The meaning of covering the sky is supreme

Chapter 340 Are You Luo Tianchen?

Chapter 340 Are You Luo Tianchen?

For a long time, among the people targeting the human race, the Emperor of Heaven has been more active than the other ancient princes. He is the one who instigates and promotes many small actions behind the scenes of the Taikoo clan.

Now that he has suffered such a great humiliation outside Yaochi, how could such a proud person like him let it go.

What's more, Yaochi has suppressed him for too long, and has been looking for the source master to seal him, so there is a grudge.

"A volume of the Heavenly Emperor's Immortal Scripture?!" Many ancestor kings were moved on the spot, and their joy was not concealed. Although it was only a volume, it still touched their hearts, because it was created by the supreme god in the hearts of all races. See for yourself!
The old palace master walked out with his hands behind his back, leading a group of leaders, and stood outside the Yaochi, his cloudy eyes became really sharp for the first time.

"Everyone, do you have to fight to the death!"

"Hmph, you are so cruel. When you killed them, why did you ever think about the ending now!" You Zuwang pointed to the blood that had not dried on the ground, with a frighteningly indifferent expression.

"Why are you talking nonsense with him, tell those adults to unleash the power of the ancient emperor, flatten the Northern Territory, and rebuild our territory!" A powerful ancestor king said.

"An ancient imperial soldier aimed at the shaking pool?!" Many people were completely frightened.

Some people even couldn't help complaining in their hearts, how could this happen when they could clearly negotiate peace.

But those people never thought about it, the Taikoo people have never been good enemies, and in this world where the strong are respected, the weak are not qualified to be on the negotiating table at all!
Once they discover the weakness of the human race, they will usher in the most brutal killing, just like now!

"He's not a saint king, he's just a saint. If anyone comes out, kill him as a sacrifice to your dead brother!"

At this moment, several ancestor kings took the initiative to come out, with overwhelming momentum, the whole world was neighing, and the terrifying oppressive aura made many creatures unable to breathe.

"Why can't we talk about it..."

Following a soft sigh, a tall and straight figure walked on the distant horizon.

He is dressed in white clothes that are as good as the snow, not stained with a trace of dust, and his appearance is peerless. Under the shawl and white hair, his eyes are vicissitudes, and his face is heroic. Although he came alone, he is full of elegance!
"The king of gods... is actually the king of gods. The old man is not dead, but he has become a saint!" Many people were so excited that they couldn't contain themselves. People are comparable.

"There is a second saint in my human race... Could it be that the previous ancestors were all killed by his old man..."

"It's you, Jiang Taixu, you're not dead!" You Zuwang's face darkened.

"If it wasn't for that Gu, you would have died in Zishan long ago!" Youzu Wang was obviously no stranger to Jiang Taixu.

"Even if you become a saint, I waited much earlier than you, immersed in this realm for a longer time, and comprehended deeper!"

Yes, God is facing so many ancestor kings and even stronger holy kings, can the God King be able to stop it...

Many people fell silent.

Perhaps the only one who never worried was Zixia.

"Did you arrange it in advance? With that senior around, the ancestor king is not a problem at all."

"No, I just told me not to worry about it." Luo Tianchen turned over a page of scriptures, and pushed the empty jade cup forward.

Zixia involuntarily picked up the jug, she felt that she was getting farther and farther on the road of maid.

"Senior Gai is really relieved."

"That's because you have never seen the cruelty in the depths of the universe. No one will give anyone so-called face. Either you rob me or I rob you. All dignity is based on one's own strength."

The two chatted casually, and at this time, all the ancestors from the outside world had already come to Yaochi on their own initiative.

The battle between saints is too volatile, and it can easily destroy thousands of miles of mountains and rivers. If it is more intense, asteroids can blow up several asteroids.

Yaochi is different. There is an ancient battle platform inside, forming a world of its own, which can withstand the power of saints, so as not to destroy the mountains and rivers.

Many people were uneasy. They looked at the back of the white-clothed figure isolated on the stage, and they couldn't say anything.

"It would be great if there were more saints in my human race!" Even Ye Fan was staring at the back of the God King nervously.

"It's okay, the Immortal Family is not as terrible as outsiders imagine." Ji Ziyue comforted, but she inadvertently glanced in the distance, and saw an unexpected scene.

It was a blurry figure from the back. He was sitting opposite Zixia and let Zixia pour the wine herself. It seemed that the relationship between the two was very unusual, especially Zixia. Never cared about anything.

Not only her, but even the emperor of the ancient camp looked at Zixia's direction coldly. His majestic son of God was crushed by a woman's chariot. This kind of shame will be branded on his face. lifetime!
"She was the one who almost robbed the emperor?" Not far away, a beautiful blue-haired woman stood beside her brother with a strange expression on her face.

"En." Huo Qizi had a cold expression on his face, staring at the battle platform, all kinds of divine energy fluctuations there were constantly flashing in his eyes, as if he was performing a deduction, and there were many visions.

"But who is that man? I haven't heard that the congenital fetus would willingly serve others."

However, as if he knew that he was being watched by many people, the man turned around slowly, his eyes came from afar across a fairy lake, and landed on the ancient battle platform in the sky, without looking at anyone. young people.

However, looking back this time, I don't know how many creatures were stunned!

Many people were rubbing their eyes, their bodies seemed to be petrified, but there was a boundless storm in their hearts!

"That man! He is...he is Luo Tianchen!"

"How is it could he not be dead?"

"The ancestor king personally confirmed that he is dead!" Many people screamed, triggering a chain craze.

It was hard to imagine that the appearance of a single person would cause such a big commotion.

"No wonder Zixia has been acting weird, he should have been sitting there." Ji Ziyue whispered.

"Luo Tianchen..." Ye Fan twitched the corners of his mouth, his eyelids twitched, he didn't really want to face this fellow, as long as he thought of this man, he would involuntarily think of the shameful treaty he had signed.

However, at the moment when many people were stunned, the god king had already defeated an ancestor king, but he himself was also injured, and his white clothes were stained with blood, which was shocking.

At this time, the side of the ancient clan has been determined, neither the old palace master nor Jiang Taixu is the supreme saint king!
"He's dying, he's seriously injured, let's go together and kill him!" The two patriarchs came out together, seemingly arrogant, but in fact they were extremely cautious.

But at this moment, the ancestor king also took a step forward, and instantly came to the area where Luo Tianchen was.

This is a holy king, with his hands behind his back, his gaze is like lightning, in one eye is the creation of heaven and earth, in the other eye the gods spilled blood, and the mountains of corpses and the sea of ​​blood are up and down, it is extremely terrifying.

"You are Luo Tianchen?"

(End of this chapter)

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