Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 242 Dragon and Tiger Fight

Chapter 242 Dragon and Tiger Fight

As time goes by slowly.

The news that the troublemaker was caught spread farther and farther.

However, in the corner of the valley, several people were discussing something there.

"How is your home getting ready?"

"They're already in, how about you?"

"I'm ready, when will it start?"

"There are a few others, wait for news from them, and start immediately."

"How is the defense situation in the valley?"

"There are [-] soldiers stationed on the mountain at the gate of the city.

And below, there are only 3 third-tier soldiers.

It is estimated that all of the boy's troops are at sea and have not been recovered yet. "

"Well, it's fine to figure it out, but where is his Xuanjia Army?"

"I didn't find it, but I suspect that the newly appeared soldiers in golden armor are the Xuanjia Army.

I'm afraid I have successfully advanced again. "

"Will that affect the plan?"

"No, I can't make any moths."

Lu Chen stood at the top of the auction house.

Looking down at the many bustling players below.

Behind him, five hundred dragon guards stood there quietly, as if waiting for something.

"My lord, the more than 2000 troublemakers have been imprisoned."

"Well, yes."

"Also, there are many places in the valley where a large number of people gather. Judging by their style, they are suspected of being an army."

"Okay, I know, just keep paying attention."


Li Jindao, who was dressed in golden armor, backed away slowly.

And Lu Chen looked at the front with serious eyes.

"What the hell is going on? Why do I feel so depressed.

Could it be those armies?
No, it's impossible. I had expected those armies a long time ago, and just those armies can't do anything wrong. With their current strength, they can be completely suppressed.

Could it be?Is there anything else I haven't thought of?
In other words, they still have some hole cards in their hands? "

The sky now seems to be covered with dark clouds, and the storm is about to come.

Suddenly, Lu Chen looked to the west, where a sharp murderous aura was gathering and getting stronger.

Until finally, a snow-white tiger appeared in the air.

Looking at the tiger, Lu Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

Suddenly, in the north, there was a sinister aura condensed out. Looking over, a huge king eye snake was suspended in the air.

The south, thick and wild, appeared like bison made of pure gold.

In the east, a stream of vitality appeared, and a snow-white sheep was suspended in the air.

"Tigers, snakes, cows, sheep, how did you know that I was looking for these things, and you took the initiative to deliver them to your door? I'm so sorry.

However, since you are so enthusiastic, I have no choice but to accept it. "

"Lu Chen, you can only take advantage of your mouth now. Sign this, sign it, and let you go today. From now on, you will still be prosperous and rich." A strange voice, neither male nor female, came from It came from the snake. Obviously, his voice was processed, and he didn't want to directly reveal his identity.

Following the sound, a parchment scroll flew over.

"Hmph, it's nothing more than a group of rats. You still want me to surrender. I'm afraid you haven't woken up yet."

The parchment shattered with one punch.

"Hey, why can't you be more aware of current affairs, you are all civilized people, it's not good to fight and kill."

However, before he finished speaking, the snake flickered in the air and came to Lu Chen.

The snake head stabbed at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

That mouth seemed to swallow Lu Chen and the five hundred dragon guards.

However, is Lu Chen a vegetarian?

With the quality of Longwei.

As soon as he thought about it, his fighting spirit was mobilized, forming an illusory golden dragon hovering outside the dragon guard.

The snake's head just bit on the claw, and the dragon pulled it back.

But at this time, Longwei and Lu Chen merged into the Golden Dragon one after another.

After the fusion, the illusory real dragon instantly became materialized.

The aura exuded is also much stronger.

But at this time, the white tiger and the golden bull attacked one after another.

The king snake kept wandering around the outer circle.

But the sheep stayed far behind, not knowing what they were doing.

The white tiger jumped up, forming the momentum of a fierce tiger descending the mountain, and threw itself on the golden dragon.

The sharp claws pressed down on the golden dragon, and the tiger's mouth bit on the dragon.

As for the Taurus, it ran over in the void.

The bull's head is drooping, and two sharp horns rest on the dragon's body.

Then with a pick, he wanted to join forces with the white tiger and tear the golden dragon into two pieces in one fell swoop.

However, Lu Chen is not easy to get along with.

Facing the white tiger biting the dragon, the dragon opened its mouth and shot a mouthful of golden and dazzling dragon flames at the white tiger.

The snow-white hair instantly scorched black.

The huge impact knocked the white tiger into the air, tearing out several teeth.

And on Jinlong's body, a huge tearing wound appeared there.

And the white tiger was so big by the golden dragon, he threw himself to the ground fiercely.

However, with such a high population density in the valley, no matter where it falls, the huge body of the white tiger will kill hundreds of people.

The onlookers who were watching the battle of the century saw the white tiger flying towards him.

This is the reaction.



"It's about to fall."

These people realized that this was not watching TV.

When gods fight, the ones who suffer are mortals.

However, just when someone closed their eyes but the ostrich, waited a while.

"Hey, am I okay?"

As soon as he spoke, many people also reacted.

"It's fine, I'm fine."


However, they found that the sky seemed to be dark.

Look up.

A huge white tiger stood on it, blocked by a golden film.

Before, when the white tiger fell down, I think it was also blocked by this film.

Players who discovered this breathed a sigh of relief.

When I found that nothing happened to me, I calmed down.

Those who change their pants change their pants, and those who change their makeup make up.

Those who sell watermelons continue to sell watermelons.

Eh, it seems that something serious has been mixed in.

At this time, the Taurus has already pierced the horn into the body of the dragon, and is about to provoke the dragon.

However, the golden dragon also took advantage of the trend and soared into the sky.

The dragon's tail wraps around the bull's head.

Throw the Taurus directly into the sky.

Then, the dragon wagged its tail, entwined, and struck with its claws.

A series of combos were struck.

Finally, directly coil the body of the Taurus downwards.

Until the Taurus was smashed to the ground.

After this struggle, one of the Taurus' horns was directly broken, its intestines were pulled out, and many legs were broken.

However, there was an extra tear on the golden dragon's tail.

And at this moment, the white tiger rushed over and bit the golden dragon's back again.

Bite tightly.

No matter what Jinlong did, he couldn't get rid of it.

No way, the golden dragon circled up.

Wrap up the white tiger.

A dragon's entanglement is no worse than that of a giant python, and even slightly better.

The huge entanglement can be heard acting on the white tiger, and the crisp sound of bones breaking can be heard continuously from the white tiger.

(End of this chapter)

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