Chapter 234 Chapter 230
However, although Long insisted not to give up, the thunder did hit him.

With each blow, there are a large number of dragon scales, and flesh and blood fall down.

Therefore, although the mouth is very stubborn, the body is still very honest.

The originally huge dragon flame gradually shrunk.

The size of the water tank slowly shrinks.

In the end, it even went out directly.

After Long Yan disappeared and the space closed again, the dark clouds in the sky slowly dissipated.

And as Long Yan subsided, Lu Chen appeared.

However, Lu Chen, who had been shot by Long Yan for so long.

suffered an unprecedented blow.

Hands crossed forward, against the beam of light.

In this way, all the flesh and blood on the hands were wiped away.

Only the jade-like hand bones are left to support it.

Moreover, even Lu Chen's face was wiped off.

Several holes appear there.

His empty eye sockets stared blankly ahead.

The skull-like head, with a grin, seemed to be speaking to the dragon, but also seemed to be talking to himself.

"After all, I survived."

Under the urging of Lu Chen, the origin of the Dragon Balls poured out, turning into vitality, and healed Lu Chen's injuries.

On Lu Chen's wound, granulation buds twisted and grew like bugs at a glance.

The wound is constantly closing, although this process is a bit disgusting.

On the arm, blood vessels grow along the bones, slowly wrapping the bones.

Muscle wraps blood vessels and finally skin.

Not long after, a pair of white hands grew out again.

But now, the dragon ball seemed to have exhausted its source, dim and dull, and that crack almost divided the whole dragon ball into two halves.

Not far away, a dragon that has almost recovered from its injuries.

It seemed to sense something.

Let out an angry dragon cry.

Fly directly towards Lu Chen.

"You hit me once just now, now it's my turn to hit you, don't make a foul."

Facing the menacing dragon, Lu Chen seemed surprisingly calm at this moment.

However, soon, Lu Chen's support arrived.

A huge greedy wolf jumped up and swallowed Lu Chen in one gulp.

After swallowing Lu Chen, Tanlang's size remained the same, but its strength more than doubled.

At this moment, Lu Chen's skills were actually used.

The air seems to be substantial, stepping on it out of thin air.

Yitian shouted.

A pounce appeared above the dragon.

Dragon, for unknown reasons, has the same strength as other zodiac signs.

And Lu Chen alone has the strength to single out the twelve zodiac signs, not to mention the addition of five hundred Xuanjia troops now.

With one claw, directly press the dragon on the ground and rub it.

So what about the dragon, I will slay the dragon today.

However, the other eight zodiac signs did not sit back and watch.

Just now, they were powerless in the sky, but now that the battlefield has shifted to the ground, they naturally surge up.

However, feeling them, Lu Chen turned around and smiled.

Heh, you guys, are you in such a hurry to court death?
Just when the eight zodiac signs were about to reach Lu Chen's side.

Not far away, forty arrows shot towards the ground.

They shot back and forth on the eight zodiac animals in turn.

In an instant, there were many holes on the bodies of the eight zodiac signs, and blood flowed like pillars.

However, surrounded by forty arrows.

For a while, their situation was even more difficult than that of the dragon.

And at this time, Huang Zhong, who disappeared for no reason before, appeared not far away.

Will Lu Chen know the danger?

Lu Chen didn't know the existence of the zodiac dog?
Didn't Lu Chen know that dogs could smell themselves?
How is that possible?Is Lu Chen stupid?
Not stupid, but smart.

At this time, the ten major zodiac signs jointly pursued and killed them, bringing about a huge crisis, but at the same time, isn't it a huge opportunity?

You must know that many zodiac animals have their own groups, and they are all the kings of a group.

In other words, to hunt them down, you must encircle and suppress the entire herd, you must deal with the entire herd.

As a result, the cost and difficulty are much greater.

But now?

Everyone came to hunt down Lu Chen, and it was impossible to bring the younger brother with him.

In other words, they are now the time when their protection is the weakest.

Therefore, as soon as Lu Chen found out about this, he sent Huang Zhong back to deliver the letter.

Let Zhang Liao take the 40 troops that have been assembled to the designated place.

Then, Lu Chen also took the zodiac signs there.

It's like attracting monsters, introducing them into the encirclement, catching turtles in the urn.

Not enough, Lu Chen still underestimated their speed, or in other words, Lu Chen did not expect the halo of acceleration of the rabbit.

Therefore, Lu Chen was stopped before he was brought into the encirclement.

But fortunately, before, there was too much commotion, and Huang Zhong, who had ears and eyes, heard it, and hurried over with the army.

And Li Jindao even summoned Tanlang to go one step ahead.

Although there was a little accident in the middle of the plan, the ending was very satisfactory.

And, once again verified a sentence, the villain died of talking too much.

Lu Chen didn't want to make this mistake again, Tanlang grabbed Long with his claws.

Along the reverse scale, broke through the scale, directly took out its dragon ball, and crushed it to burst.

In an instant, the dragon's body turned into light rain and drifted away.

On the ground, only a golden dragon sculpture was left.

However, at this moment, Tanlang collapsed.

The five hundred Xuanjia troops spread out and were suspended in the air.

The scattered light rain melted into their bodies.

Then, a ray of light burst out.

In the light, the Xuanjia Army began to transform.

Weapons, armor, and soldiers began to change one after another.

Weapons, go up one level again, gold is gold, and the highest Qin crossbow directly becomes platinum.

The soldiers have all become top-level special arms, and their strength is at the next level.

However, the matter did not end there.

Lu Chen clicked on the attribute panel, slowly opened the title, and moved to the column of Dragon's Favor.

Click on it, Long Wei, change jobs.

The Xuanjia Army, which had just fallen from the sky, floated up again and was shrouded in streaks of golden light.

Suddenly, Lu Chen felt a change in the dragon sculpture in his hand. When he saw it, it burst out with a powerful force and broke free.

Suspended to the sky above the Xuanjia Army.

Under Lu Chen's shocked eyes, he could not destroy the slightest sculpture and melted directly.

It melted into a beam of light and merged into the golden light on Xuanjiajun's body.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the Xuanjia Army fell again.

No, at this time, it should be called Longwei.

All the black heavy armor on his body turned into gold.

Unlike heavy armor, it is a bit like chain mail, made up of scales one after another, and now it is called dragon armor.

With the long spear in his hand, a golden dragon circled upwards, and finally, a spear blade spit out from the dragon's mouth, which is now called the Dragon Spear.

The scimitar was slung around the waist, the dragon body hovered over the blade, and the dragon's mouth opened and spit out the handle.

It is now called the Dragon Slaying Knife.

They all have the same grade, that is, platinum.

(End of this chapter)

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