The meaning of covering the sky is supreme

Chapter 331 Promise Has Never Been Expired

Chapter 331 Promise Has Never Been Expired
It's not to say how strong this guy is, but the orthodoxy behind this person is suspected to have frequent secret contacts with a certain ancient race, suspected to be the Qinggui clan, one of the royal clan.

That is to say, the forces behind Lin Zijie may have taken refuge in the ancient race, and this is the reason why the other party dared to act unscrupulously. He was determined not to touch him because the saintess of the Purple Mansion did not dare to touch him, because in a palace of the Drunken Immortal Palace, there existed A great man of the clan.

"This running dog! My human race has already licked it before it was defeated. Have they forgotten the hatred in the ancient times!"

Many people are silent. It was an era of cannibalism, and the human race was reduced to blood and slaves. This is an unforgettable hatred.

But some people always like to forget their roots, and are only blinded by the slightest benefit in front of them. Just a little promise can make them betray their clan and attack their own people in turn.

It's really not as good as a dog!

"Get out of the way, you're blocking me."

An ethereal voice came from the car, making people unable to hear the emotions.

"Hahaha... Where did I block you?" Lin Zijie leaned forward and backward with a smile, and while laughing, he pointed at the crowd around him, "Did I block her? Did any of you see that I blocked her? Could it be that Shencheng is Is it from Zifu?"

No one around dared to speak out, many people opened their eyes angrily and clenched their fists, but no one dared to step forward.

"The sorrow of the human race is that when a person loses his blood, he is no different from a waste. When a monk loses his emotions in his heart, he may not be able to go too far." The voice in the car was clear and cold, with rare emotional fluctuations.

At the same time, the chariot disappeared, and there was only a woman in a purple skirt carrying a blood coffin.

She is beautiful, with a tall body, protruding forward and backward, with a graceful posture, under the black hair of the shawl, there is a ray of nostalgia on her beautiful face.

There seemed to be two deep pools in the smart and soft eyes, and one could not help but fall into them at a glance.

But these years, her life has been somewhat bad, coupled with her attitude of being neither sad nor happy, and not contending with the world, some people always like to push forward.

"Carrying the coffin... Whose coffin is it? It can't be Luo Tianchen's!" Someone was terrified.

"So what can Luo Tianchen do? Can a dead person crawl out of hell to find me?!" Lin Zijie was still laughing, even more unscrupulously.

However, at this moment, a red light flashed across suddenly, almost reaching the extreme, directly pressing over.

This was so fast, no one expected that the saintess of the Zifu would make a move.


Blood splashed and sprinkled on the faces of the crowd watching the excitement on both sides of the avenue. The hot blood shocked many people, and then they became numb, but this could not wake up their inner blood, it would only arouse their timidity.

" killed Lin Zijie, and the king of the ancient tribe will be dispatched later. You have brought great disaster to the Zifu!" Someone shouted, because in the heavenly palace in the distance, there was a king of the green ghost tribe. !
"It's over, the Taigu clan is about to get angry!" Many people were terrified.

Indeed, the Tiangong complex in the distance shook, and the pressure of the king spread, and many people were shocked.

Zixia just glanced at it, then carried the blood coffin and went away in an instant.

No one knew what was in the blood coffin, and no one knew Zixia's purpose. She had always been quiet and quiet like a fairy in a painting.

But if someone can see through the blood coffin, they will find that there is a small five-color altar in that blood coffin, and a jade slip is placed on it.

The jade slip was only the size of a palm, and in the dark blood coffin was wrapped a drop of blood with a terrifying breath.

She has been guarding that altar and that drop of blood for more than ten years, and she has seen it getting stronger and stronger every year, and the speed of change is unbelievable.

Although she knew that her senior brother was not dead, she couldn't imagine how much the former senior brother had changed.

But today, she thought she could give it a try, maybe that senior brother would surprise the world and her.

Zixia's speed was extremely fast, and she turned on the teleportation platform and headed straight to the Northern Territory. The Green Ghost Clan is in the north of the Northern Territory. Since its recovery, it has formed its own world and is not affected by the barrenness of the outside world.

But today, she came, carrying a coffin of blood on her back, to the gate of this ancient clan that had stretches of fairy mountains and waterfalls.

"The Saintess of the Purple Mansion...what is she doing here?!" A guard sneered, looking down on the human race.

Zixia ignored them, she put the blood coffin in front of her, slowly pushed it away, and recited to the altar according to the words left by her senior brother.

"Supreme senior brother... the taboo god, Zixia is calling here, please come back from time and space through the ages!"

The voice was ethereal, extremely pious, like a sincere believer, before she finished, she added a sentence, "Huh?"

This sudden scene made the air between heaven and earth quiet, and then, an invisible cool air blew past, making people feel chills involuntarily.

The altar was silent, no one responded, and no one came.

"Perhaps...he has long forgotten his promise..." Zixia couldn't hide her disappointment, picked up the jade slip, closed the blood coffin, and carried it silently.

Just like what the senior brother said, his heart is not in this world, nor is his future in this world. The world is so big that it is unimaginably big. The Purple Mansion has always been just a temporary foothold.

"Since the fairy is here, why do you have to leave in such a hurry." A handsome man in brocade clothes came out of the mountain gate with his hands behind his back. in.

This person, Zixia knew, was the young master of the Green Ghost Clan. He was extremely talented, and was deeply loved by his ancestors. He even brought someone to the Zifu to propose a marriage.

However, in her eyes, that man was not handsome. On the blue-skinned body, a head with ghost horns stood upright, slightly opened and closed, and his mouth full of fangs was extremely disgusting.

Even with her temper, she couldn't help frowning.

"Come on, since the fairy wants to come to our clan as a guest, why do you block her from the door!" the man scolded.

As his voice fell, an old man walked out of the mountain gate directly. Like a ghost, he floated in front of Zixia with one step, stretched out his big hand, and covered the whole world with a ray of holy power.


Zixia didn't move, and faced all this calmly, but at this moment, she suddenly found that her hand trembled suddenly, and the jade slip on it was broken.

At the same moment, a drop of bright red blood passed through her clenched palm and floated in front of her, and at the same time floated in front of the old man.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still, or maybe everyone's minds were attracted by that drop of blood.

It trembled slightly, and slowly emitted a dazzling fairy light.

At this moment, the holy power swept across the sky and the earth like a monstrous wave, and that domineering and condescending look really seemed to have come across the eternal time and space, descending on the entire world.

(End of this chapter)

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