The meaning of covering the sky is supreme

Chapter 353 The Prelude to the Starry Sky

Chapter 353 The Prelude to the Starry Sky

Gu Jiao ignored the sight of others and looked at the girl in blue. Eight years ago, a super powerful saint from outside the territory broke into this place. It was the killing sword given by that girl, which made him feel the fear of God for the first time.

The girl's eyebrows were slightly frowned, her eyes were calm, but there was a icy coldness on Kongu Youlan's face.

"The feast of the gods is about to begin, and those who disturb it will be killed without mercy!"

With a sound like the sounds of heaven, a scarlet killing sword flew down from the girl's hand.

At this moment, boundless killing and catastrophe descended, wisps of blood-colored brilliance flickered, making all the saints shiver.

That killing sword was too demonic, its whole body was crimson red, and its murderous intent was unimaginably frightening. Just a wisp of falling energy seemed to destroy the boundless army of ancient beasts!

Hui Jiao grinned, his face was ferocious, his mouth opened wide, and then he bit the hilt of the ancient killing sword, and swung it vigorously!
At this moment, the sword energy surged upwards, with endless murderous intent, and the blood-red sword light surged, as if the gate of hell was opened, and the scene was boundless and terrifying. All creatures were terrified, and it was difficult to move, including the one who was going to snatch the ancient tree of life. Great saint!


The foot-long gray flood dragon swung the killing sword, and cut out a sword light that made all living beings fear. The black expanse was split into two halves!

"It turned out to be Tianzun... Killing Sword!"

At this moment, all the living beings were terrified, and their minds almost exploded completely. Their faces were horrified, and it was difficult to hide their gaffe.

"The feast of the gods will be held, and all living beings will celebrate together. They will also create a catastrophe. The gods have a will to call the creatures from outside the realm into the realm of the gods."

The blue-clothed girl left without taking back the killing sword. As for how to summon it, Hui Jiao knew it very well.

"Escort them all, this is the guest of the Lord God, there is no room for loss."

The three great sages and a group of holy kings were very excited. They flew in all directions and surrounded all living beings.

Of course, this is just the people in one area, and they are the strongest to enter. Even if there are three great saints, no one resists.

Some want to meet the so-called god, while others are fearless and want to take this opportunity to enter the realm of the gods.

"Your Highness... want to leave?" Luanfeng said via voice transmission.

"The ancient tree of life has probably been moved by that god, so it's good to go and have a look." Dao glanced at the flying holy king-level ancient beast, his face as calm as water.

A group of people were gathered together, under the threat of Hui Jiao, no one dared to take the lead in resisting, but their hearts were hard to calm down, that god was more difficult than imagined, and he even mastered the sword of killing the gods!


On the holy mountain in God's Domain.

This is a special area, a forbidden place for living beings, sacred and peaceful on weekdays, exotic flowers blooming, Yao grass paved the ground, spirit birds flying, all kinds of auspicious energy floating in the sky, the scenery is like a fairy and picturesque, and the dream is astonishing.

But today, on the huge plain in front of the sacred mountain that everyone yearns for, there are rows of jade tables covering the entire land, seemingly without end.

All kinds of beautiful and graceful girls in gauze skirts shuttled among them, arranging this unprecedented feast of gods, making people dazzled.

On the majestic high platform, there are nine layers of chaotic stone steps. On top of it, a large jade table stands horizontally, and the seat of God stands tall. It is backed by an ancient tree, accompanied by a strong and indelible breath of life, which makes the place extremely dense.

The old tree is not tall, only six feet tall, with a rough trunk and cracked bark, like dragon scales one after another.

The branches are vigorous and powerful, stretching towards the sky, and the branches and leaves are emerald green and glittering, shining brightly. From a distance, they look like pieces of green fairy gold, brilliant and dazzling.

The patriarchs of many big families had hot eyes, their gazes passed over the empty seats and landed on the ancient tree, their throats kept rolling.

But when they glanced at the four closed-eyed old men wearing divine robes on both sides of the divine seat, the greed in their eyes forcibly disappeared, and they dared not look more.

That is the ancient tree of life, a supreme treasure belonging to the gods of all ages. It was originally planted on the holy mountain and guarded by the divine map, but it did not expect to appear here.

At the same moment, a group of figures appeared on the distant horizon.

They were escorted by ancient beasts one by one, and under the watchful eyes of many aborigines, they walked towards the jade table area step by step.

"Outsiders are here..." someone withdrew their eyes and whispered.

