Chapter 226 Investigation
It didn't take long for the [-] troops led by Zhang Liao to arrive in front of Lu Chen.

Five thousand, don't listen to the fact that this number is not very big, but in fact, in reality, 5000 people is a lot.

What's more, these [-] troops are all wearing bronze-grade black iron armor, or cowhide armor, in their hands, on their waists, on their backs, knives, spears, shields, bows, and arrows. Below Bronze?
"Brother Lu, don't tell me that the entire 40 army is equipped with these equipment, these should be just elites." Long Chen who was beside him asked tremblingly, his eyes fixed on Lu Chen, for fear that his mouth would explode. The answer that came out scared me to death.

Not only was he like this, but the few people around him, even though there was nothing on the surface, their ears were all pricked up, so they were all listening?
"Elite? Are you afraid that you have misunderstood the word?

Elites are not called elites only when they wear armor and have weapons in their hands.

Elites are those who have experienced hundreds of battles, wear silver armor, and hold silver weapons. They can be called elites. "Lu Chen said lightly at this time, his tone was flat, but, as if inadvertently, he revealed the fact that he was very rich.

In fact, even if Lu Chen didn't say it himself and kept it hidden, wouldn't they be invisible when they got to the base camp?

Is it just to hide, and then take back the army's weapons and equipment, and let them fight ferocious beasts?
You know, the reason why people are human is because they can use tools.

If you don't bring equipment, and just go to clean up the beasts like this, I'm afraid that the army will die in a few days. Even if they don't die, they won't have any sense of belonging. Then Lu Chen is really looking for death.

Therefore, Lu Chen might as well say it at this time, so as to show off his wealth.

"What do you mean, these five thousand are not elite?" Although Long Chen understood what Lu Chen wanted to express, he didn't give up and wanted to struggle.

Lu Chen looked at Long Chen and tilted his head. "I didn't see it, he still has this habit"

"That's right, these are indeed not elite troops, just an ordinary army."


A spear pierced through the heart.

puff puff puff
Many spears pass through many hearts.

"Participate in the lord."

"Get up, let's go, back to camp."


It didn't take long to arrive at the camp. However, looking at the camp, many people had doubts in their eyes.

"Brother Lu, is this the place where 40 troops are stationed?"

Long Chen asked Lu Chen, pointing to the station in front that could accommodate up to 5 people.

"Are you stupid, I now wonder if you got this position through the back door.

You need a whole 40 troops to clear the beasts, can't you spread them out and advance across the board, are you still afraid of being defeated one by one by these beasts? "

Another knife.

I don't know how many people have just had this question, and I don't know how many want to ask.

Now, they all look at Long Chen kindly, this kid is not bad, not bad.

After arriving at the camp, I saw the huge sand table covering an area of ​​over [-] square meters.

Everyone needs to stand on the shelf to view it.

When they saw this sand table, everyone was amazed again, and their evaluation of Lu Chen was a little higher in their hearts.

This Lu Chen has such a strong talent, there are people like this who can build giant sand tables.

However, amazement is nothing but amazement. After seeing the sand table, their professionalism was finally revealed.

Arranged in an orderly manner, with reasonable divisions, geography, plants, animals, and various scientists formed a team together, and then ordered by Lu Chen, accompanied by a thousand soldiers for protection.

Lu Chen also fell into boredom as troops were dispatched one after another. After all, he was not a professional, so he couldn't go on a survey with them. Those territorial leaders also had this trouble.

Lu Chen simply took them to the front line.

That is, the front line for the army to encircle and suppress wild beasts.

Follower Zhang Liao came to a place cleared by an army.

Beasts, some live in groups, and some wander alone.

For those one or two wild beasts alone, it is to divide the army into teams of ten, and then go to kill the wild beasts one by one.

During this process, if a group of wild beasts is found, it will be transformed into a spy to investigate the strength and size of the herd.

After the investigation is clear, it will be reported, and then, after analysis, a part of the army will be mobilized to encircle and suppress.

Coincidentally, when Lu Chen came over, he happened to find a colony of monkeys with a number of about [-].

And when Lu Chen took them there, it happened that they were besieging this monkey tribe again.

These monkeys are not weak, and I am afraid that they generally have a level of five.

The [-]-tier army is encircling and suppressing the [-]-tier monkeys, and it is still a bit reluctant to fight now.

Those monkeys have also become spirits, and they can knock people with wooden sticks in their hands. Once knocked, if they are not careful, one of their heads will be gone.

Also, they will pick up stones and throw them at people.

The stones fell one by one, like a small catapult.

When it hit the shield, the shield soldier's hands were almost numb.

So, just like that, the battlefield seemed a bit stalemate.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the commanding general seeks stability in order to reduce casualties.

After all, exchanging the lives of soldiers for the names of animals is not worth it no matter how much the ratio is.

However, now that Lu Chen and others are here, the stalemate will naturally not continue.

When Lu Chen arrived here, he didn't say anything.

Get out your precious javelin.

This javelin was made out of the teeth and horns of that Tyrannosaurus rex. However, Lu Chen just took out the one made of teeth at this time.

This javelin is as white as jade, as if the whole body was carved out of ivory.

A javelin was lifted into Lu Chen's hand, and he weighed it slightly.

Spot a monkey that is a little taller than the other normal monkeys.

Squat, push, throw.

Under Lu Chen's power, the javelin turned into a phantom and flew out, directly hitting the monkey's forehead which was taller than ordinary monkeys.

It didn't stop after smashing the forehead, but also penetrated through dozens of monkeys behind it, and finally, it was stuck on the ground.

Here I have to say, the animal world is really simple, the stronger the status, the higher the status.

In the animal world, the stronger ones tend to be bigger in size.

With a large system, it is very conspicuous. Once it is conspicuous, Lu Chen will take a fancy to it and shoot one after another.

One after another.

Javelins were thrown one after another, and elite monkeys were called out.

Long Chen and the others who were watching were dumbfounded and clapped their hands in praise.

Moreover, because these monkeys with high IQs were killed after all, the monkeys lost their command and the order was a bit chaotic.

(End of this chapter)

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