Chapter 317
"You bastards!"

A sage king rushed out of the ancient city, broke into the alien army alone, and slaughtered all directions.

But he didn't kill for a moment, when he was blocked by two saint kings of the Guangming tribe, the three left the area and fought in the depths of the starry sky.

There are too many alien races, covering the sky and covering the sky, densely covering the starry sky, like endless locusts, swarming in and covering the entire ancient city.

People are boiling, killing numb.

Corpses fell from the sky, blood rained from the sky, magical powers moved like clouds, and a bloody wind swept across the sky.

Luo Tianchen stood on the city wall, raised his eyes and watched silently. In front of him, the king who drank with him at the beginning rushed into a group of alien races, swept all directions, and cleared the entire area around him. He was invincible.

As he said, he is also a man who swept across a star, even in a group of kings, he showed his invincible posture to the fullest.

However, a big hand suddenly protruded from behind, striking over with monstrous power.

That was a high-ranking saint of the Guangming clan. He wandered around the battlefield and shot at some of the more eye-catching human races.

The man was furious, let out a long howl, and while his hair danced wildly, he knocked out a king in the air. He didn't beg for mercy, and he didn't retreat. The moment his big hand fell, he killed three kings in a row.

But in front of high-level saints, any king is futile.

When the blood rained down, a king died just like that. It was cruel and realistic. Except for Luo Tianchen, almost no one paid attention to it.

This is the great war, and there will not be only one person who will fall, the human race is falling, and the alien race is also falling, corpses are like mountains, blood is like a river, piled up outside the city wall.

There were killings and roars everywhere, and the guide history of No.15 city also rushed out, but what greeted him was a creature that also stood on the top of the Saint King, and it was a holy spirit!
Luo Tianchen didn't move, but the scene in his mind was different. It was a magic well, and a phantom of a Taoist sat cross-legged on it, as if suppressing the eternal time and space.

This time Luo Tianchen didn't break the seal, but simply felt the imprint left by the Taoist Heavenly Venerable.

"Chaos body..."

An old figure came over, he stood in the distance, didn't move, just watched quietly, after a while, he said slowly, "Shi Ling is in your hands, Ao Mang was also killed by you!"

This is a guess, but it is also a determination.

Luo Tianchen didn't answer, and his figure slowly dissipated, as if he had never appeared beside the magic well.

At the same moment, Luo Tianchen who was standing on the city wall moved, a black fairy clothes appeared on his body, and at the same time a fairy halberd in his hand burst into unprecedented brilliance, spreading from the city wall.


A brilliant celestial light burst out, tearing apart the world in front of it, turning thousands of creatures into dust, including the former saint.

This sudden scene made the entire east city wall instantly silent.

Everyone looked at the city wall. There, there stood an unparalleled man standing on it. He was wearing fairy clothes, holding a fairy halberd, colorful phoenix wings on his back, and three thousand chaotic waterfalls around him. This kind of symbol wrapped him up, so detached that it frightened people to death.

"Leave this to me, spread out!"

Following a voice, the man flew into the sky, his wings were covered with light and rain, and with auspicious breath, he seemed to move the avenue of heaven and earth. With clang and clang, one after another, colorful sword feathers descended from the sky. The entire east of the city was completely covered.


Hundreds of thousands of sword feathers flew over, bringing light, rain and auspiciousness, crowding the sky and the earth, and the moment they fell, the universe was cut open.

Nothing can stop it, whether it is a king, a saint, or a saint king, as long as he is hit by the sword feather, his soul will be torn apart in an instant.

This was a massacre, with countless howls, the sky was full of blood, and pieces of fallen corpses formed a blood-stained picture under the starry sky.

"He is... the Holy King... Luo!"

Luo Tianchen didn't speak, his battle clothes surged, his firepower was fully unleashed, and with one punch, the world collapsed, and with a halberd's force, the brilliance was thousands of miles away. In front of him, there was no obstacle, and nothing could stop him. Everywhere, one piece after another, creatures fell.

This kind of lethality was so terrifying that the people who watched it were terrified. All the creatures outside the east of the city were wiped out, and tens of thousands of corpses fell densely like dumplings.

"You are Luo?!" A tall figure flew from a distance. He was born on all sides, and his body was slender. There were bulges on his bronze-colored body, full of explosive power.

At this time, he was standing in the void, the Holy King was overwhelming, his eyes were cold and sharp like knives, and he opened and closed the starry sky.

This is a strong man at the pinnacle of the Saint King, named Xie Wang, who comes from the Guangming Clan and is one of the great saint seeds in his clan. He is very powerful. Both were torn in half.

"It really is two kinds of fairy gold. The rumors in the world are true. It's a pity that the emperor of my family has disappeared. If not, I will definitely kill you personally!"


Luo Tianchen laughed, his wings trembled, and rushed out, the phoenix wings tore through the starry sky, the halberd cut off the galaxy, hundreds of thousands of miles away in an instant!

Facing this tall and disdainful figure, Xie Wang felt a sense of oppression for the first time. The aura of the other party was so frightening that he had the illusion of facing the Great Sage.

He didn't take it hard, but tore it with both hands, cut off the starry sky, and then stretched out his hand to grab it, and a piece of the galaxy outside the domain fell directly, refining it in his palm.

This is not one, but dozens of them, which were caught by the evil king's detective hands and slapped forward suddenly.


The great halberd slashed with all its strength, and the celestial light shone through the world, illuminating the galaxy. With one sweep, dozens of stars were all cut in half, and a series of roars were sent out in the starry sky.


The evil king roared loudly, turbulent the starry sky, whizzed towards him, grasping the Unrivaled Sovereign Technique in his hands, like a taboo god, unparalleled in strength and courage, and shocked countless creatures to paralyze.


A big halberd protruded, with boundless energy, as if cutting the universe, splitting the universe, breaking the ancient imperial technique with one blow, and falling towards the evil king.

Xie Wang's pupils shrank sharply, and his figure retreated a hundred thousand feet in an instant, but the big pole seemed to be a gangrene, and followed him closely.

This was a terrifying scene. A supreme holy king was retreating crazily, and the galaxy flowed backwards around him. However, he never left the starry sky, as if there was an invisible force that forcibly pulled him back.

"Break the sky, break the earth, and break the universe in all directions!"

At this moment, the four faces of the evil king were screaming, and in front of the eyebrows of the four places, wisps of ancient aura flashed from the soul, like four ancient emperor swords, which wanted to cut off the four sides as soon as they appeared.

However, the halberd was always on top of his head, and as it fell, the four ancient emperor swords all collapsed.


The halberd pressed down, cut off the light curtain of the body protection, and burst the light of the primordial spirit, as if piercing through the four directions of the world, and split a supreme holy king in the shape of a god in the starry sky.

(End of this chapter)

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