Chapter 228 Gambling
When Lu Chen saw the golden monkey that had already run away, he just shot a javelin and chased after it.

Of course, it's nice to say that Qiong Kou Mo chases.

In fact, the real situation is that when the monkey ran away, it probably inspired some secret technique. The speed at that time was several times faster than Lu Chen's fighting speed.

If the monkey was at this speed before, Lu Chen would not be able to react at all, so he could only be beaten passively and run away with his head in his arms.

However, although letting the monkey run away, it was not so pleasant.

That javelin is not the kind of javelin made by the dragon's teeth.

It is made of Jiaolongjiao, which is not only sharper, but also more powerful.

When the monkey fled, the javelin had already pierced the monkey.

According to what Lu Chen saw at the time, the javelin must have pierced through the monkey's internal organs, and the javelin was still stuck in it, causing continuous damage.

And before, the wound was also caused by the dragon horn javelin.

Monkey's left shoulder was torn almost entirely, and the injury was also serious.

Therefore, in fact, chasing or not, the end of the monkey can already be seen, but it is a pity to lose a precious dragon-horned javelin for nothing.

"Brother Lu is so good at martial arts, we have to admire him."

"Yeah, I'm waiting in front of Brother Lu, I'm afraid I won't be a single-handed enemy."

Everyone who had been playing soy sauce before realized, eh, eh, why is it over?

Then, just come and have a look.

"Brother Lu, what did the monkey drop? As far as I know, after killing such a mutated giant beast, which is similar to the mythical beast, it will often drop good things, and even some Things can still be related to mythology.”

"Actually, I'm not afraid of your jokes. I once found a boos with a lion's head, tiger eyes, elk body, dragon scales, and ox tail. It looked like a unicorn in myths and legends, but it didn't have horns. Later, Lu Bu and the unicorn-like The battle of Boos was dark and dark, and the situation for miles around was similar to the current situation, and it was plowed hard.

Later, when the Qilin died, it dropped a set of armor. The grade of this armor is directly a divine weapon. So far, nothing can break the armor. "

After speaking, he clicked on the void a few times, and immediately put on the armor in the item space.

Good guy, a full body chain mail, jet black, with a big roaring unicorn statue on the chest, on both shoulders, claws stretched out, clasping the shoulders, and then, a dark red cloak stretched out from behind the shoulders.

This set of armor, on the whole, does not have much defensive power, but it is definitely handsome and handsome enough.

"What a suit of armor, it is indeed a steed, but Brother Ying, are you sure you can't break it?"

Hearing Lu Chen's words, Emperor Soul said directly: "Why, Brother Lu, want to try? I didn't say that, Lu Bu didn't even break it back then, so you still can't break it if you think about it."

"Really, don't pay for the damage."

"No, no, no, but I can't let you fight for nothing. Let's make a bet. If you can break through the armor's defense, I will give you a thousand gold. If you can't break through, Brother Lu, you sell me for ten at the cost price." Ten thousand sets of bronze-level weapons and equipment will do.”

After passing Lu Bu's test, Emperor Soul is still very confident in the armor's defense, and also puts his plans on Lu Chen's bronze-level weapons and equipment.

"Oh, is that so? My daughter, and my subscription qualification for [-] sets of weapons and equipment?

This value is fairly symmetrical, blocked. "

Lu Chen agreed.

Everyone cast their envious eyes on the Emperor Soul.

They all have a certain understanding of Emperor Hun, so they don't think that Emperor Hun is telling lies.

So, that is to say, this set of armor can resist Lu Bu's attack.

Even if Lu Bu was worried about attacking the lord, he didn't try his best.

But this is already very strong, isn't it possible that Lu Chen can still beat Lu Bu?

That's impossible.

Therefore, in the eyes of everyone, Lu Chen just took advantage of the trend to sell [-] sets of weapons and equipment for the Emperor Soul.

However, at this time, while casting his envious eyes on the Emperor Soul, he thought, this way, Lu Chen can also sell himself [-] sets.

However, would Lu Chen be so kind?
Even if it is sold, Lu Chen has a monopoly in this kind of arms industry, which is itself a huge profit.

Does Lu Chen want to do charity, or is he stupid and sell it at cost price.

To kill him ten times is kind.

"I'm ready, come on, we'll have to match up later, after all, [-] sets is a relatively large number, and it's not an easy task.

By the way, when will it be delivered. "

The Emperor Soul made a blocking posture and said to Lu Chen.

"Hehe, it's a little early for you to say that."

As soon as the words fell, Lu Chen turned into a phantom, and punched his crossed hands with all his strength.

This thousand and five, internal strength, physical strength, all used, can be regarded as a punch with all its strength.

However, when Lu Chen hit it, his hand seemed to hit a steel plate.

Hold back, don't cry, you can't lose your compulsion.

This armor still has something interesting.

However, the effect is not without.

Look at that emperor soul, let him fly for a while.

Under Lu Chen's punch, the emperor's soul was directly thrown into the air, and a ditch was plowed by the legs on the ground, and then it flew up directly.

It kept flying, flying far and far away before stopping, anyway, the emperor's soul came back after a long time away.

However, although Emperor Soul was beaten, when he came back, he didn't have any emotions.

On the contrary, he was elated.

"Look, as I said, when will we talk about the issue of weapons and equipment."

Lu Chen put away his trembling right hand.

"Don't worry, it's not over yet, I haven't used my full strength yet."

Seeing that the Emperor Soul still wanted to speak, Lu Chen added another sentence.

"You didn't say how many hits, but don't worry, I still can't break it with one hit. I'll give you the armor right away, and you won't lose any of it."

Originally thinking that Lu Chen was going to play tricks, the Emperor Soul's expression turned a little bit better.

"Okay, then come here for a while, otherwise, if you don't give up, alas, wait, what did you get?"

The Emperor Soul, who was ready for the next punch, saw Lu Chen directly pull out a javelin, a dragon-horned javelin.

Seeing the spiral spear and the dazzling sharp edge, the Emperor Soul asked.

"Heh, did you say you can't use weapons?"

Emperor Soul still wanted to say something, but Lu Chen didn't give him another chance to speak.

The body squats down, the javelin is raised, and it forms a 45-degree angle with the ground, a posture that wants to fuck the sky.

call out! !

(End of this chapter)

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