Chapter 321
The beautiful woman reacted very quickly, her wings trembled behind her back, and thousands of sword feathers with divine rings whizzed across the sky, instantly smashing through the air, drowning everything in front of her.

However, this did not stop the man one iota, not even in his footsteps.




Steady and rhythmic footsteps resounded, like the sound of the avenue, resonating throughout the world, and then, a man with thousands of sword feathers walked out from the center of the explosion.

The white clothes fluttered, the hair fluttered, thousands of sword feathers hit him, only the clanging sound could be heard, and even the surface of the opponent's flesh could not be penetrated. As soon as it landed on him, he was shattered by the shock of his precious body.

This is a horrifying scene. A supreme holy king's ultimate kill can't even break through Luo's physical body. What a pervert, you know, the other party still has immortal clothes!


The beautiful woman pursed her pink lips tightly, and strands of ancient lines stretched from the center of her brows to her entire body in an instant.

Black lines spread, exuding black mist, like a burning demonic fire, enveloping the Queen, she let out a painful howl, sweating profusely, her body changed instantly, from the original holiness to the monstrous demonic energy.

Even the wings on her back have changed, they are as black as ink, with a menacing aura, just like a queen who has fallen from the sky, with a bloodthirsty arrogance.

" what."

The man stepped forward and slapped the direction of the female saint king with a slap. There was only a bang, and the whole world seemed to be smashed to pieces. Fragments of laws flew all over the sky, filling the whole world.

The originally proud female saint king was instantly shattered by the pumped armor, and more than half of her body was shattered at the same time.

In the whole world, no one of the same level has ever been able to fight him in close combat, there was no one before, and there will be no one now.

"You are strong and unmatched by no one, but it doesn't mean no one can control you!"

The female saint reorganized her real body in an instant. Instead of retreating, she raised her head, with the corners of her mouth raised, evoking a wicked smile, which was very good-looking and had an alien beauty.

But at the next moment, she suddenly opened her arms, as if embracing the whole world, tightly bound Luo Tianchen, with wide wings behind her, wrapping her and Luo Tianchen together.

At the same moment, a small figure covered with dense black ancient runes also jumped out of her fairy platform. This jump seemed to jump out of the shackles of time, and it was unimaginably fast, hitting Luo Tianchen's eyebrows.

"Assimilate with the ancestor demon!"

"Fall with me, and sink into the cycle of heaven and earth forever!"

"I thought you were going to say: God said let there be light..."

Luo Tianchen's body shook slightly, his wings trembled, and he was forced to open. At the same time, the female saint hanging on his body was also shaken away.


With a punch, the air swallowed mountains and rivers, the fist was invincible, scattered the world, and collapsed everything. The aura was so vast that it smashed a graceful body in front of him.

At the same time, at his Xiantai, a villain of Chaos suddenly opened his eyes, and in front of his eyebrows, a ray of Chaos Immortal Fire imprinted like a vast sea, surging and submerging everything, coming through the center of his eyebrows Seeing this scene, the female saint king let out a shrill scream.

The fire was too powerful, and the eyes of that chaotic villain were too cold, like two blades that opened the sky, so cold that it could cut open time and space!


The Chaos Immortal Flame covered the sky and covered the earth, carrying Chaos Thunder, obliterating all foreign things.

The female saint king is dead, and the death is of no value at all. She thought that the forbidden method of the ancestors, no matter how bad it is, can drag Luo to sink together. Without the means of unblocking the Yutian Clan, Luo will be completely abolished. I can think about it, but I can't help the other party at all.

Luo Tianchen put his hands behind his back, raised his head and looked into the distance, the sky in the distance roared, wave after wave, it was the breath of the great sage, the great sage was fighting, many saint kings were afraid of being affected, so they fled from far away, away from this world.

"Since there is the King of Medicine there, it means there are other places too." Someone shouted and rushed into the Tiangong in the clouds first.

Daode Tianzun was still thinking about the future generations in his later years, fearing that no one would be able to replace him after death, which would cause chaos in the universe, so he refined the Holy Spirit and brewed the Supreme Immortal Liquid.

No one is sure whether he has left behind in this ruins, such as peerless elixir and miraculous medicine.

Many people were sweeping wildly, and some even kept wandering around a fairy mountain. He wanted to move away, but there were traces of the gods on the ground, and it was difficult to dig out even a stone. Get its roots.

"No, someone is quicker and moved everything away!" Someone found a pill bottle in the corner of a alchemy hall. , the elixir inside turned into a wisp of essence, which dissipated between heaven and earth.

It's been too long, and there is no special seal, the elixir inside has been corroded by time.

But this is not absolute, there are still some that have been kept, and were collected by Luo Tianchen.

Daode Tianzun was originally a giant in the alchemy world. In his later years, he traveled all over the universe and refined many furnaces of great medicine. I hope that one day, after the magic well is opened, someone will obtain the fairy liquid and find the relics here. Then rise rapidly.

It's a pity that the sky is not as good as people wish, and all the layouts have failed.

One after another figures returned, coming from all directions, like the return of the tide, after all, it still attracted some people's attention, especially someone's eyes fell on an ancient scroll in his hand!

The ancient scroll was one foot long, but it was made of Daoist gold. It was dazzling and exuded an ancient aura, which made many people's eyes widen on the spot.

"Tianzun... the ancient scriptures!"


A figure came from the void, and he opened his hand to grab the ancient scroll in his hand.

This is a high-ranking saint king, from the shadow clan, good at hiding, coming and going without a trace, and his performance on the battlefield is extremely eye-catching.

However, a halberd appeared out of thin air, held by a big hand, and instantly nailed him into the space.

Luo Tianchen didn't look at the other party, and didn't care about his struggle. With a swing of the halberd, a saint king exploded in the air.

"He's just a person, don't be afraid, besides, there's still Senior Great Sage here!" While someone was speaking, his eyes fell on a ghostly figure.

It was a skinny middle-aged man, he was shrouded in a ghostly aura, only a gloomy face was revealed.

The scales are silver and white, clinging to the face like thin scales, and between grins, it is like the breath of a ghost, so that a group of holy kings dare not look at it.

This is the new great sage of the Heavenly Ghost Clan. It is said that he has just entered this field for only 30 years. He was originally in a stable state, but because of the continuous opening of the magic well, the great sage of the clan came to this star field.

(End of this chapter)

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