In the past ten years, new gods have almost never appeared. They are either practicing or retreating. Basically, few people have seen the true face of gods.

In the past, every time the new and old gods alternated, there would be endless slaughter, blood flowed into the sea, and corpses littered the field, but this time the transformation of the gods was too sudden, and the old god died suddenly, and then the shrine, the old god, and the gods all died. The army has all been taken over.

"However, these outsiders should not be so peaceful. Now that the door to the outside world is wide open, and the creatures from outside the area are pouring in one after another, what is the god's intention? Isn't he afraid of being overthrown by others?"

Each patriarch or faction leader is sizing up a group of people from outside the territory. Their power is extremely strong. A supreme sage, an intermediate level, and a novice level. Together, they can completely sweep away all the elders and palace masters.

However, the premise of all this is that the gods are not strong enough, but how can the new gods who can kill the old gods in one blow be not strong.

A group of extraterrestrial creatures, like monkeys being watched, suppressed their rage and walked to an area on the front right. They watched a few girls coming with gift baskets, and they were so depressed that they almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"How much?" Simp asked.

"Being able to see the true God is a gift from God, and it is a supreme honor." The girl didn't say much, just holding the purple bamboo basket.

"How much can you talk to God?" Dao Yi smiled slightly as he stood in front of a girl, his sunny face was so heroic that the girl's heart beat faster and her face turned red.

"Gods don't talk to outsiders, but if they are pious enough and have the opportunity to meet the goddess, she is the spokesperson of God..." the girl whispered, not daring to look at the perfect man who was so close at hand.

"It's natural." So, under the surprised eyes of the crowd, Daoyi took out two Herb Kings and put them in the purple basket.

"This..." A group of people were in a daze, even the great sage from Shenting was twitching his eyes, you fucking are cheating, you gave the medicine king from the beginning, what are we giving!
Facing Hui Jiao's stern gaze, everyone scolded their mothers in their hearts. The medicine king is too precious, even other people can't take it out, but it just means scarcity. In terms of equivalents, there are still many.

"Endure it, and I will settle accounts with you later."

There are more than 20 people in total, and they all recognize it with their noses. No one dares to pick trouble here. The reason why they came here is, on the one hand, out of compulsion, and on the other hand, they want to meet the Supreme God in the God's Domain.

However, they didn't expect that as soon as they and the others sat down, a fairy rain fell from the sky and the earth.

The earth is shrouded in smog, auspicious aura falls from the sky, and the multi-colored rays of light surround people. On the tall sacred seat under the ancient tree of life, the mist of life flows, and the energy is like a small river. All kinds of brilliance flow down, submerging the entire sacred seat , making it difficult to see the scene there.

But in a daze, there seemed to be an extra figure there. He was wearing fairy clothes, sitting high on the divine throne, surrounded by a strong breath of life, as if looking down on all living beings.

No matter if they were outsiders or local creatures, they all lowered their heads at this moment. They did not expect to see the god so easily. Although they couldn't see the real face clearly, the attitude of looking down on all living beings was still terrifying.

"Why is it the fourth level of the great sage... I didn't feel wrong?" Simp, the great sage of the protoss, transmitted a voice to Fengshan, the supreme sage in the divine court.

This scene was beyond the expectations of many people. They originally thought that the so-called true god was at least half a quasi-emperor, or at the quasi-emperor level, so that everyone could surrender, but now it seems that this is not the case at all.

Even my own people in God's Domain were amazed. The old god died so fast that it was difficult for people to react, and then everything was taken over by the old god. For a whole ten years, there were constant visions and a myriad of phenomena. Everyone thought that the new god was very strong. However, now that the True God has appeared, many people gradually have strange thoughts.

"The divine light illuminates all living beings, and the whole world celebrates. This is the biggest event in the history of my God's Domain, and it is also a gift from His Majesty. Please enjoy it to your heart's content," Goddess Lan Ruo stood under the high platform and gently clapped her hands.

As her voice fell, there was more light between the sky and the earth. At the same time, groups of women came from the clouds, bringing good wine and delicacies, kicking off the feast.

Luo Tianchen sat on the divine seat, crossed his legs, touched his chin with one hand, and glanced across the figures.

He himself is not interested in the feast of the gods, and he is not used to these cumbersome etiquettes, but an old god told him that the reason for the fact that the domain of Gods has not been as quiet as it seems in the past ten years is still because of the old gods.

The old god back then was not so glorious before he came to the throne. He killed the previous old god, expelled the son of God at that time, and forcibly ascended to the throne by means of thunder.

