Chapter 310 Tianzun Mountain


The complexion of the silver-haired old man changed drastically, and his whole body erupted like a boundless volcano. The moment it shot up into the sky, a terrifying evil spirit swept across the entire Xiongguan in an instant, and all the creatures in the city were panicked.

"But why did he come here? Logically speaking, at this level, he shouldn't need the experience on the ancient road."

On the avenue at the city gate, many creatures were talking about it. They looked at the young and outrageous man, and they were speechless to the extreme.

Normal people, at this age, are at most wandering in the Zhan Dao, no matter which ancient road they take, it will be of great use to themselves.

But this person is so good, the growth rate of his cultivation base is too scary, maybe in a few years, he can become a great saint, and he can cover a star field with only one hand.

"Ahem... Xiaoyou Luo, what are you..." The silver-haired old man looked at the broken gate with stiff eyes, and Luo, who patted his butt and got up, forcibly pulled out a smiling face, "Every emperor's growth path, They have all experienced various pursuits, if you want to rule the world, you must first be an enemy of the world."

"You're right, so do you want me to compensate you?" Luo pointed to the broken Xiongguan gate, and the expression on Junwei's face was not high, as if there was a ray of annoyance.

"No, this is definitely not the case. That gate has existed for more than [-] years, and it has long been decayed. Now that my little friend helped to dismantle it, I am too late to be grateful. How can I ask for compensation!" The silver-haired old man smiled.

But in the eyes of others, the situation of the two of them is extremely strange.

One had a smile on his face, his body was slightly bent, as if he was coaxing his seniors, and the other was full of fairy light, with a majestic figure, standing upright, looking at the old man in front of him silently.

You know, the former is a great saint, while the latter is just a holy king.

"Fellow Daoist, how much do you know about Emperor Qing?"

"Qingdi? Has he been here?"

The old man stroked his beard with a smile on his face, "Naturally, in fact, Emperor Qing has helped the Yaozu a lot. The Emperor is selfless. He not only helped the Yaozu, but also helped other races."

Seeing Luo meditating, the old man hit the railway while it was hot, "I have heard from some fellow Taoists that Emperor Qing seems to have been to...the ancient golden road!"

"Golden Ancient Road..." Luo Tianchen was immersed for a while, and asked, "Do you have the coordinates leading to the Golden Ancient Road?"

The silver-haired old man remained silent, and signaled Luo Tianchen to go with him to the transparent city above the clouds.

The ancient city is very large, intersecting with the Xiongguan Daohui below, like a mirage, it seems impossible to grasp the dream.

But on the surrounding walls, there are many stone paintings, such as giants beheading beasts, monks sitting in the sky, offering sacrifices to thousands of monsters, stepping on stars and ascending to heaven...etc.

There are so many stone pictures that you can't see them at a glance. They are all inscriptions of ancient sages. However, the moment the two entered, the originally empty and transparent ancient city seemed to come alive, with slightly swaying waves, revealing scenes of prosperity.

On both sides of the avenue, there are rows of stalls, ancient sacred seeds, medicine kings, ancient scriptures, warriors, heavenly materials, etc., can be seen everywhere, making people dazzled.

In the middle of the avenue, there are crowds of people of various races, but their clothes are extremely old, like the ancients a million years ago, and they are full of vitality and blood. Even a random boy has the strength of Sendai.

"The former sages once said that this city is suspected to be related to the ancient golden road, and it was one of its former heavenly roads. It was intercepted from the ancient road by a former sage of my monster clan, and it has survived for more than a million years.

Some people say that this city contains great secrets, while others say that it has been contaminated with some special principles that allow people to understand the true meaning of the Great Dao. "

"Yin and Yang, false and true..."

Luo Tianchen was surprised. The two ancient cities stood up and down, as if they were at two special nodes, and they were related to each other, but they didn't seem to be.

But in his eyes, in the center of the two cities, there is a small world hidden in the void. There are not many people there, only a few dozen. Life is disillusioned, it seems to exist, and it seems to be a phantom.

This is a good place. The two cities are respectively built on the natural avenue nodes, coupled with the understanding of the former sages of all parties, it will be of great benefit to both the saint and the saint king.

"It's okay, but it doesn't help me much. At this level, if you want to improve, you can almost reach the sky step by step."

"I believe you ghost, it is indeed difficult to improve the cultivation level of a saint, but that is only for ordinary people, and some people are not born in that range." The silver-haired old man slandered in his heart.

But on the surface, he hesitated a little, and said, "It's not impossible for you to advance quickly. Some things are very useful even to the Great Sage."


"After I say it, will you go?"

Luo Tianchen: "..."

The great sage of feelings has said so much, just to let him leave the ancient road of the Yaozu.

The silver-haired old man didn't care, as if he was recalling, after a long time, he slowly said, "I have lived on a life star on the ancient road since I was young. Even in 6000 years, I have seen many proud sons of heaven and heard too many legends.

Some people say that there are nine secrets hidden in Tianzun Mountain. Others say that the body of an invincible demon is buried under Tianzun Mountain. According to ancient records, that demon is most likely a Dzogchen Holy Spirit whose body was divided and suppressed. In different places, it is suspected that Tianzun used it to refine a furnace of peerless medicine. I don't know whether the news is true or not, but the news about the Nine Secrets is the deduction of my master, a great sage before his death. "

"What you're talking about is...the Moral Heavenly Venerable!" Luo Tianchen was surprised. The Great Master of the Ziwei Dynasty, but the King Realm, can be deduced to the little girl before sitting down, and the things that a great saint can see are also different.

"It is indeed Daode Tianzun, but the news about the Nine Secrets is always just a deduction, I don't know if it is accurate, but I think this kind of news is useful to you.

Little friend, there are not a few good seedlings in my Yaozu ancient road, I really can't stand the trouble, why not..."

Speaking of this, the silver-haired old man looked hopeful, and at the same time took out a piece of black gold with dragon patterns, "How go to another place?"

Luo Tianchen: "..."

Seeing that Luo Tianchen was silent, the old man laughed dryly, and at the same time, his heart ached. The autumn wind of robbery was about to be sent out before it was warmed up. It would be a lie to say that he didn't feel sorry for him, but he really couldn't afford to pay for this big Buddha.

"You should keep your fairy gold for yourself. I used to go to the ancient golden road, but now, I am interested in the Tianzun Mountain you mentioned."

With that said, Luo Tianchen walked towards the teleportation array in the city.

"No rush, take your time... Hey, I'll see you off, little friend. The ancient golden road is at the end of several ancient roads..." The old man trotted all the way, leading the way, like a dog.

To be honest, there is really no one who can do this for the Great Sage, but this is a kind of investment in advance, and it is also a kind of recognition for Luo Tianchen's future.

(End of this chapter)

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