The meaning of covering the sky is supreme

Chapter 337 The Emperor's Son Blocks the Way

Chapter 337 The Emperor's Son Blocks the Way

During this period of time, the ancient pure land, which has always been quiet and detached from the outside world, has become completely lively. Looking around, there are strange faces everywhere, and there are not many familiar people at all.

Today, there is still one day before the opening of the Ten Thousand Races Festival. Many famous people who are the pride of heaven, or the big men who lead a party, one after another, it is dizzying.

"They're all big men...Holy Master Yaoguang, Patriarch of the Jiang Family, Emperor Great Xia..." A young man kept feeling, looking with longing in his eyes as he watched the figures walking into the Heavenly Palace one by one.

They stared at all directions one by one, with an astonishing momentum, flying like a dragon and a tiger, filled with golden light and incomparably majestic.

"It is said that there are supreme sages in our human race, and they killed several ancestor kings and destroyed several ancient clans in a fit of anger, but after several days in a row, they did not show up in the end. Will those big men be able to hold them back?" People are worried and feel that something is wrong.

"The weakness of the human race is not only reflected in the older generation, but also in our current generation. There are too many ancient princes, and it would be a disaster to grow up alone. Unfortunately, why does my human race have no emperors... If Luo Tianchen is still alive, maybe he is about to become a saint..."

"The Nine Phoenix King is here!"

"Purple Qi King!"

In the Yaochi, the old leader who was specially responsible for welcoming him shouted, but those two god-like figures ignored him at all, and didn't even look at him, and went straight to the mountain gate.

Lin Wei asked, "Where is the saint of the human race?"

"Ancestor King, please rest for a while, Senior Sage will come later." The old priest's body trembled, his legs and feet were limp. These two represented the two royal families and were witnesses among them. One look can kill him hundreds of times.

"I hope so."

Seeing that the two figures were not in the entrance, the old leader secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. At that moment just now, he almost couldn't help but collapsed.

Time passed by little by little, and seeing the sunset, the sky was dyed red, but what made people anxious was that the saint of the human race never showed up.

What is even more surprising is that they did not wait for the saint, but the Eucharist!
Eucharist Ye Fan came from afar with several people, talking and laughing together with a golden holy ape, making the faces of many ancient creatures not very good-looking.

Although there are only two or three of the Fighting Holy Ape clan in each era, the bloodline of this race is too terrifying, and at the same time, they tend to go their own way.

"The holy prince is on the side of the human race?!"

This is not good news. Even if the opponent is the prince, it will easily cause dissatisfaction among many ancient creatures.

"Look into the distance, that person is..."

"Emperor...he is here too!"

Many people were horrified, not because the enemies did not get together, but about the grievances and grievances of the Holy Prince and the Emperor's Prince, which had been rumored over the years. Everyone knew that there would be a battle between them, but they never thought that they would meet at this time.

Even Ye Fan and the Holy Prince stopped and looked into the distance.

It was a peaceful young man, surrounded by nine five-color divine rings, implying the ninety-five supreme, leading a group of old slaves, appearing on the horizon outside the fairyland.

This person is very handsome, his face makes many women in the world jealous, he can be called peerless, almost perfect.

In the crystal clear body, divine brilliance flows, accompanied by halos, and every step falls in harmony with the sky and the earth, with an inexplicable rhythm, which has attracted many eyes.

"It's a good show. The Holy Prince and the Heavenly Prince are like natural enemies. Now that they are gathering in Yaochi, I don't know who will be the first to sit still."

The grand meeting of all races will be held, the main purpose is peaceful coexistence, at this juncture, there can be no fighting in Yaochi, and no one dares to provoke troubles, but the prestige of the emperor is too high, he is called the son of god, in the hearts of all the ancestors holds a pivotal position.

The Heavenly Prince stood in the distance, his eyes glanced over Ye Fan, and fell on the Holy Prince. Immediately, his eyes were shining like fairy light, and even his face turned cold.

Even, without him saying anything, a powerful old man flew out behind him on his own initiative.

This is the Taikoo Clan, they don't care if this is Yaochi's territory, they directly fight from the air, and the powerful king's aura spreads, making many people panic.

"Even if the Holy Prince is wrong, don't overdo it, Sheng Buddha is still alive after all."

The sky in the distance was torn apart, and a group of tall figures stepped out.

It was a group of ancestor kings, there were quite a number of them, and there were seven or eight ways. Now they came together, and the invisible energy made all the creatures in the whole world almost suffocate.

"So what if we do it, there is someone behind him, don't we? What's more, that monkey is already old and doesn't have many years to live!" A purple figure snorted coldly, not hiding his attitude at all.

This is a female ancestor king, with smooth and soft hair, slender and light body, almost as clear as jade, she is shrouded in colorful rays of light, falling from the sky, amazingly beautiful.

But no one dared to look at it, not only because she is a powerful ancestor king, but also because she is too indifferent at this time, her eyes are cold, like ice under the Nine Netherworld, watching coldly the battle with the old servant The Holy Prince never concealed his horrific killing intent.

However, just when she was about to make a move, the ancestor king suddenly whispered beside her.

A group of ancestor kings didn't know what they thought of, their faces changed, and they turned to look at the end of the land in the distance.

As the sun was setting, an old man was carried on a jade chariot, pulled by a purple peacock with nine heads and toes, and slowly moved towards the setting sun from the horizon.

Their speed is not fast, but they are very imposing, and they are all full of energy, blooming with divine light, and their high heads are like dogs backed by people.

"Yaochi is coming soon..."

In the chariot, Zixia looked at the familiar side face, he was very handsome and stalwart, holding a volume of scriptures, reading very seriously, frowning from time to time, as if completely addicted to it.

But on the surface of the book, there are four eye-catching ancient fonts—Immortal Heaven Skill!
Two days ago, Xiao Tongtong was sent back by her. Since then, this man has been watching this world-famous Emperor's Book, and even now, he still hasn't stopped.

The chariot was not in a hurry, and moved straight forward. The old man on it was drowsy, shaking his body, as if he might fall to the ground at any time.

However, on his body, there was a faint ray of holy power emanating.

"Old Master..."

Many young people screamed in front of the gate of Yaochi Mountain. They recognized the nine peacocks and the drowsy old man.

But, what they didn't expect was that the old Palace Master was actually driving for the Saintess of the Purple Palace!
This... made them feel a sense of invisibility.

"There is only one sage! What a big frame!" An ancestor king let out a cold snort, tearing the world apart.

However, the chariot didn't pay any attention to it, and went straight past the ancestors, towards the emperor and the others ahead, with no tendency to stop at all.

Even, neither the old saint in front of the car nor the nun ants in the car had any intention of saluting. You must know that they are not an ancestor king, but a group of them.

The Emperor of Heaven frowned, looking at the chariot, he knew it, but he was not qualified to let him get out of the way for a congenital fetus, even if there was a saint in the car.

It's not the head iron, but the status is there, even if it is a saint of the human race, he dare not touch a hair on him!
(End of this chapter)

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