The meaning of covering the sky is supreme

Chapter 281 The Seeds Planted

Chapter 281 The Seeds Planted

The four-color liquid is like flowing amber, exuding a fragrance, lingering with immortal energy, swallowing the essence of heaven and earth autonomously, it is extremely miraculous, and one can't help but realize the Tao when one smells it.

Luo Tianchen stood in front of the alchemy furnace, looked at it for a moment, took out some and gave them to the expectant cat sage.

This old demon has lived for thousands of years, and his strength may not be very good, but he is still trustworthy.

"The star road is all in this jade slip. The Teng Snake and Huo Sang stars in it need to be paid attention to. Although there is no need to pass by there, the creatures there are very domineering."

Mao Sheng left, like a jumping girl when she walked, with brisk steps and jumping.

But her words made Luo Tianchen ponder for a while.

The Teng Snake family is very strong, and they have a strong reputation in the universe. As for the Huo Sang Star, this one is even stronger.

When in Ziwei, the Golden Crow clan was attacked by many great sects, leading to their complete annihilation. The whereabouts of the only surviving Wu Linger is unknown. The little princess of the family may have been sent away by King Jinwu in advance, and it is very likely that she left Ziwei Xing.

For such a big ancient star, there is naturally more than one road leading to the outside world. Many ancient orthodoxy are actually mastered, but they are not specific and stable. If the king enters, there is only one dead end.

"Interesting, I hope you can return to Huosang Planet alive."

Luo Tianchen filled some evolution liquid, and under the eyes of all the captives, gave the sacred furnace to Xiaoguang.

"Do you leave..." Fan Yuxian shrank her neck and spoke boldly.

"Well, I'll be leaving soon."

A group of people watched those figures leave and gradually disappeared into the sky, unable to hide the depression in their hearts.

"Haha...we are free..."

A group of people are crazy and laughing, like a group of fools who have lost their minds, God knows, how did they get here these days!
"Quickly, tell Xiaoxian'er to send a spaceship to pick us up." Fanzhou couldn't hide his excitement.

The devil is finally leaving this starry sky. I'm afraid those people will definitely go crazy with excitement when they get the news.

But they didn't know that in another world, someone could hear their words clearly.

"My lord, are you really letting them look for Beidou?" Xiaoguang asked.

"It's up to them to find it. It's their choice whether to fight or not. As for whether they will attack the restricted area, with the arrogance of those people, they will definitely dare to attack."

This is natural, the great powers of the Big Dipper dared to dig the emperor's grave and attack the Purple Mountain. For a group of people who like to plunder, a single life star represents infinite treasures.

"Next, I will retreat for a period of time, and you will also take advantage of this time to raise your realm."

Luo Tianchen left and went to Qingdi's place of enlightenment, which was also the content of the deal.

The cat sage once said that Emperor Qing once preached on this star, and passed on some of the monster clan cultivation methods he had sorted out and improved, and at the same time completed the inheritance for some forces.

The monster clan's exercises didn't have much effect on him, but Qingdi's retreat is a good place.



Lianshu Lake is located in a [-] mountain in the middle of Jiumingxing. It is a famous place and a fairy lake.

2 years ago, this place was a wasteland, but after a man came, everything changed.

The originally dead and silent land, the grass and flowers grow wildly, and the ancient trees are towering to the sky. Its momentum is so large that it spreads to a radius of one million miles, completely changing the dead and silent Hundred Thousand Mountains. The energy of life is exuding everywhere, causing many powerful forces to rush to the pilgrimage .

Since then, all the creatures on this star have known a name—Wan Qing!
But on this day, Lianshu Lake also ushered in a man with no waves in the ancient well.

He is dressed in snow-white clothes, calm and indifferent, but wherever he passes, a striped road lights up, spreading across mountains, rivers and lakes, and across the sky and earth, making everything in the entire universe revive.

He is too detached, as if he came by stepping on the lines formed by the order of the myriad ways, and also as if he was stepping on the original line of all things, the place where he stands is the monarch of heaven and earth!
Many monster clans who were originally in meditation saw this scene and were shocked, but the man ignored them and came to the center of Lianshu Lake alone. His eyes were cold, like the eyes of God falling from the nine heavens. Thousands of original patterns continue to spread in the lotus lake.

At the same time, in the center of Lianshu Lake, a tall and majestic figure also appeared. He looked up at the sky with his hands behind his back, as if he was looking at the stars in the sky, and also seemed to be watching the mysteries of the universe.

Around him, the chaos was raging, and thousands of threads hung down, like the light of the avenue, incomparably mysterious and hazy, and it seemed to suppress the entire universe, and the aura was terrifying and astonishing.

No one knew what he was looking at, nor how long he had been standing there, time seemed meaningless around that figure.

After an unknown amount of time, he withdrew his gaze and slowly sat cross-legged in the middle of the lake, like a chaotic road lotus before the creation of the world, blooming with an unimaginable initial breath.

This kind of breath is very special and very hazy, like the birth of all things, and also like the world has not yet opened, boundless, only chaos.

But with the spread of that breath, vitality permeated, and the aura of the Dao was born everywhere, with him as the center, spreading to the surrounding area.

The lake of nothingness is full of flowers, and the lotus vines are like trees, vigorous and full of vitality. Falling chaotic light waterfall.

This is astonishing. There are three thousand lotus trees, exuding terrifying chaos and initial vitality. It seems to be evolving three thousand heavens and earth, and it is also like opening up a world of three thousand lives in a dead place. But where the chaos passes, the radius is a million miles Everything is revived!
"My monster clan emperor once evolved the world here..."

"It's been so many years... We didn't even find out!" Many monster creatures looked at the man sitting cross-legged in the phantom position, and they were completely boiling.

2 years have passed, the lotus trees are as old as they are, towering and tall, with thick and powerful stems, standing upright like a real dragon, and lotus leaves are like clouds, covering the sun only, exuding chaotic mist, and taking root in the fairy lake.

But the young man inside was not affected at all. He sat cross-legged in it, poured a small bottle of four-color liquid between his eyebrows, and centered there, wrapped his whole body, forming a four-color cocoon.

At this moment, he seems to have disappeared, and it seems to be dead, no matter whether it is breath or vitality.

However, in that area, there was an astonishing burst of chaotic fog and initial energy, which gradually spread, and finally completely covered the entire Lianshu Lake.

Many people were pleasantly surprised, they were pushed out of the Great Lake by an invisible force, but at this moment, they not only felt the aura of the birth of all things, but also the aura of ten thousand ways.

It's as if something is attracting Wan Dao and letting them descend, which is very special and mysterious.

"Who the hell is this... who is actually touching the Dao mark left by the Demon Emperor..."

(End of this chapter)

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