Chapter 334

Tonight's night is extraordinarily dark, so black that you can't see your fingers.

Under the glowing red clouds, creatures stood on the ancient land one by one, as in the past, glowing with red light, unaware that there was a figure staring at them coldly above the red clouds covering the sky.

The Fire Cloud Clan is not a royal family, and there is only one ancestor king in it. Among the ten thousand clans, it can only be regarded as the middle and lower levels, but one ancestor king represents everything.

"The taste of human beings has not changed after so many years. It's a pity that we can't be as unscrupulous as in ancient times, and I don't know what those adults are afraid of. It's just one or two saints, and it's just a push. clan's world."

"Shut up, you can't speak out after eating, especially in the past few days." Some people yelled, but they didn't punish them. Obviously, the set of principles from the ancient times has been engraved into their souls, which is difficult to remove and cannot cure.

The strong are respected, an ancient and cruel law.

As a result, the sky suddenly darkened, covering the fire clouds, covering the sky and the earth.

"Why did the fire cloud go out? Is there something wrong with the fire essence?" Some people wondered.

"No, that's a hand... No, there's an enemy attack!"

At this moment, screams rang out crazily, but the palm fell too fast, covering it down, extinction of all life.


The earth trembled suddenly, and the world was quiet, but above the Big Dipper, there was no more Huoyun clan.

This is just one scene.

Yinyue, one of the royal families, although not one of the top ten royal families, should not be underestimated. There are two ancestor kings in this family, one is in the middle stage of the saint, and the other is in the late stage. Looking at Beidou, even if it is an extreme power, it must be courteous.

But tonight, a big hand ruthlessly swept across, obliterating the entire Yinyue Clan, like the hand of the heavens, leaving only a horizon.

Huntian, one of the top ten royal families, is extremely powerful in combat, even among the royal families, he must be among the best.

The ancestral star of this race is in the Hunting Star Field and is extremely famous on the Yaozu Ancient Road. The power of the clan is not comparable to that of the branches of the Big Dipper.

But even so, there is still a mid-term saint king, a saint.


In a piece of land, an old man woke up from it. He felt an invisible aura, as if a divine mind swept across his surroundings unscrupulously just now, and then retreated.

"Is it the prying of the saint of the human race?" The old saint king was puzzled.

But in the next moment, his eyes widened suddenly, and he looked up above his head in horror. There, a palm with five colors of brilliance surged down, and it was instantly suppressed.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a kind of powerlessness, not only in his body, but also in his soul. This kind of powerlessness made people desperate and unable to resist.

He wanted to escape, to tear apart the space, however, everything outside was blocked, as if he was isolated.

No, it wasn't just him, but the entire race was isolated.


The ground trembled suddenly, and there was a huge abyss under the ground. From the sky, it looked like a huge handprint of a god, stamping an unfathomable seal on the ground.

The three clans disappeared overnight, and in the middle of the night, countless lights were lit up in many big clans. The ancestor kings woke up one after another and gathered in front of an ancient emperor mountain.

They couldn't figure out why this happened. In just a few days, four races had been wiped out, including eight ancestor kings!
When did the ancestor king be so worthless, without even a trace of struggle.

"Similar to the ruins of the Qinggui tribe, it seems to be from the same person, maybe a great saint..." When the ancestor king said this, his lips were trembling, and he was really frightened.

"What are you afraid of? Even if there is a great sage in other people's clan, if he dares to destroy our clan, then he will destroy ten cities. See if he is ruthless, or I will strike quickly!" The ancestor king snorted coldly.

"Please invite the royal family to come out of the mountain, sacrifice the ancient emperor's soldiers, and wash the mountains and rivers of other people's tribes with blood. I don't believe that he alone can fight against so many of us to the end. I am not without a great sage!"

"Hush...the senior from Huolin Cave has come out..."

Everyone lowered their heads, feeling the old man in front of the cave respectfully.

"I already know about you..."


Suddenly, a terrifying mahatma's aura spread, like a vast sea surging, and a group of ancestor kings were almost paralyzed.

"That person...he actually followed here!" At this moment, fear spread over everyone's heads. The other party appeared and stood above them, without fear of the Great Sage of the Fire Lin Clan!

"You are not a great sage...just a supreme sage king!" Yan Qi looked at the man standing on top of the ancestors with a calm expression.

The face of the visitor was blurred and he couldn't see his face clearly, but his figure was extremely majestic. Even the sage Wang Juedian still overwhelmed the ancestor kings below him. This was a comprehensive crush of strength.

"The saint king is enough to kill all races except the royal family."


At this moment, all the ancestor kings were completely chilled, and that person's tone was too flat, as if the holy king was like an ant, and he could be shot to death easily.

This is not to speak harshly, but to really dare to do so!

"It's too much, you are not good for the human race, besides, they want me..."

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted, "The Huolin Cave will not interfere in this matter, let alone the dispute between the Human Race and the Eternal Race."

This person is too strong, unquestionable, and undeniable. Facing a supreme sage, he doesn't know what compromise is, and it's too much.

"I'll take care of it today!" Yan Qi laughed angrily. He was a majestic sage, but was blocked by a sage king at the door. , Don't you want to lose face?

However, the man didn't speak. Suddenly, a black magic jar appeared in his hand. At this moment, the emperor's power was overwhelming, and the black light shot out, swallowing the sky and the earth, and instantly evacuated the energy in a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles.

At this moment, under the horrified gazes of the crowd, the magic jar was aimed directly at the Huolin Cave, without any hesitation at all, the black light froze, and the extremely powerful emperor shot out instantly.

At this moment, the heaven and the earth collapsed, and three of the ancestor kings at Luo Tianchen's feet were shocked to death by a ray of energy.

Wu Guang brushed past Yan Qi, his face was extremely pale from fright, and his clothes were soaked through the back.

However, the extreme power of the emperor failed to smash the Huolin Cave. At the critical moment, the ancient emperor's magic circle revived and blocked the blow. Otherwise, it was just a blow. Eighth.

"The Heaven Swallowing Demon Pot...this lunatic...has unleashed extreme divine power!"

"What happened!"

In the Huolin Cave, a slender figure with blue hair rushed out holding a blue scepter.


  Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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