Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 240 The auction begins

Chapter 240 The auction begins

However, although this arena is already very hot.

But this is not Lu Chen's ultimate goal.

Although it can be regarded as a daily fortune.

Moreover, there will be a steady stream of people coming to fight in the ring in the future.

However, this is only Lu Chen's first step.

One small step.

No matter how hot something is, its heat will disappear over time.

So, although the current arena is already very hot.

But one must have a long-term vision.

In the near future.

Lu Chen will build an entire industry around the arena.

The first step is to stir up the heat of the arena and make it known to everyone.

The second step is no, when the enthusiasm fades, release a new model.

Duan mode.

Compete in the arena, every time you win a game, you will gain a certain amount of points.

If you fail a game, you will lose a certain amount of points.

Points reach a certain standard.

Get a grade rating.

Each rank can enjoy different privileges in Zhiqin Town.

Merchandise discounts, horseback entry allowed, residential, shopping categories.

All can be privileged.

This step completely stirs up the trend of playing ranked.

Then, let go of team battles and promote the formation of teams.

Create adventurer stars and develop game betting through star effects.

In this way, step by step, until it develops into an industry.

On that day, the impact and income will not be as it is now, and will be more durable. You can refer to the World Cup.

Therefore, this is why Lu Chen built the arena on the same scale as the auction house.

In Lu Chen's mind, both the arena and the auction house will become one of the economic pillars of Zhiqin Town, and together with shipping, they will become the three carriages that drive the development of the territory.

As time slowly passed, more and more players have entered the valley through the corridor.

Lu Chen doesn't intend to delay any longer, the auction is just starting to sell tickets.

Ticket sales notices were posted on bulletin boards all over the valley, and in front of each bulletin board, there was a table guarded by a team of soldiers.

The moment the player saw the announcement clearly, the player was overwhelmed.

There are a total of [-] tickets for the Bronze Auction, divided into three time periods. The auction items are the same in each time period. Each ticket office sells [-] tickets. The number is limited and first come first served.

Price per sheet: 1 silver

"Fuck, this Lu Chen is thinking about money like crazy, such an expensive ticket."

"Yes, it's really crazy, we've worked hard for a month to fight monsters, but we can only earn one or two silver coins, and his ticket costs one silver coin.

what does it mean. "

"Yeah, I think so. I won't buy it. I won't be participating in an auction soon." A fat man roared, and his words resonated with everyone.

"Hey, that fat man who just spoke, what are you doing?"

The fat man standing in front of the table said to the little official in front of him: "My lord, I want all the [-] bronze tickets."

The little official sitting in front of the table looked at him curiously, but didn't say anything.

After collecting 1000 taels of silver, he took out a blank paper with a bronze-level admission ticket printed on it from the drawer, and gave it to him. Oh, no, it was also stamped with the seal of Qinzhen.

"What are you doing? Buying tickets."

"Didn't you just say you didn't participate?"

"That's right, I'm not going to participate, but who said that if you buy a ticket, you will participate?
Brothers, don't miss it when you pass by, the bronze tickets have been sold out, I'll sell you a few tickets at a low price, not expensive, only two silver. "

"Fuck, this guy is the dead scalper nearby."

"Hey, brother, if you have time to talk about me, you might as well buy a silver ticket, that one is almost gone."

Hearing what he said, he quickly looked at the notice.

There are a total of [-] tickets for the silver-level auction, and this ticket office only sells [-] tickets. The number is limited, first come, first served.

Leaflet price: 1 gold

Seeing this, the player was really surprised. Damn, I read it right, right?

One ticket costs one gold.

Rubbing his eyes, he saw that it was still a piece of gold.

At the same time, the clerk was heard saying to a player: "Sorry, all the silver-level games are sold out."

"So fast? What about gold-level ones?"

"The gold level is still there, do you need to buy it?"

Hearing this, the player suddenly became curious. The silver level is already so expensive, so what about the gold level.

One look, good guy, my eyes almost flashed, and I looked over.

The clerk handed him a wooden admission ticket with the words "Gold-level admission ticket" and "Time" outlined in gold on it.

Above, various techniques were used to engrave the auction house in its entirety.

Seeing such a gorgeous entry ticket, the player was even more curious about the price of this gold level.

one look.

There are a total of [-] tickets for the gold-level auction, and each ticket office sells [-] tickets. The number is limited and first-come-first-served.

Price per sheet: 100 gold

That's right, one hundred gold.

He hurriedly held down his thumping little heart.

"Hey, I'm going to have a heart attack."

"Brother, I want a ticket, I specially reserved the last one for you."

At this time, the fat man next to him suddenly raised his head and asked.

"You sold them all?"

Hearing his words, the heart disease will be healed, and asked curiously.

"That's right, after knowing that other places are sold out, two silvers a piece, sold out quickly."

"Hey, my heart."

The heart attack that I didn't know where it went just now came back again.

"Do you want anything, many people are waiting to buy it."

"Give it to me." Handed over two taels of silver, and returned with a piece of paper.

My heart is still echoing, he just earned 1000 taels of silver, if I hurry up, this money will be mine.

Just when this player took pity on his money.

All the players in the valley are already boiling.

Tickets are so expensive, so the auction should be very exciting.

I'm getting more and more curious about this.

While ordinary players were discussing, some greedy players were eyeing each of the ticket sales teams.

There are only ten people in each team, and with that little official, there are only eleven people.

In their hands, they have a huge sum of more than 1000 gold.

And one hundred ticket sales teams have 10 taels of gold.

If you have such a huge sum of money, you can't go where you want to go.

But now that there are so many people, after all the snatching, if you plunge into the crowd, who will find me?

Of course, all of this is based on the premise that players can defeat the ticket sales team.

However, in the eyes of those greedy players, there are only ten people, although there is a guy with a golden body covered in gold.

But if dozens or hundreds of us fight together, can't we still win?
What a joke.

(End of this chapter)

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