So many years have passed, the old god has taken the essence of the ancient tree of life and lived a second life. His contemporaries have long since died out. Except for the records of today's major families, ordinary people don't even know about it, and they don't even know about the current new god. Is an outsider.

This is a hidden danger. If it is not dealt with urgently, all beliefs may collapse in an instant.

It was precisely because he knew that someone wanted to overthrow him that he would show up on such an occasion and take this opportunity to invite outsiders and at the same time expose his own strength.

"I've given you the chance, but you want to challenge the dignity of God?" Luo Tianchen suddenly laughed silently. He just survived the thunder tribulation yesterday, and now he just needs a big battle and is also preparing to leave.

But he can leave, but God's Domain cannot be messed up.

Just as he was contemplating, a figure suddenly stood up below.

He was tall, with dragon horns on his head and phoenix wings on his back. A pair of sharp and terrifying eyes emerged from the helmet, like two sharp swords, looking directly at the high platform.

"What does he want..." Many people stopped what they were doing and looked at Fengshan in surprise.

"Master God, this place is God's Domain, and I come from God's Court. 10 years ago, the ancient tree of life was stolen and disappeared in God's Court. Later, my lord got the news that his ancestral tree of life fell into God's Domain. Now I Under the orders of the Great Emperor, I came here to get the medicine, I don’t know what the gods will do.”

"Shenting... the legendary emperor?!"

At this moment, Simp was the first to be surprised. He came from the Protoss and was obviously no stranger to Shenting.

"Shenting?" Daoyi was surprised, his perfect and sunny face kept thinking, "Senior, is there really a great emperor in the Shenting?"

"No, but it's almost there. I heard that you are only one step away from the last step before you can truly rule the world!"

This is horrifying news, even Dao Yi is a bit unnatural, even he did not expect that someone in this world has come to this step, which is even more terrifying than Luo.

Feng Shan smiled, "At the level of you and me, the gods should also know what it means to be a living emperor. Who dares not obey the emperor's prestige in the world!"

Fengshan was not arrogant, but was just stating a fact. He was afraid that the native god would not understand, so he explained it carefully. After all, the follow-up army had not yet arrived, and the Tianzun killing sword was still there, so he didn't dare to go too far.

If it succeeds, it is naturally good. If it does not succeed, it will lay down the domain of the gods and dedicate this place to the emperor as his back garden.

"I don't know about the emperor, I only know that there is a queen in the world, if she comes, it's okay for me to offer the ancient tree, but what is the emperor?!"

With the sound of a voice, endless immortal light rushed up, rolling into a galaxy, so powerful that even the four elders who had been guarding the two sides were ready to move in an instant.

Everyone was looking up, looking at the man who slowly stood up in the mist, his power was so powerful that everyone was shocked!

Even Fengshan felt the murderous aura, and his whole body trembled involuntarily.

"Your Majesty, now that the gate of the domain is wide open, and the domain of God is no longer isolated from the world, it's not good to offend the big forces outside the domain." A light voice suddenly sounded, causing the people to be silent again.

No one expected that under such circumstances, someone would dare to resist the gods.

"Who is it!" Youshen boss yelled, but when he saw the figure standing up, he was suddenly startled, "God Son Qingming!"

"No, I am Qingyutian, and Qingming is still my ancestor!"

This is a middle-aged man who is exceptionally powerful. He stands in the field with a majestic posture, looking down at the world, his eyes are deep and energetic, his tall body is extremely majestic, and he looks coldly at the high platform.

But the most frightening thing was his aura, which turned out to be the peak of the great sage, which was several times more terrifying than the new god!

"My ancestor is the son of the orthodox god, so I should take back everything from my clan. What's more, you are just an outsider who used the power of the killing sword to attack the old god. However, with me, neither the killing sword nor the divine map will be restored Under your control!"

As soon as Qing Yutian's words came out, there was a boundless storm immediately. The news was so explosive that people were dumbfounded.

" the end of the new god?" All the outsiders were stunned, even Fengshan felt that the situation was developing a little fast, which made it difficult for him to react.

"Shenyu Shenting is a family, so we should work together." Qing Yutian looked at Fengshan with obvious intentions.

However, New Year didn't explode as he imagined. He waved his hand, and the mist of life energy in front of him cleared away, revealing a calm figure.

He was wearing a black gold battle suit with dragon pattern, standing under the ancient tree of life, with his hands behind his back, and a foot-long little white tiger lying on his feet, standing in front of the throne like that, looking down at all the creatures below with calm eyes.

Anti-God, death penalty!

(End of this chapter)

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