Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 203 The Growing Zhenhaimu

Chapter 203 The Growing Zhenhaimu
Lu Chen did not wait in the Zhenhai forest, nor did he leave Zhenhai Island.

Just poke around here, casually inspect the work, and see what potential problems there are.

As Lu Chen was walking, he saw Zhenhai trees planted next to him, and slapped his head.

"I seem to have forgotten something."

Isn't that right? As soon as Lu Chen saw the zhenhai tree seedlings, he remembered that the zhenhai tree was a little taller.

Although I paid attention to it before, so many things have happened during this period, and there are many new concerns.

As a result, Lu Chen somewhat forgot the purpose of exploring Zhenhai Island in the first place.

What are you doing here?

To solve the problem of insufficient wood in Zhenhai.

You know, the Zhenhai giant ship in the territory is already on the verge of stopping production.

After a while, the last thousand-year town sea forest on the island will be cut down.

By that time, it will really be too late.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen ended the wandering inspection mode he had just started, and walked directly towards the place where the Velociraptor's corpse was temporarily placed.

As soon as it came out, the velociraptor corpse was placed there.

That itself is not very far from the Wannian Zhenhaimu area.

Lu Chen didn't spend much time before he saw it.

Lu Chen looked over from a distance, and there was a scene that made Lu Chen excited.

Several Zhenhai trees planted in the same batch that are obviously higher than the next one stand there, which are particularly conspicuous.

Lu Chen stepped forward to take a look, as expected.

This is where the velociraptor corpse was placed.

Although the velociraptor bones, skin, and meat have all been taken away, the blood stains left behind can still be seen on the ground.

Moreover, the few Zhenhai trees that grow fast are all growing around the bloodstain.

At this time, a person suddenly trotted over from a distance.

The man looked about middle-aged.

"Subordinates join the lord."

"Wai Li, you are Zhang Wen from Zhenhai Village, right?"

Lu Chen looked at him, and after thinking about it for a while, he remembered his name. He was trained by a group of officials.

It seems that he was a scholar before he came here, with good aptitude and good working ability, and he was one of the earliest residents in the Qin Dynasty after all.

Later, after he became an official, he was arranged by Lu Chen or Ning Yuan to come to Zhenhai Island.

Before coming here, I met Lu Chen once.

However, although Lu Chen's tone is very flat, this article is still very exciting.

You think, your top boss came to your work area, saw you, and called your name directly, would you not be moved?

That's impossible, this article is so exciting anyway.

There is nothing in modern times. Within a company or within a system, although there is a difference in level, it is not very obvious.

But the Three Kingdoms period was different.

As a lord, Lu Chen is still a majestic earl. It can be said that he has the power of life and death over everyone in the territory.

Under such circumstances, a low-level official finds himself, a top boss, remembers his name and recognizes him. Doesn't this mean that he is in the eyes of the big boss?

The promotion or something just went up there, of course, I don't deny the possibility that this is an illusion.

Anyway, if there is a loyalty value attribute now, his loyalty value will definitely jump up a few points.

This is why Lu Chen worked so hard to write down everyone.

Otherwise, do you think you can write it down after seeing it in the crowd?
Maybe someone can do it, but Lu Chen can't do it. Lu Chen spent a lot of time thinking about it, for this moment.

In fact, this is a simple means of buying people's hearts, which is very common in modern management.

But now, when the human rights issue is not prominent and the superiors hold the power of life and death, the effect is even more significant.

"Yes, yes, I am Zhang Wen, what orders does my lord have?"

Lu Chen pointed to the obviously bigger Zhenhai wood in front of him.

When Zhang Wen saw it, he suddenly realized.

"Oh, I said, what else can attract you, my lord, so it's this."

"This tree suddenly grew up the day after the Lord came to the island.

Then, it was discovered and reported.

I also did some research.

Then I found out that the lord had led people to slaughter several wild beasts here, and there were bloodstains left behind.

Then, the Zhenhai wood next to the bloodstain grew the best, so I guessed whether it was related to the bloodstain.

Then, I applied for some minced meat from the beasts that were slaughtered here, and found some other beast blood that could be collected.

Water them separately on the roots of Zhenhai wood.

Then it was discovered that the Zhenhai tree watered with the blood of the beasts slaughtered here grew rapidly, while the Zhenhai trees watered with the blood of other beasts did not change.

Therefore, I came to a conclusion that that kind of beast can accelerate the growth of Zhenhai wood. "

After listening to what he said, Lu Chen realized that there was a tall Zhenhai tree next to him.

Imagine carefully, the slaughter was not and was not close there.

And, just around here, there are blood stains on the roots of many trees. Presumably, this is the result of their experiments.

However, although this experiment was simple, Lu Chen still looked at Zhang Wen in surprise.

This experiment is done in an orderly manner. This is not like a liberal arts scholar. I guess this piece of literature and science is good.

This thought is okay.

Lu Chen looked down at the trees in front of him, pondered for a while, then turned around, patted Zhang Wen on the shoulder, and said to him.

"Well, you've done a good job, I'm very satisfied, now, a batch of beast carcasses have been transported out of the forest in Wannian Zhenhai.

You go to apply, gather a batch of beast carcasses, continue this experiment, and find out how to catalyze the growth of Zhenhai wood.

After you find it, I will give you the right to report to the next level. You can come directly to Qin Town to find me and report to me in person. "

"Yes, thank you for your love, my lord, I will never hesitate to die."

"Well, get it done as soon as possible. In addition, bring the Four Treasures of the Study."

"Yes, my lord."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Wen seemed to beckon from behind, and a follower brought over a tray with a stack of paper on it, and the tray of another follower contained brushes, ink sticks, and some ground ink.

Lu Chen could see that there was something written on the stack of paper, as if it had recorded something. Lu Chen took a slight look, and it was the record of this experiment.

However, Lu Chen didn't look at it too much, took out a blank piece of paper, wrote a approval note, and stamped the stamp he carried with him on it.

No way, it was a policy that Lu Chen personally set at the beginning.

Anyone who wants to get any resources from anywhere must bring a stamped approval slip.

Otherwise, it is forbidden to mobilize any resources, including Lu Chen.

Therefore, although what Lu Chen just said was already a verbal instruction, Lu Chen still had to sign an approval slip in person.

Although there are some troubles now, Lu Chen believes that the formalized management will bring benefits to him one day.

(End of this chapter)

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