Chapter 217

"Baron mayor Liu Min, when Zhonglang General Dong Zhuo failed, counterattacked the main force of the Yellow Turbans, boosted morale, and rewarded the fifth-rank general."

Lu Chen was already smiling and waiting for his reward.

Because, logically speaking, among the players, the one with the highest status is my own heart, and I have the greatest credit, so I should be the first to be rewarded.

But he didn't expect that he was not the first one to be rewarded?

What is the origin of this Liu Min? Is it Liu's surname?
Just as Lu Chen thought about it, a man standing in the middle behind him came out to thank him.

When he came back, he smiled at everyone.

Not to mention, this man's appearance is not bad, but Lu Chen still felt a sense of arrogance, and when he smiled, he also had a feeling of repelling others thousands of miles away.

And, for some reason, although his smile is arrogant, it is not out of line, and it will not cause bad feelings.

But when Lu Chen looked at that smile, he always had a disgusting feeling, which he couldn't explain.

It's like, it's like wanting to pump your mouth up.

He returned to the array after thanking him, and the second one started, and the second one did not disappoint Lu Chen.

"As far as Qin Bo and Lu Chen, attacked the rear of the rebels, destroyed their military manufacturing workshops, designed to kill Shuai Bocai of Daqu in the middle of the rebellion, and slaughtered millions of Yellow Turban rebels with one tool, boosting morale and promoting our country's prestige. Consolation, break the rules and reward him as a fourth-rank Zhenwei general, and make new achievements in him."

As soon as the reward was finished, all civil and military officials looked at Lu Chen in an instant.

Let's see what kind of person has received such a big reward, or an exceptional reward.

As for doubts, there is no question, because what is read in this court hall is not a temporary decision, but a final decision after the operation of multiple camps.

That's why everyone was so shocked.

However, although there were no doubts, there were still a lot of discussions, and the people next to Emperor Hanling had to say a few words of silence.

It was too noisy, and it was impossible to announce the award.

However, after calming down, Lu Chen followed the rules and thanked him. Of course, he didn't kneel down, but just bowed.

However, before Lu Chen could go back, the person above spoke.

"You are Lu Chen?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the last general is Lu Chen."

"I heard that you slaughtered millions of Yellow Turban rebels in one fell swoop?"

As soon as Han Lingdi said this, everyone's eyes turned to Lu Chen.

Kill millions?

It is normal for you to kill tens of thousands of people, and then report a little more.

Everyone watched with the mentality of watching a joke, but no one believed that he had slaughtered a million troops.

"Report to Your Majesty, yes, to be precise, it is 150 million Yellow Turban thieves.

They burned, killed, looted, committed all kinds of crimes, and the people were in dire straits. They even disrespected His Majesty. This time, they will not be able to bear it anymore.

So kill it. "

"Your Majesty, the general can testify that when the general arrives later, the river next to the town has turned red, and the ground has been padded by corpses."

At this time, Huangfusong stood up and said to Han Lingdi.

However, as soon as Huangfusong said it, Lu Chen suddenly saw that some civil servants standing in the front had not very good expressions.

Suddenly, Lu Chen had a bad feeling.

"Okay, good kill, show our country's prestige, that's what it should be, see who dares to rebel, reward, reward, and reward a thousand gold."

However, as soon as Han Lingdi finished speaking, he immediately fried the pot.

"Your Majesty, absolutely not. How could such a murderer with blood on his hands be rewarded like this? You can't start with this, you can't."

"Yes, yes, Your Majesty, those are His Majesty's people. If he slaughtered His Majesty's people like this, His Majesty will give you a big reward. No way."

"Your Majesty, once this head is opened, wouldn't it mean that in the future, everyone will massacre the common people, falsely report their military achievements, and people will be confused."

For a while, the court hall was very noisy.

Originally, the position of the dragon chair was much higher than that of Lu Chen's station, and it was difficult for Lu Chen to raise his head, so he didn't pay attention to Han Lingdi.

Just now, Lu Chen quietly glanced at it.

There was a lump in my heart, it was not good.

Lu Chen unexpectedly saw a hint of hesitation on the face of Han Lingdi.

"Your Majesty, I feel that an executioner like this should simply be dismissed from his official position, demoted to a commoner, and take back his territory."

When Lu Chen heard this, his eyes shrank, and he looked for the sound.

This is what a civil servant in the middle row said.

Lu Chen started to search his head, but there was no answer.

This person had never spoken to him before, and Lu Chen didn't know his identity.

She just took a deep look at him, as if she wanted to remember him.

He seemed to feel Lu Chen's gaze.

Looking back, he and Lu Chen looked at each other for a few seconds.

However, although Lu Chen's official position is not as good as his.

But in terms of strength, heh, Lu Chen can beat him ten times with one hand.

Lu Chen didn't do anything, he just revealed a little bit of his restrained killing intent.

The people next to him didn't respond, but there is a saying that the eyes are the windows to the soul.

Looking at Lu Chen, he instantly felt that he was in the field of Shura.

Subconsciously, he took a step back, staggered, and fell to the ground.

The whole person looked embarrassed.

Fortunately, someone next to him blocked him, otherwise he would lose face in front of civil and military officials.

However, even so, people nearby can see clearly.

The man didn't dare to make a sound, he quickly got up, and didn't even dare to look at Lu Chen.

It sounds like it's been a long time, but in fact it was just a moment, just the two of them looked at each other for a while.

But at this time, Huangfusong heard someone targeting Lu Chen. Lu Chen was someone he had put a lot of effort into, so he couldn't just be demoted.

"Your Majesty, since those people rebelled, they are no longer His Majesty's subjects, they are already rebels.

And for the rebels, is killing too much?

Do you want to make a good offering?

If those who killed the rebels were to be punished, wouldn't everyone rebel, Wang Situ, what are your intentions? "

In an instant, the face of the man headed by the civil servant turned blue and purple in an instant. Everyone rebelled, and a few heads were not enough to cut off.

"Okay, don't make any noise, General Che Qi is right, since he has already rebelled, it can't be too much.

Also, the rebels must be severely punished, otherwise, wouldn’t it mean that everyone rebels, and they must see the consequences, and they don’t even dare to rebel.

Lu Aiqing, you did the right thing. From now on, when Aiqing meets rebels, just kill them without mercy. "

Wang Xuan still wanted to say something, but moved his mouth, thinking about it, the Emperor Han Ling had already said so deadly, and it had already involved such a sensitive matter as rebellion.

Still didn't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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