Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 219 Intelligence trafficker

Chapter 219 Intelligence trafficker
"The amount of reward offered that time was huge, but it didn't take much thought to complete it, and the ratio of income to payment was too different.

There are too many benefits in it, this, I can't help but give me an idea, selling information.

And, I did the same. At the beginning, the business was not very good, but after solving a few more troublesome orders, I became famous.

Although the amount is not as large as the reward offered, it is still a considerable sum if it accumulates.

Moreover, information selling can be carried out many times, so that the money received every day is already quite a lot.

In this case, use the money to expand the size of the organization again.

Like a snowball, the scale keeps getting bigger and bigger.

Today, all parts of the country are covered with intelligence bases, and the coverage of the intelligence network is extremely large.

And, according to my lord's order, I will finish all of them.

The next step is to wait for the call of the lord.

until today. "

After hearing this, Lu Chen felt a little dazed. At the beginning, he was alone and had a hundred gold, so it became like this?
Terrible isn't it?
However, Lu Chen came to his senses and thought about it again, in fact, this also has a lot of disadvantages.

That is, according to this model, the core of NPC forces basically has no tentacles.

It's just that there are more tentacles among civilians.

After all, there is no need for a fixed salary, just provide an information for a share of money, and then this information can be sold to others at a higher price, and the cost is very small.

However, Lu Chen raised another question.

"Now, can you control 100% of this organization?"

"My lord, originally I could control 100%, but now, after the expansion of power, too many people have entered the high-level, I can no longer control everything.

Even, I can only guarantee complete control of Yangzhou and Luoyang branch now.

This is because I focused on these two pieces at the beginning.

As for other places.

Almost every state has a leader, who controls the personnel of a state branch, the economy, and of course, intelligence will be shared.

And, the twelve leaders meet regularly to discuss the future development of the organization and the problems that arise. "

Lu Chen's fingers kept hanging on his chin, obviously, he was thinking about what Lin Chong said.

As for the formation of a parliamentary system in this organization, it did not surprise Lu Chen.

It would be great if one person can build an organization, but you still want him to control it all by himself?Dreaming?
In fact, the current situation of this organization is like a listed company, after several rounds of financing.

The company is no longer owned by the founder alone, and the shares have been apportioned among different forces.

Moreover, this was actually caused by Lu Chen.

Back then, when Lu Chen let him go out, he told Lin Chong about this model.

Otherwise, without the advanced management system of the 21st century, this intelligence organization that radiates across the country can be established?What an international joke.

There are countless cases that prove that eating alone will never be a big deal.

Like this intelligence organization.

Lin Chong took a hundred gold coins and made a good start.

Let the gentry in those places see amazing benefits.

In order to expand, Lin Chong and the gentry joined in in order to obtain benefits, mobilize money, manpower, expand the organization, and earn more money.

Of course, Lin Chong is not a fool, and the people who can play with him are all big nobles who have been screened by Lin Chong in the local area.

In this way, every time it expands to a place, a big family is brought in.

In this situation where the Raptors crossing the river and the local snakes have joined forces, there is no reason for the organization not to expand rapidly.

You know, after Lin Chong's intelligence-selling behavior was exposed, how many people failed to join the gang, but were greedy for profits, and also started to establish intelligence organizations.

But why did Lin Chong's family radiate the whole country?
The advanced management system and great reputation are one reason.

But the more important reason is that Lin Chong has a lot of people.

"Emmmm, that's fine, you first stabilize your first branch, and I will send someone to help you after a while."

"Yes, my lord."

"Also, you go and transfer to me all the information about the Emperor Soul, the Holy Empress, Liu Min, and all the strangers who have gone to court.

As much as you want, now. "

"Yes, my lord."

Lin Chong only went out for a while and returned with a stack of documents.

After Lu Chen got it, he immediately read it.

As for why Lin Chong has.

Then it comes to an order from Lu Chen.

Lu Chen once ordered Lin Chong to focus on investigating all the information about the outstanding alien.

Just when Lin Chong said that he had completed his work, he already knew that Lin Chong had these materials.

The result data can be viewed directly.

Page after page, page after page.

By the end, the pages were turning faster and faster.

Not long after, Lu Chen read all the information.

However, at this moment, Lu Chen's heart was overwhelmed.

Lu Chen found that the worldview he had built up over the decades in his two lifetimes was on the verge of collapse.

Emperor Soul: Also known as Yingyu, the blood of the Qin Dynasty royal family.

Establish Qinwang Town, Viscount, Qinwang Town is located near Chang'an City.

Next to its territory, dozens of small town territories were established, with a total population of nearly one million and an unknown army.

Holy Empress: Also known as Ji Ying, the legacy of the Zhou Dynasty, the territory, Chaofeng Town, located in Qishan.

A large number of territories are gathered near the town, with millions of people living, and the number of troops is unknown.

Liu Min: A collateral branch of the Han Dynasty, established Hanxing Town, located in Luoyang, next to the town, a large number of alien territories gathered, with 50 people living there.

He made friends with many officials, and repeatedly encouraged several guild leaders of different people to attack Qin Ling.

After reading this, how can Lu Chen be calm.

Who are these people? Lu Chen now knows with a pig's brain that they are the real powerful forces among the players.

However, although Lu Chen was shocked, he was only shocked.

Just the former royal family.

Although you are strong, why am I, Lu Chen, weaker than others?
If there is no big family behind them, then fight it yourself and create a big family for future generations.

Before you, you were just a bunch of mud legs.

This information not only cleared away the mist covering those people, but also made Lu Chen full of fighting spirit at this moment.

"Let's fight, stand up and fight.

Let me see, you still have some of the demeanor of your predecessors.

My blood is boiling hot.

However, when I saw Liu Min's profile.

It is understandable that Liu Min was awarded first in the court, after all, even if it is a side branch, it is also the blood of the royal family, and there is such a blood relationship.

However, when Lu Chen saw the last sentence.

His eyes narrowed slightly.There was a dangerous aura all over his body.

"Finally, I've caught you, clown."

(End of this chapter)

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