Chapter 152
In the purple fairy house.

A group of old men eagerly stared at the hazy formation in front of them. This formation surrounded a secret place with 99 fairy mountains as walls, forming a valley filled with fairy mist.

Even if they are standing outside, they can clearly feel the shocking dao rhyme, as if they can reach out and touch the sky. The symbols that gather together like a river have never fascinated people like before.

"What kind of formation is this?" an old man asked.

"In the ancient 99 Dragon Mountains, it's a pity that there are not so many dragon veins here, so they can only be replaced by fairy mountains. If tens of thousands of dragon veins are mobilized to form a Jedi, even if it is not as good as the real Dragon Mountain, it should be able to play a part or two." Luo Tianchen explained.

The land of immortality in Kunshan, although it is called 99 Dragon Mountain, actually has ten thousand dragon heads, which have been accumulated from the time of Emperor Zun to the present, and have been formed through star after star. Unfortunately, they were all beheaded by ruthless people.

Although this place is a fairy land, it cannot be compared with Kunlun at all. However, the appearance is not bad, and it should be enough to deal with a group of old men.

"How long will it last?"

" shouldn't be a problem after a few years." Luo Tianchen opened the entrance to the formation for a group of elderly people, turned and walked away.

In fact, he didn't say a word, although mobilizing the fairy mountain like this can gather Dao patterns, but for this fairy mansion, there are only disadvantages and no benefits.

That kind of terrain is naturally domineering, depriving everything, while nourishing the spirit, it accelerates the consumption of the Immortal Mansion, which is equivalent to overdrawing in advance.

"Boy, take it easy outside, don't wait for the white-haired man to send the black-haired man after we leave the customs!" An old man shouted, and ran into the formation excitedly.

Luo Tianchen waved his hand, and his figure disappeared on the horizon.

There are three secret places in the Immortal Mansion, one is occupied by the Lord Zifu, one is occupied by a group of old men, and the remaining one is located in the center of the Immortal Mansion, which is controlled by Zixia and also belongs to him.

This is a special treatment that even Zi Xiao cannot enjoy.

There are many rumors about this secret place, and some elders claim that the first ancestor of the Zifu once retreated there.

Some people also said that this fairy mansion fell from the nine heavens, and there may be a big secret about the fairy, but since ancient times, no one has been able to discover it.

This is also one of the reasons why Luo Tianchen is interested in Xianfu.

His intuition told him that there might be something hidden in this special world.

"Senior brother?" Zixia stood in front of a fairy lake, looking strangely at the man who came with a pensive face. To be honest, the calm and watery senior brother is still very attractive.

Different from other people's divine light, this senior brother is restrained from the beginning to the end, without the arrogance of others, and he is not ostentatious. No matter who he is, he is very peaceful, although he will also be a little bit dark.

Fairy Lake is not big, just over [-] meters away. The purple mist floats up into smoke, which is very hazy. But when you look closely, it looks like a purple mirror embedded in the ground, which is fascinating.

Luo Tianchen looked around the small lake, touching the ground with his palm from time to time to explore the depths of the ground, but there was nothing abnormal.

"What is senior brother looking for, do you need help from junior sister?"

Luo Tianchen shook his head, paused for a moment, and stepped into the small lake alone. This fairy lake is the center of the fairy mansion, like a special node, as soon as he entered, he had the urge to realize the Tao.

This is very special. Standing in it, he seems to be standing in the center of the universe. He can easily feel the interweaving of lines between heaven and earth, the extension and wandering of order.

In the next moment, he seemed to have returned to the mother's body, wrapped in the source of life, and his whole body, from body to soul, seemed to have been washed.

This is very strange, he feels like he has disintegrated, and the whole person has returned to the original state, like a mass of nothingness, and from nothing to something, they cycle each other.

"It's indeed a treasure land..." After a long time, Luo Tianchen opened his eyes. He didn't find any man-made traces. This fairy lake is like the fruit of heaven and earth intertwined, and it also looks like a fake and inferior version of Tianxin imprint, which belongs to the fairy mansion. The rules were born.

"Can it still be reformed?" Zixia asked.

"Born by nature, it has been perfected, and there is no need to add superfluous things."

"Then..." Zixia bit her lip, a little hesitant.

"It's okay, you wash yours, I'll soak mine, senior brother won't attack at night." Luo Tianchen smiled slightly, leaned his body against the lake wall, closed his eyes, only showing his head.

When Zixia heard this, two black lines involuntarily formed on her crystal forehead, but she always felt strange to be retreating in the same lake with the man.

However, she was not too shy, and gently stepped into the lake with her long skirt, letting the lake water cover her clothes, leaving only a small head exposed.

But for some reason, even if she closed her eyes, the lake still had little ripples around her.

"Meditate, use the soul to blend with the Dao, follow its trajectory, and discover the mysteries of the Dao."

Zixia nodded, but just when she was about to stick to her mind, the hazy figure of the man on the opposite side suddenly turned into six, but in an instant, it changed from six to one.

At this moment, the man on the opposite side seemed to have been completely sublimated, and seemed to have jumped out of this world. Although his face was calm, his detachment was suffocating.

It is hard for her to describe what kind of man this is. He seems to have descended from the heavens, and he seems to be enveloped by thousands of auspicious clouds. He is so perfect that he is surrounded by dragons and phoenixes. Like one after another.

At the same time, pieces of light curtains fell like colorful waterfalls, falling directly with an astonishing aura of avenues.

This is unbelievable, that brother seems to be unsealed, becoming more and more noble, but in just a few breaths, that area has been completely shrouded in the light of the Dao, no matter how difficult it is to see the divine form.

Zixia was slightly stunned, although it was only a few breaths, but that man was really noble and made people feel ashamed.

"Senior brother who is not restrained..." Zixia was a bit embarrassed to say it, but she thought of another question.

"Is it the forbidden domain of the gods..."

"It's easier to understand the Tao in this state."

Zixia: "..."

At this moment, even her xinxing couldn't help being covered with black lines. She opened her mouth, trying to find out the words she could say, but after a long time, she found that she was speechless.

Zixia shook her head, threw out the thoughts in her mind, regained her indifference, and gradually calmed down, but just when she wanted to integrate into the Dao, she suddenly found that she couldn't enter the state.

It was as if all the avenues were scrambling to rush into the opposite side, completely forgetting about her.

"Do you want to get seems to have some effect." Zixia moved her body and moved closer to the center of the lake.

Her movements are very light, she moves two steps and takes a sneak peek, like a cat stealing meat, her cautious appearance is really hilarious.

(End of this chapter)

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