Chapter 236
Five thousand rays of light instantly shot into the bodies of five thousand soldiers below.

At this moment, Mo Daozhong's soldier seemed to have changed, but it seemed that nothing had changed.

Everyone stood there, as thick as a mountain.

However, at this moment, the hundreds of meters of broadswords suspended above their heads suddenly collapsed.

Break down bit by bit into the tiniest particles.

However, the Mo Dao heavy soldier connected to its consciousness did not show any damage.

Even if it was the weakness that must have appeared when the fighting spirit collapsed, the depression of will did not appear.

It's as if the illusion of fighting spirit didn't collapse, but it actually collapsed.

However, just when all the giant Modaos collapsed, a turning point appeared again.

These tiniest particles, start to spin.

During the rotation, these particles unfold into a spherical shape under the action of centrifugal force.

After taking on the spherical shape, solidified, the selection also started to slow down.

At this time, this spherical shape is more like an egg, an embryo.

What is being conceived.

As time went by, the pressure from the embryo became stronger and stronger.

The faces of the underground Mo Dao heavy soldiers gradually began to turn pale.

No way, energy is conserved.

Since it is to be conceived, it must be consumed.

Where does consumption come from?

Of course, there will be no harm to the soldier's body.

This embryo is formed by the illusion of fighting will. When it is conceived, what it absorbs is also the soldier's will and soul power.

Therefore, at this time, they will look pale.

With the support of the soul power, the embryo is bred faster and faster.

The prestige revealed is also more powerful.

However, at this time, the soldiers were on the verge of collapse.

Lu Chen moved at this time.

Sitting down cross-legged, soul power stretched out from between the brows.

Slowly wrap around the embryo.

Originally, the embryo subconsciously wanted to fight back, but after all, this illusion of fighting spirit was created by the soldiers, who were loyal to Lu Chen after all.

After feeling Lu Chen's breath, he lost all aggressiveness in an instant.

Lu Chen took this opportunity to extend his soul power into the embryo.

An imprint is left in the deepest part of the embryo.

Moreover, it also continuously sends in its own soul power for the breeding of embryos.

Time keeps passing.

Lu Chen's cheeks that had turned rosy due to recuperation turned pale again.

However, at this time, Lu Chen stopped the transmission of soul power and opened his eyes.

Standing up, he looked at the giant embryo in front of him with joy.

Under Lu Chen's delighted eyes, the coercion emanating from the embryo gradually subsided.

It's like, it's back to basics.

However, at the moment when all the coercion subsided.

Bloated! ! !
Extremely elevated.

A silent explosion.

A deafening explosion.

It was an explosion on a soul level.

The ears can't hear anything, the more the soul can feel the huge sound.

After an explosion, a huge phantom of a wild boar appeared in the sky.

He and Lu Chen had their teeth pulled out, the one that was brutally beaten to death.

Pretty much the same.

However, in an instant, the phantom dissipated.

It turned into five thousand to fine rays of light, and shot into the eyebrows of every soldier.

The originally pale soldier's complexion turned rosy after this ray of light entered his body.

The momentum also changed subtly.

Moreover, some subtle changes occurred in the eyes looking at Lu Chen.

It seems that there is a little more fanaticism than before.

"The will to fight is illusioned."


Lu Chen gave the order again, and Mo Dao, who received the order, instantly transformed again.

However, this time, what was transformed was not the original Baimi Modao.

It was a huge wild boar that looked like a remnant of the wilderness.

The wild boar transformed into the air, and then slowly fell down.

Wrap all five thousand soldiers in it.

In an instant, the boar became materialized.

The two long fangs seem to pierce the sky, and their strength is no less than the greedy wolf gathered by the Xuanjia Army, which is a high-level special unit.

The strength changes can be described as very large.

Lu Chen looked at it and nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay, continue training."

Lu Chen didn't linger here for long, and took Longwei directly to leave the island on the Pinghai scout ship.

Next, Lu Chen didn't go to other places anymore, and there was no longer any delay.

In this way, he went straight to Qin Town.

On the way, though, before arriving at Lookout Harbour.

When getting back the five hundred BMWs stored here.

These were originally just some good horses, and they could only be regarded as the best horses.

At this time, all of them have grown up.

And under the fur, some fine scales grow out, and the defense power is not low.

Moreover, his temperament is quite high, and most people can't even get close to him.

Lu Chen also felt that the momentum of these horses was different.

Originally, it was taming.

Now, there is a little more wildness and spirituality.

These horses are quite eye-catching.

Moreover, the speed is more than a chip faster.

Look, the transformation of the Xuanjia Army this time, not only the soldiers, but even the horses have also undergone a transformation, which can be said to be rewarding.

Along the flat and open official road, it didn't take long to arrive at Zhiqin Town.

Now Zhiqin Town is not what it used to be.

Two refugee camps that have been in operation.

Added a lot of population to the territory.

The development of the manufacturing industry has led to dense workshops in the manufacturing area.

As well as incoming and outgoing materials and finished products.

And the bustling scene of the business district.

Lu Chen's painstaking efforts were not in vain.

Inspired by the policy, more and more people started to do business.

You can see the wide variety of shops in the business district.

And there is the town center.

Mayor's Mansion.

People there kept coming in and out, busy.

They are all officials.

Up to now, the scope of the territory has continued to expand, and the population has reached millions.

The current Zhiqin Ling management system is no longer the play house of a dozen or dozens of people.

Now, let's not talk about the people in the islands and valleys.

There are already thousands of people working in the territory.

Only in this way can the normal operation of the territory be maintained.

Every day, a huge amount of information is sent here, and every day, thousands of orders are passed down.

Lu Chen looked at the mayor's mansion in front of him.

"This is a little smaller."

Then just walked in.

"My lord, the documents have been placed in your study."

"Okay, by the way, Mueller, how are the preparations for the auction going?"

"Master, the auction process has been designed, divided into three sessions, a total of three days.

On the first day, there was a special auction inside the territory. The auction items were some individual pieces of equipment and some special products.

It is specially set for adventurers, and the price of items is not very high.

But the last item was a Qin crossbow and a hundred armor-piercing arrows. "

(End of this chapter)

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