Chapter 223 Alliance
Hearing what the Holy Empress said, Lu Chen also knew that this was not making things difficult, but a real problem to face. Once because of this, the strength fell behind and the country was defeated.

The consequences of that are much greater than those of not migrating.

No one can bear such a big responsibility.

However, Lu Chen still answered the question firmly, saying: "It doesn't have much impact, and the plot is just a small plot, far inferior to the Yellow Turban Rebellion and Dong Zhuo Rebellion.

Moreover, with the current strength of the players, except for a few top forces, others will not get much benefit from the current plot.

On the contrary, cleaning up wild animals on Yizhou Island yielded a lot.

You must know that there are not a lot of beasts everywhere, or high-level beasts.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the overall rank and strength of the army can be improved.

In this way, in the ensuing Dong Zhuo Rebellion, seek greater benefits, and even become the protagonist in it, planning to become a prince along the way. "

After listening to Lu Chen's words, it is obvious that many people are tempted. This is not a thankless task, on the contrary, it has a lot of benefits.

A person may not usually like to do good deeds, but when doing good deeds and not doing good deeds have the same interests, many people will definitely not mind doing good deeds.

What's more, this is no longer the level of doing good deeds, and the problem has risen to an important moment of national survival.

So, listen to Lu Chen's analysis for a while.


"It's feasible, but it would be better if you can check the local situation."

"It can be investigated, but time is tight, in order not to affect Dong Zhuo's chaos.

We do it in sync.

First, send investigators to follow me to investigate Yizhou Island.

Second, assemble the troops simultaneously, go to the big river or the seaside, and wait to go to Yizhou Island.

Third, it is best to publicize the work. When the time comes, some of them will be cleaned up and some will be relocated. "

As the initiator of today's banquet, the Holy Queen found that her limelight had been robbed. Not only did she not make trouble, on the contrary, she was very happy. It could be seen that this was the joy from the heart.

"Okay, that's the backbone of the plan. Next, let's analyze the specific things.

After all, it involves the migration of [-] million people, so it should not be taken lightly.

Just before the migration.

How to mobilize, how to arrange migration, how to migrate in batches.

when migrating.

Food, security, order, how to arrange.

Finally, the more important thing is post-migration.

The management of [-] million people, the support of the elderly, the study of minors, and the development plan of Yizhou Island.

These must be planned one by one, otherwise, once the migration is hasty, but nothing is prepared, the consequences will definitely be disastrous. "

It seems that a solution has been figured out, but the follow-up matter is not as simple as before. Just listening to the Holy Queen and imagining it a little bit makes Lu Chen's scalp tingle.

"Food, come according to the contribution. If the contribution is large, the food will be less. If the contribution is not enough, the food will be added."

"Okay, let's do this. We have formed an alliance for the relocation. The alliance adopts a parliamentary system to evaluate contributions and be as fair as possible."


After hearing this, Lu Chen said directly without hesitation: "Yes, and, regarding the relocation and safety issues, you just need to bring people safely to a river where the giant ships of Zhenhai can navigate, and I can take care of the rest of the safety." ensure.

On the water, I have the confidence to face all enemies. "

When Lu Chen said this, his tone was much higher. He was full of pride for his own fleet. He paused, and continued: "Also, I personally think that the management after the relocation can also be taken care of by the alliance. .”

"Okay, then things are almost clear now, the food is provided according to the contribution, and the contribution is calculated by the alliance.

Then the major forces returned to the territory, mobilized together with the small local forces, and together protected the elderly and children to the river.

Then hand it over to Mr. Lu together with the food.

Mr. Lu transported [-] million people to Yizhou Island in batches.

In the end, people from each force were stationed in Yizhou Island to jointly arrange development, educate minors, support the elderly, and maintain order.

Everyone, any questions? "

The holy queen is indeed a disciple of this generation of the Ji family. In just a few words, she arranged such a big matter in an orderly manner, showing her extremely powerful analytical ability, language ability, and field control ability.


"You can have no comments."

"That's the general framework."

"That's fine, then I will improve the plan according to the current framework.

Next, you also start to prepare. "

"One more thing, Lord Lu, how many people can you transport at one time, including food, and how long does it take to go back and forth?"

"1000 million, one-time, the time is relatively long, Yangzhou, Yangzhou, six days, one round trip every six days."

hiss! !

When the people in the box heard this sentence, they couldn't help but gasped.

At this time, no one thought that what Lu Chen said was a lie.

Lu Chen didn't have any reason to tell a lie. When the time comes, it will be true.

All of them were frightened when they heard Lu Chen's words and this number.

"Brother Lu, I thought your carrying capacity was only at the million level, but I didn't expect it, I, Marquis Yin, still underestimated Brother Lu.

I was still thinking before, whether to slow down the speed of going out of the city, so as not to cause too much pressure on Brother Lu's transport team.

Now it seems that the horsepower can be fully turned on. I didn't expect, I didn't expect that Brother Lu was so terrifying. "

"Also, the speed of this ship is terrifying, it can catch up with the plane soon.

That line, it will be more convenient.

I believe we can complete the migration within a year.

And this small plot, if there are no top players to participate, relying on NPCs alone, it should be carried out according to historical time.

Well, we have plenty of time to complete this migration. "

Such a big matter finally has a charter.

Finally, there was a result, and everyone couldn't help but feel a lot more relaxed.

With [-] million people, this pressure is not something ordinary people can bear.

"Okay, now that the matter has come to fruition, let's order the food to be served, and everyone has a good drink."

After the order was given, one plate after another was served, and one jar after another was piled aside.

It seems to be venting under high pressure, this time.

"Elegance, demeanor, get the hell out of here, today, I'm the only one with a cool word."

He slapped the seal of the wine with his hand, and grabbed the wine jar.

"Come on, drink, Lu Chen, here's a toast to you."

Holding the jar, he threw a blow at Lu Chen.

In an instant, Lu Chen had a bad premonition.

The angle of view turns slightly.

On this table, a jar of wine was slapped away, with wine in hand.

I don't know if it's Lu Chen's illusion, they seem to be sneering and looking at him.

(End of this chapter)

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