The meaning of covering the sky is supreme

Chapter 326 The Tragic Death of the Emperor

Chapter 326 The Tragic Death of the Emperor
The ghastly black light beam seems to come from Jiuyou, the altar is simple and unsophisticated, stained with black blood, faintly, as if a supreme being is about to cross the border.

It was a tall figure, his upper body was naked, on his strong bronze skin, there were dense black lines, like a black dragon entrenched, swimming around the upper body and face.

At the same time, there is also a wave of... the breath of the emperor that roars through the world!
"That's... the quasi-emperor!"

"A living quasi-emperor! The supreme giant of the underworld is about to cross the border!"

At this moment, there was a sound of horror, and all the saints panicked. No one expected that the two saint kings would summon such an unrivaled powerhouse!
"No, it's the early quasi-emperor, and it should be at the first level! But even at the first level, it can't be broken. No one can break through the emperor's barrier!" Taoist Yun's expression was extremely serious.

Even Taoist Qinghuang has changed color, and the word "Emperor" has been stained, which represents a completely different field, which is completely different. No matter how many great saints, it is futile to face the word "Emperor".

"You take away the ancient city and other creatures, I will stop him, Luo can't die, he is the future of the human race!" Taoist Qinghuang took out a spear, his tall figure towered out of the sky, directly condensed the blood of his whole body, and opened the door. Azure Phoenix Dharma Body!

"Senior!" Daoist Yun couldn't say anything, he couldn't understand it, an emperor said he was going to stop him, but he was willing to die!

"Please Commander...come down!"

Kneeling in front of the altar, the two supreme holy kings were extremely devout, passing on the ancient sacrificial words and calling constantly.

That figure became more solid, with a huge breath, before it crossed the border, it shook the eternal blue sky, making the entire starry sky like glass, with countless cracks, spreading for hundreds of millions of miles!

Many stars couldn't bear that kind of coercion at all, and burst into pieces in the starry sky, turning into bright fireworks in the universe.

This was too terrifying, all the great saints were in panic, trembling from shock, in front of that ray of emperor's breath, even though they were standing on the top of the great saint, they were still unable to resist.

Luo Tianchen just glanced at it, then stepped on the top speed, holding a simple stone token, not only did not retreat, but took the initiative to approach the black beam that even the great sage dared not approach.

"The ancestral really in his hands!" Cang Yan was full of excitement. At this moment, he couldn't care less about the crisis brought by the quasi-emperor, and he recited the mysterious ancient scriptures and spread them across the starry sky.

However, in just an instant, that stone order emitted an unprecedented brilliance, and at the same moment, there were scriptures responding, making Cang Yan feel as if he had found a treasure, with excitement in his obsession, "It is it, it is definitely it, Mending the sky!" through!"

However, the resonating scripture stopped abruptly after only two sentences, as if it was cut off abruptly!


Cang Yan roared, at this moment, he couldn't care about anything else, and rushed over like crazy, mending the sky scripture is too important to him, as long as he complements himself, what is the initial quasi-emperor, he can definitely aspire to consummation holy spirit!
This is true, Cang Yan is the best of the holy spirit, a ruthless character who can fight the old lunatic [-]-[-], and the main body is a ray of fairy fire on the sun, if the evolution is not interrupted, what will the future say It is also a peerless fire spirit.

However, just as the two of them were rushing towards the altar one after another, suddenly, the life star below shook, and a breath that chilled the soul spread out.


Cries and howls resembling fierce ghosts spread, and at the same time, the entire universe was instantly blood-red.

The dark wind howled, the bloody moon swept across the sky, the rain of blood poured down, and the sky was full of bloody lightning, accompanied by the corpses of gods and demons falling from the sky, smashing the earth with clangs.

Mountains of corpses and seas of blood, endless bones, visions appeared in pieces, so evil, two supreme holy kings knelt in front of the altar, and were instantly corroded by the rain of blood, and the primordial spirit let out a miserable scream, like It was eaten by invisible creatures, and gaps appeared constantly, which made people feel creepy.

This is amazing. The "Emperor" stood on the altar, and his real body appeared. Before he could move, he was shocked, and his body was also being eaten by invisible creatures.

Everyone who watched this process had numb scalps and goosebumps all over their bodies. That was an "Emperor", an unrivaled powerhouse unprecedented in the starry sky.

However, he couldn't move, the flesh and blood of the whole real body was torn off in pieces, and the emperor's blood stained the void.

An emperor screamed miserably in the rain of blood for five days and five nights, his flesh and soul were eaten up, and only an emperor bone was left falling from the sky!
No one stayed, no creature dared to approach, an emperor who had just crossed the border, before he had time to erupt, died in the rain of blood.

This kind of scene horrified all the creatures who saw that scene. No one would have thought that the magic well would be so evil and weird. It was completely different from the previous magic wells. Even the power of the blood rain All unprecedented.

"What exactly did we open..." Even Cang Yan and the others doubted life.

The demonic well has changed, but all living beings can't get close to it, and if it gets close, it will die. Unless the ancient emperor reappears, no one who comes will be able to solve the problem.



Five months later.

In a battlefield of the great sage, Cang Yan brought a stone tiger and a one-meter-tall stone man to appear in the void, blocking Luo Tianchen.

This is a terrifying lineup. The three holy spirits are all located at the peak of the great saints, and they are all short of entering the quasi-emperor realm!

"Luo, come up with a condition, return the ancestral artifact to me, and you can open the condition!" This time it was not Cang Yan who spoke, but Shi Hu.

The eyes of this stone tiger are bright, as if it contains two ancient universes, when the eyes open and close, there is endless divine light.

Similarly, the little stone man next to him is equally extraordinary, he is holding a green ruler, but it is only one foot long, but the fairy light on it is so gorgeous and magnificent that it is actually made of green gold from fairy tears.

However, this is not cast by others, but born naturally. It was conceived and born together with this Holy Spirit, and it is his companion soldier!

This is astonishing, even among the holy spirits, this is rare in all ages, not every holy spirit is so lucky.

"I can drive under any conditions? If I let you be my chariot puller, would you be willing too?" Luo Tianchen asked.

"Yes!" Shi Hu's eyes flickered without hesitation, "Don't say that you have some relationship with the Holy Spirit, even if you don't, your growth will surpass us sooner or later."

To put it bluntly, they recognized Luo, whether it was for him to be a mount or a guardian, as long as he climbed up and shouted, even the Guangming people couldn't help being moved.

"Another emperor has come to the underworld. They are attacking the ancestor's head. They seem to come for you, but because of the matter of that star field, they have not come to this area for the time being." Cang Yan brought an important message, which made Luo Tian Chen was slightly taken aback.

"Not afraid of that head?"

"No fear at all, strong aura, suspected of being a high-ranking quasi-emperor!"

(End of this chapter)

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