Chapter 246 Auction

As time slowly passed, none of the 11 admission tickets was missed.

Finally, the auction time had come. On the circular high platform in the middle, a fat middle-aged man stepped up.

When he stood up, on the high platform, a phantom with a height of tens of meters appeared, exactly like him.

"Hi everyone, my name is Qian Tu, there is Qian Qian, Qian Tu's Tu.

However, I believe that everyone has no interest in me, a middle-aged fat man, so let's get into the topic.

The first auction conference of Zhiqin Auction House officially started.

This auction, according to our great lord's promise, is [-]% off.

Now, on to the first lot. "

In the auction, the first and last auction items are very important, because the first auction item must mobilize everyone's enthusiasm for the auction, ignite the atmosphere, and pave the way for the subsequent auctions.

Moreover, it can't exceed the last few auction items, otherwise, it will be a bit overwhelming. Therefore, it took a long time to decide on this.

What, can arouse everyone's interest, what, can ignite all passion, the final decision.
A maid with at least good looks and a hot figure was wearing a cheongsam with bare legs and came up with a tray.

Above, covered with red silk, protruded a round object.


However, at this time, many people did not focus on the auction item, but on this maid.

You know, when you get on the high platform, a ghost image tens of meters high will immediately appear, which is ultra-ultra-ultra-clear, 10080P, and zoomed in proportionally.

No wonder they didn't pay attention to the auction item.

However, after the maid retreated, her attention came back, and they all began to guess what this thing was.

"I see, it's a elixir, and the golden gun will not fall."

"Shit, how big is that elixir?"

"I guess, yes."

"No, it's impossible."

On the auction forum page, the chatter was in the dark.

However, in No. [-] and No. [-] VIP boxes, the Emperor Soul and the Holy Queen saw this tray.

Pupils shrink.

"This Lu Chen is so generous."

"Since everyone is so curious, then I won't make too many jokes." Qian Tu lifted up the red silk.

A fist-sized glass bead was exposed, and there seemed to be chaos inside.

"Everyone has some doubts after seeing it, so let's reveal it."

Qian Tu waved his hand on it, and in an instant, a property panel popped up on the tray.

And the monitors on the various seats also popped up.

"Intermediate historical military general Martial Soul (Bocai)

Use the attribute panel that can get Bocai to get the blessing of middle-level historical generals. "

Perhaps, there are still many people who are puzzled and don't know what this is.

However, most of them saw this attribute, and their eyes were filled with enthusiasm.

Although, Lu Chen looked down on this mid-level historical general, although it was useless for Lu Chen to stuff it in his backpack.

However, this does not mean that this value is very low.

You know, historical generals, in this world, any player is fanatical about historical figures.

At the same time, historical figures are also numerous.

Because of this, they are also crazy suitors to rein in historical figures.

You know, the game has progressed so far

And now.

"Now, an opportunity to become a historical general is before you.

Now, an opportunity for your subordinates to become historical generals is before you, what are you waiting for.

Base price, 0, unlimited markup. "

A zero base price and an unlimited markup.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the venue became hot.

Although, everyone knows that the possibility of taking pictures by oneself is almost non-existent, and it is not something that I can afford to sell at all.

But what if, what if the first-rate shoot?

What if I'm the only one taking pictures?
What if, what if everyone else died?
It's like, in reality, I like to buy lottery tickets at a glance.

Knowing that he won't win, he still didn't hesitate to buy a bet with a few dollars.

What if it hits the mark.

It's just luck.

What's more, this one doesn't cost money, as long as it doesn't get photographed, it doesn't cost money.

Why not give it a try.

Without dreams, what is the difference with salted fish.

Therefore, at this moment, the atmosphere in the venue instantly ignited.

On the tablet, go to the auction page.

And on the round table in the middle, on the tray.

The numbers there are flashing crazily.

a copper

ten bronze
one silver

two silver
Three silver
It wasn't until later, when the unit became gold, that the auction speed slowed down. One gold, after all, is not a small number.

For those who sit under the stage and in booths, one gold is the entire wealth of most people.

In other words, all the property did not reach a single gold.

Therefore, each price increase is a bit slower than before.

However, at this time.

"Ten gold."

A golden account number is displayed on the screen.

Box No. 98, the bid is ten gold.

"I said, you are too petty, I will offer a hundred gold."

"Prodigal? One hundred and one."


Originally, when the box above the head just entered the arena, a person in the booth wanted to compete.

As a result, in an instant, the price became more than 100.

That player was paralyzed on the sofa, although he knew he couldn't afford it, but when faced with this moment, he still did.

Very unwilling.

However, no matter how unwilling it is, it is useless. If you have no money, you just have no money.

From participant to bystander.

Now, the competition for boxes is becoming more and more fierce.

One more thing.

There are loudspeakers in the box.

As long as the people inside want to, they can call, and the price shouted out will also be recorded directly.

Just like that, shouting and yelling at the same time.

These people are getting more and more angry.

They spent a hundred gold for a ticket.

They are all big lords, and now, money is not the most important thing.

Being bullied face to face, at a time like this, who can bear it.

It's not just about face.

Now it has become more serious.

You know, the [-] players gathered here are all doing well.

Otherwise, the kind of tickets fired by scalpers who are struggling to live are enough to keep them out.

It can be said that this place is basically a part of the elite Huaxia players.

And for these 10 people, the number of people who can be implicated is a terrifying number.

In this way, if you lose face here, you will not only lose face, but also lose face.

The first auction item is more symbolic.

Therefore, the price will be higher and higher.

After all, it is not a fool to be able to achieve this position.

Even if he is a fool, his power cannot be fully controlled by him alone, and it is impossible for him to spend hundreds of gold at will.

After all, a few hundred gold is enough to form a small army with ordinary equipment.

(End of this chapter)

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