Chapter 259

Taiqing Holy Realm.

"You tell me, what did I do wrong? As soon as that person died, the way of human desire was destroyed by the world. Everyone said that the predecessors planted trees and the descendants took advantage of the shade. When it came to me, it was a disaster for no reason!"

Li Tian gulped down the wine, so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke.

"The eyes of the masses are discerning. You don't need to wash it, and you can't wash it clean unless you change the environment."

A gentle and refined man poured a glass of wine for Li Tian, ​​and looked at the grass beside the fairy lake in the distance.

There, a little girl with pink and delicate jade was squatting in the middle of a man and a woman, two big and one small, and the three of them were playing with... mud!
Although the mud was as crystal clear as fine sand, Xing Tian couldn't help but twitch his eyes.

A king who dominates the world, and the most beautiful woman in the world, such two people actually take their daughter to play in the mud, can't you teach me something else!
A man and a woman are very peaceful and quiet, they seem to have lost their divine light, like a family of three, by the fairy lake, incomparably harmonious.

But in the same way, neither he nor Taiyao and Li Tian have ever seen such a gentle scene with that guy, which makes people unbearable to disturb.

"It's a pity, they probably won't be able to get together." Xing Tian shook his head, looking at Tai Yao who had been drinking in silence, "You should inform me before you go."

"You are different from us. You represent the Tianhu family. You have power and family behind you. You can't let go of many things." Taiyao calmly said, "Perhaps the reason why Brother Luo didn't build power is also because of this reason."

No worries, no worries, one person walks alone on the journey of the road, and gradually becomes stronger. This is not ruthless, but has a more ambitious goal.

Xing Tian sighed softly. Some people said that being a father for the first time will have a very special feeling. He doesn't know what other people are like, but he is at a loss, surprised, and... looking forward to it.

All his ambition melted away at the girl's first cry.

He doesn't think that everyone has different choices and their own destiny. This is his choice and his responsibility to his companions.

Just like the man with a gentle smile playing in the mud with his child, if possible, maybe the other party would not want to keep going, but stop to enjoy the scenery on the roadside like himself.

The battle of the great world is so difficult, the road forged by the sea of ​​blood, the mountain where the bones are piled up, perhaps when looking back again, only the scenery on the side of the road is the purest.

At night, in front of the Bajing Palace.

Luo Tianchen was lying on the recliner, in front of him was a pile of ancient scrolls like a hill, a few of them had hundreds of scrolls, many of which were written by saints.

His mind is clear, and the pores of his whole body are glowing. Under the night, he is crystal clear like a god, incomparably out of this world.

This is the harvest obtained from the Jinwu tribe. There are no fewer than thirty ancient scriptures for sages, and there are even more king-level ones. The collection of a family of 10,000+ years is so large that it is unimaginable, and it is simply dazzling.

This may be related to the environment of Ziwei Star. There is no emperor soldier here, and the great saint soldier is almost the sky. The Golden Crow can plunder as much as they want, with unscrupulous methods.


There was a soft sound not far away, Yi Qingwu was like a naughty child, making some little noises from time to time.

She has gained a lot, and all kinds of resources are unimaginable. Even if she wanted to establish a big religion, she would make mistakes.

Now, under the moonlight, on the Nuoda open space in front of Bajing Palace, she has transformed beyond recognition.

There are four fairy mountains surrounded by dozens of ancient springs, among which waterfalls, fairy lakes, and jade towers are placed one by one, just like decorating your own nest, which is hardworking and satisfying.

Luo Tianchen withdrew his gaze, let his mind go, and looked at the ancient scriptures in his hands, "The Tao is invisible, and man is the carrier, it can be the foundation of the Tao, the Dharma can be passed on by the mouth, the ears can hear it, and the eyes can see it...

All things and all spirits can be the way, all have pulses to find, use the zither as the way, use the eyes to find the myriad pulses, and use the sound to transmit it, quiet, can cleanse the soul, move, can fall into the galaxy..."

Luo Tianchen read it carefully, and his whole mind seemed to be immersed in it.

The words danced, and seemed to come alive in his eyes. They came alive, with the aura of the Dao, slowly drawing out a picture of mountains and rivers, and a figure in Tsing Yi.

It was a man whose face could not be seen clearly. He was sitting cross-legged on a big mountain with an ancient xylophone on his knees. When he flicked it lightly, the notes danced, causing the entire mountain and river to rippling.

This is a kind of resonance, resonance with heaven and earth, resonance with everything in the mountains and rivers. Luo Tianchen doesn't know what song the other party is playing, but the song is unforgettable and very beautiful. After listening to it, his whole heart follows Ethereal.

This is a wonderful feeling, the mountains and rivers are beating, the creatures are dancing, and the sky and the earth are rippling. At this moment, he has a feeling that even an ordinary person can reach out and touch the Dao here, and feel the true meaning of it.

"The pulse of everything..."


Luo Tianchen listened quietly and watched with his eyes. At this moment, the heavens, earth, mountains and rivers have changed in his eyes. The sky is still the sky, and the mountains are still mountains, but within their bodies, there are veins falling. Distributed throughout the body like blood vessels.

This is the most intuitive feeling. The sound of the piano surrounds the ears, like the pulsation in the moving mountains and rivers, with the heaven and the earth as the music, and the pulsation as the string, playing a song of heaven and earth.

The figure in Tsing Yi was silent, he was immersed in his mind, and the palm of his hand changed from a caress to a slow movement.

He is very heavy, his fingers are like picking up a mountain, like picking up a sea, every movement is extremely heavy, but as he plucks the first string, the sky seems to be cut by an invisible force, and it is directly divided into pieces. The two halves reveal the starry sky outside the domain.


The second string was plucked, and a mysterious dao rhyme spread out, and then, a bright sharp blade flew out from the top of the mountain, rushed to the outside world, and hit Jiutian directly.

At this moment, an amazing thing happened. A sharp blade, like a fairy sword drawn out of its sheath, illuminated the dark universe like the brightest light in the world, dimming the entire star.


The sharp blade is unrivaled, passing through it, directly piercing a piece of starry sky, this is a terrifying scene, thousands of stars crashing down, the scene is spectacular, making people dumbfounded.

However, at this moment, the man plucked the third string. With his plucking, the veins between heaven and earth are like a big net being stirred up, and also like the cornerstone of construction, making the whole world feel like It collapsed, thousands of galaxies, the heavens and the earth, all collapsed in an instant...

However, at this moment, Luo Tianchen felt strange. The scene in front of him was too real, as if he had thought it himself, and it seemed that his way had been evoked, which made him feel something was wrong.

"The way of phantom sound... is ultimately empty. I long for the great sage's power to destroy the galaxy with one hand. It is not advisable to use illusion to perform it, but... there is always a dream!"

The man sighed, and smashed the piano in front of his knee...!
At the same time, what was smashed was also Luo Tianchen's heart, which made his heart that hadn't fluctuated for a long time become turbulent again!
"Your uncle's... feelings are all illusions, I thought you could really move the pulse of everything!"

(End of this chapter)

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