is very remarkable, dozens of gray rhombic crystals.

But when Lu Chen just caught a few pieces, something happened to those crumbling gray shadows.

After the gray shadow collapses, there will be a gray gas. At this moment, a gray shadow merges with a gray gas.

Then, it seems like a certain tipping point has been reached.

Instantly swelled, the thickness and length of the body doubled.

The color of the body is also slightly lighter.

Seeing this scene, Lu Chen finally understood why these gray shadows became bigger.

Moreover, after seeing this enlarged gray shadow, Lu Chen felt more and more uneasy.

It was as if there was a life and death crisis imminent.

Lu Chen made a quick decision, gave up the uncollected crystals, and left directly. Between his belongings and his own safety, Lu Chen still knew how to choose.

After Lu Chen came back, the uneasiness in his heart dissipated.

Lu Chen patted his chest. Suddenly, Li Jindao looked at him with a different expression, as if he had seen something incredible.

"Jin Dao, with this expression, are you shocked to see me come back safely?"

Lu Chen got out of danger once, and it can be said that there was no danger. He was in a good mood and even made a little joke.

However, Lu Chen did not wait for Li Jindao's sincerity, or admit his mistake with a smile.

Lu Chen saw him looking at him in horror, and then pointed to his right arm.

"My lord, my lord, your hand, your hand"

When Lu Chen heard what he said, he was puzzled, what happened to my hand?
The head turned, hand, isn't it here?

Lu Chen moved his hands in doubt, ready to ask what Li Jindao meant.

But before he had time to ask, Lu Chen just moved his right hand, and finally understood what Li Jindao was frightened about.

With a slight movement of my hand, it turned directly into a sky full of dust.

The Velociraptor was no different from the Xuanjia Army that died before.

Fortunately, Lu Chen was only an arm and did not spread to his body.

Fortunately, Lu Chen's psychological endurance is not bad, and he didn't collapse directly. The main reason is that Lu Chen has a way to recover, so there is nothing unusual, even if his hands are wiped out.

All that remains in my heart is rejoicing.

I'm glad that I felt something wrong at the first time, and I'm glad that I didn't covet those few crystals, otherwise, I would really die somewhere today.

Today, it can be said that it is really fate, because Lu Chen ran fast, and the phantom after the promotion just hit the arm, which is okay.

Lu Chen looked at the fracture, it was pitch black.

Lu Chen became ruthless and pulled out the scimitar from Li Jindao's waist.

Cut off the shoulders and all the dark parts directly.

Then he closed his eyes and looked inside, controlled the ubiquitous chains of rules in his body, and slammed down the golden bead fiercely.

In an instant, a huge force erupted from the bead, trying to attack Lu Chen.

However, this is in Lu Chen's body, under the package of rules, what big waves can be turned up.

He was directly suppressed strongly, and then tied up by Lu Chen, chain by chain.

Not long after, there was a cracking sound on the bead, a crack appeared on the bead, and streams of essence leaked out from it.

This energy was instantly absorbed by Lu Chen's body.

Then, Lu Chen's wound itched intermittently, and the granulation sprouts continued to grow and relax, which was really disgusting-_-||.

Lu Chen resisted the huge itching, and not long after, a white arm grew out again.

Lu Chen moved the newly grown arm. Fortunately, there was no difference. It was just a new growth, and it was still too fragile to withstand too much force.

However, the cracks on the golden bead did not disappear, and the energy inside leaked out one after another, being absorbed by Lu Chen's thirsty body.

"Pay attention to confidentiality."

"Yes, it will definitely not spread."

For the Xuanjia Army, Lu Chen still trusts, otherwise he would not do some confidential things in front of them.

Saying something now is just to keep them from saying it.

Only now did Lu Chen have time to look at the system information.

Lu Chen was also surprised that after defeating so many gray shadows, why there was only one system message.

"Drip, you have a fight with Long Nian."

(End of this chapter)

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