Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 221 Based on the Present, Looking to the Future

Chapter 221 Based on the Present, Looking to the Future

"Shops, on that day, can be purchased publicly, auction items can be auctioned, and three floors will be drawn as auction fees.

As for the giant ship Zhenhai, it is not for sale. "

Hearing what Lu Chen said, Yin Hou didn't change his expression at all because of the rejection.

"Giant Ship Zhenhai? So it's called Giant Ship Zhenhai, right? That tonnage is indeed worthy of the name.

However, Brother Lu, don't be so dead-on with your words. In my opinion, there is nothing that cannot be purchased.

If you can't buy it, it's because the price is not enough.

For shops, we settle at [-] times the day's price, and [-]% of the auction items are also acceptable, but at the time of the auction, it must be indicated that it is my Yin's business that said it was provided.

As for the Zhenhai giant ship, it will be purchased exclusively at ten times the cost price. "

"The price of the shop is too low, and we can't talk about the others."

For Lu Chen, the shop agreed to sell it because the shop was originally for sale.

Sell ​​a little earlier, you can earn more, why not sell.

However, for the latter two, it is really impossible to agree.

It was indicated on the auction items that if he offered too many auction items, then the auction would belong to Qin Zhen or the Yin family.

If the auction fails to achieve the desired effect, then Lu Chen's opportunity in the entire business district will be at risk of dying, and the gain will outweigh the loss, so this is not acceptable.

In addition, there is the giant ship Zhenhai.

What are you kidding?
Sell ​​Zhenhai giant ship?
are you crazy?

What is Zhenhai Giant Ship?It is Lu Chen's greatest reliance.

Relying on the giant ship Zhenhai, Lu Chen can dominate the ocean and rule the entire Great Han Sea.

Anyone who wants to carry out any activities in this sea area needs Lu Chen's permission.

If Lu Chen nods, it can be done. If Lu Chen doesn't nod, then you can't do it.

Also, the countless islands in the ocean are rich in resources.

Territory, resources.

These were originally shared and jointly developed by the entire Dahan coastal area.

But Lu Chen can rely on the Zhenhai giant ship to occupy these leaders and resources by himself.

Also, Lu Chen can rely on the speed of other ships in seconds.

Quickly mobilize troops, quickly mobilize supplies, resell from north to south, and monopolize the transportation industry.

But once Lu Chen sells it.

The Zhenhai giant ship is no longer exclusive to him, then everything will be different.

The resources of the sea will be divided.

The biggest advantage is weakened.

There is one more person who can check and balance himself for no reason.

You must know that the benefits of monopoly are not comparable to those of non-monopoly.

No matter how much the market occupies, as long as it is not a monopoly, the difference in interests will not be several times, dozens of times can be described.

So, unless Lu Chen is crazy.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Lu Chen to sell Zhenhai Ju, unless, one day, the Zhenhai giant has been eliminated by Lu Chen and has been updated, so there is a slight possibility of selling it.

"Then let's talk about the store first. What is the price of Brother Lu Xinyi?"

"This depends on Brother Yin's sincerity. After all, I plan to buy it at that time."


"Since Brother Yin doesn't really want to buy it, let's forget it."

"Two and a half times, no matter how high it is, it can't be higher."

"It's better not to break the rules, otherwise everyone will buy it in advance, and I will be very embarrassed."

"Hey, Brother Lu, please leave me a set in your store, I will triple it."

Long Chen next to him heard what Lu Chen and the others said, so he also interjected.

'Old iron, God assists. '

Lu Chen looked at Yin Hou whose smile was gradually disappearing, and laughed heartily.

"Three times, three times, it's impossible to do it again, and, I want to choose the shop myself, ten sets."

"Five sets."

This time Lu Chen didn't say anything more, but just said something lightly.

Seeing what Yin Hou wanted to say, Lu Chen put on an expression of not talking, and stopped this time.

"Okay, three times, five sets, but I want to open before the auction starts."

Yin Hou said this sentence like cutting flesh.

"It's a deal, Brother Yin and I can pick out shops with me."

"Brother Lu, don't forget me."

Lu Chen turned around and saw that Long Chen had filled in a sentence, and threw out a sentence casually.

"Do you really want to buy it?"

When Yin Hou heard this, his mouth twitched a few times. Now, he didn't know whether to say that Lu Chen was honest or stupid. Isn't he afraid of going back on his word?

Yinhou thought for a while, he seemed to be really not afraid, not afraid.
"Yes, otherwise, what I said, you wouldn't think I'm trusting you, would you?"

"It's okay, you can just go together when the time comes, and I'll give you a [-]% discount."

"Cough cough!!"

"Brother Yin, are you okay, you're choking on the water anyway."

Yin Hou slowed down, looked at Lu Chen seriously and asked.

"Brother Lu, have you always done business like this?"

"No, it's the first time, because it's the first time I've met such a person, silly money, oh, no, no, it's the first time I've met an enthusiastic customer like you."

People are stupid, money is rich, people are stupid.
"Brother Lu, aren't you afraid that I won't buy it?"

"Huh? You don't buy it? That's fine, that's it."

When Yin Hou heard this, the water he just drank sprayed out again, but luckily it sprayed on the ground.

What's the matter, I just bully you to take the initiative to buy, the initiative is in my hands, if I want to sell it, I will sell it, if I don't sell it, you will be the one who will cry.Just grasping your strong intention to sell, you bite me.

"It's okay, it's okay, just talking, buy it, or buy it as usual."

Resisting the urge to kill the bitch in front of him, he hastened to speak.

Since Lu Chen jumped out of the magic barrier, the angle of thinking about things has completely changed.

Do not forget the original intention, fearless, lawless.

What do these, taken together, cause?
Others don't know, but what Lu Chen is showing now is cheap.

It's probably because Lu Chen's nature is cheap, but the previous heavy shackles locked this attribute firmly in his heart.

But this time, he broke free from the shackles of his soul.

"Brother Lu, aren't you afraid of being beaten like this?"

Lu Chen turned his head again, looked at him, and said seriously.

"You want to hit me, but unfortunately, you can't beat me."

It seems that something extraordinary has been released.

Yinhou: "."

"I'm not stupid. If I play cheap in front of someone who beat me, it's not playing cheap, it's playing dead."

Yinhou: "."

It is estimated that Yin Hou will not be thinking about answering any of Lu Chen's words in a short time.

He is afraid of losing his life

When Lu Chen wanted to say a few more words, someone finally came to ask Yin Hou.

The Holy Queen, who was seated at the head, stood up.

Wen Ya said: "Some time ago, everyone saw that the earth we live on merged with this world.

Everything is gone except man himself.

And, the rewriting of basic rules, modern technology has completely disappeared, and, cannot be reproduced from this world.

Since then, we have entered the era of cold weapons, so today, taking advantage of this opportunity, we invite some players with relatively large forces to gather here, based on the present, and look forward to the future."

(End of this chapter)

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