The meaning of covering the sky is supreme

Chapter 307 Death of Sun and Moon

Chapter 307 Death of Sun and Moon
a few days later.

A piece of news spread out, not from Thirty City, but in the starry sky adjacent to the Huosang Starfield.

"That quasi-emperor is... one of the eight great generals under the Immortal Emperor's throne, named Sun Moon!"

This is a big piece of news. As soon as it came out, it caused an uproar among countless people.

No one expected that the quasi-emperor would have such a great history, it scared me to death, the immortal general, the living legend, represented an era and a series of brilliance.

However, within a few days after the news spread, a man ushered in the Huosang star's star field.

His figure is slender and strong, with a black sword on his back. Although his head is full of white hair, he is really young. On the surface, he is only in his thirties. intimidating.

"Who is this..."

Many powerful creatures were terrified, because the white-haired man was heading towards the general in the starry sky.

"Sun and Moon God General?" The white-haired man frowned, his eyes were cold, and he swept forward, the whole universe was beating, and the invisible pressure made those who watched in the dark depressed for a while, like falling into an ice cellar.

The sun and moon god will sit expressionlessly on the void, surrounded by the sun and the moon, but his vicissitudes of life suddenly jumped when he saw the person coming.

"There are still strong people like you in the world... and you are here for the Chaos Body..."

"No, I'm here to kill you!"

Without any extra words, a black sword clang sounded like a dragon chant, and the white-haired man pulled out his long black sword, with a kind of majesty in his indifference, ruthlessly looking at the sky, and swept out at the sun and moon god.

A sword cuts through eternity, the sword is unparalleled, like a flying fairy from the sky, it is too gorgeous, and too sharp, people who are glaring with the light of the sword can't open their eyes.

The Milky Way crumbled, the stars dimmed, and everything was cut off by the sword, including the sun and moon gods. The sword light was shockingly sharp and frighteningly fast, and many great saints didn't react at all.

But when they came back to their senses, the Galaxy fell one after another, and at the same time, even the invincible Sun and Moon God General died, and was cut in half in an instant.

"The legendary person... just died..."

"It feels like a dream..." Many people are doubting life, and it feels unreal at all.

The white-haired man put away the black sword, turned around and left, and with just one step, he stepped out of this universe at an unimaginably fast speed.

"God..." someone whispered.

"It turned out to be him..." Luo Tianchen was also surprised.

It's not that the white-haired man is too weak, but too strong. This is a quasi-nine, second only to the old god in the god organization. Not to mention that the sun and moon god will be a clone, even when the main body is at its peak, whether it can beat the white-haired man is two Say.

Zi Shan, who was also watching this scene, was dumbfounded, the corners of his eyes twitched, and his hands and feet trembled.

He always thought that he was a strong man who could cross the galaxy. However, a clone in the early days of Zhundi was chopped off by someone with a sword, and he didn't even have the strength to resist. This universe is too scary. Very strange.


Luo Tianchen bid farewell to Zishan, and chose to go on the road instead of continuing to get involved in the affairs of these starry skies.

The waves of the chaotic body are really too big, even if it is him, he has to avoid it temporarily. This is not because of fear, but as time goes by, the waves in these starry sky will only become bigger and bigger.

Shenting, Huo Sang, and God Organization, these three are truly behemoths, but they all appeared, and even, if the news spread far enough, the underworld might be alarmed.

Shenting, Huo Sang, and God Organization, these three forces are not simple. Behind each of them is a living supreme quasi-emperor. Even if it is the sun and moon god general, behind them is an immortal queen.

I just don't know what kind of mood that guy who ran out with confidence and was wiped out with a sword is now.

Luo Tianchen left, passed through Huosang Starfield and other starry skies, and went to another starfield.

The domain name of this piece of star is Huntian, which has existed since ancient times and has had unimaginable brilliance.

At the same time, in this star field, there is also a race named Huntian. They have existed since ancient times and their names have been passed down to the number field.

In Beidou, they also have a famous name, the Huntian Royal Family, one of the top ten royal families in the ancient times, and tied with the Vigorous Bull Demon Clan.

The so-called Primordial Ten Thousand Clans does not really have Ten Thousand Clans, it is a collective term, but most of them come from the starry sky and have their own ancestral stars.

The starry sky is boundless, as if it has no end. On a dead star, two figures sit cross-legged. They are wearing armor, looking at the broken fate card in front of them, silent.

The fate card had been broken for many days, not long after they left the Huosang Starfield, but it was the fate card of their master, who was also a great sage.

"Senior brother... what should we do, go back to the court!" The middle-aged man looked at the skinny Taoist opposite and said in a low voice.

"Bring back the news of the chaotic body, and at the same time pass back the situation of those star fields." The Taoist's eyes flickered, and he slowly got up from his cross-legged position.

They were ordered to go to other star fields to pursue the legendary chaotic body, but for many days, there was no news at all. The chaotic body seemed to have evaporated without a trace.

"That's fine, as long as we bring back the news of the Chaos Body, maybe the Emperor will personally meet us."

The two got up, but just as they were about to sacrifice the ancient platform to teleport, a chariot suddenly broke into the void outside the star.

This chariot is too bright, it is surrounded by the dotted galactic sand, with five phoenixes of different colors as its feet, piercing the starry sky, the light and rain are in pieces, with an intoxicating fragrance, flowing with a mysterious yellow aura , that is magnificent, but also dreamy.

"This is……"

The two brothers looked at each other with dazed faces. They have traveled across the starry sky for many years and have seen many big men, but who can pull a cart with five phoenix heads? This row is really scary.

"Fellow Daoist, we are from Shenting, I don't know you..."


The five-headed phoenixes all stopped, and they all looked over hundreds of thousands of miles away. At the same time, there was a suspicious voice coming from the car.

"The emperor wants to rule the world, and he has always liked virtuous people. Whether it is the fairy scriptures or the divine gold, he has never been stingy."

"Fellow Daoist, the path of cultivation is difficult, why not follow the Great Emperor, bathe in his brilliance, bear his name, and create an unprecedented heaven of gods together!"

The two of you talk to each other with full confidence. This is not bragging. Whether it is the emperor or the gods, as long as they call out their names, the Great Sage and the others are eligible to recruit.

"I'll bathe your uncle!"

The five fairy phoenixes opened their mouths together, but in the next moment, they transformed from phoenixes into human beings, and gradually formed a five-color fairy light figure.

At this moment, the fairy light figure lost its peace, like a raging real dragon, holding a five-element fairy sword, smashing the universe with all its strength.

"Chaos body... Luo!"

"He... is actually pulling a cart for someone... who is in the cart..."

(End of this chapter)

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