The meaning of covering the sky is supreme

Chapter 358 Killing the Emperor Zhun

Chapter 358 Killing the Emperor Zhun


The immortal halberd slashed vigorously, opened and closed, violently and ferociously, and the word "Emperor of Heaven" on it dimly manifested, crushing the ten directions, shaking the sun and the moon.

This is unstoppable. The more the opponent fights, the smoother they become. From being evenly matched at the beginning to being wild and unmatched now, the adaptability and growth rate are astonishing.

You know, the opponent is only the fourth level of the Great Sage, if he is at the same level as him...

Sun and Moon didn't dare to think about it anymore, and regretted that they didn't bring their magic weapons. If they had their own enlightenment tools, why should he be so passive!


Zhundi's spear vibrated violently, like a huge golden dragon sweeping across the sky, trying to swing away the immortal halberd that was coming under pressure.

However, the opponent's strength is so wild that it can shake the world, and at this stage, it can't be inferior to him.


The sky and the earth were full of divine light, and the dazzling sparks and turbulent divine energy erupted with violent clanging sounds, completely submerging the place.

Luo Tianchen's face was expressionless, his eyes were dark, there seemed to be flashing pictures, this was deduction, he felt that there was a magical power in his path that had not yet been revealed, ten thousand ways are me, I am ten thousand ways, Ten thousand ways are immortal, but I live forever. If his way is not completely wiped out, he may not die!
This is the result of deduction, and it is also a kind of experiment, but it requires great courage. After only a moment of contemplation, he immediately started to move, and continued to move against the sun and the moon!

The two fought in the starry sky, with blood and shouts, but one of the figures was obviously at a disadvantage. He was pressed and beaten all the way, retreating from one star field to another. Stars fall.

This was a shocking scene, which made the blood boil and the emotions of the audience excited. They did not expect that the gods would be so incomparable that they could rival Zhundi!
However, just as they were shouting in their hearts, the god suddenly shook, as if the attack had become a bit stagnant, but at this moment, the enemy seized the opportunity instantly, with unparalleled spears, like a real dragon, and stabbed the god with one blow. chest!
This sudden scene made everyone stunned, and no one thought that the invincible god would be so careless.

"It's over! For you and my level, one mistake will be fatal!"

The golden spear vibrated, shaking Luo Tianchen's body into pieces, turning it into countless bright lines, densely covering the entire sky.

But in the next moment, the lines of thousands of roads reunited, forming a silhouette in an instant, Luo Tianchen reappeared intact, stretched out his hand, and slashed with great halberd force, startling the sun and the moon, and hastily raised his spear horizontally.

However, this force was too terrifying, plus he was startled, and his whole body was split into the air instantly, crashing into a star!
"You... dare to try my tricks!!!"

Undoubtedly, the Sun Moon God will be furious, what the other party thinks of him, he is a generation of god generals who are famous forever, and the number of people he kills does not know how many mountains he can pile up, but the other party actually uses him to try!

"The road is long, the responsibilities are heavy and the road is long..." Luo Tianchen stood in the sky and looked at his body. The moment just now was a temporary idea, but it was really miraculous. There was an inexplicable force that reorganized his body , like a complete resurrection.

Before, he obtained the final result through the deduction of the previous word secret, which is no different from the present one. Rather than predicting the future, it is more like an instinctive reaction from the body.

This is the early stage of Dao, and the mighty power is not enough to show. Perhaps in the future, this will be his capital to fight against darkness.

"You are useless, kill!"

At this moment, Luo Tianchen is indifferent, his eyes are cold, as if God is looking down on all living beings, his noble and stalwart figure, striding forward with a disdainful posture, is like the spokesperson of the sky, every move has a kind of air of supremacy!

The sun and the moon were swept by the cold eyes, and his heart jumped. This was the throbbing from the depths of his soul. I have a feeling that I am an ant.

"Kill me? Since ancient times, no one has dared to say such words!" The sun and the moon roared loudly, gathering all their strength, wanting to sublimate, God's forbidden, he has also set foot!
"It's a joke, I was slashed by the sword of God last time!"

Luo Tianchen's words undoubtedly hit his sore spot.

"God ban, it's still up to you whether you can enter the current state of your body, not to mention you are an incarnation, wouldn't it be good to wait for death!"


The phoenix wings split open the sky, Luo Tianchen came over in an instant, the halberd struck down with the force of the sun and the moon, just two rounds, he was shaken to the ground.

At the same moment, the phoenix's wings vibrated, and boundless swords and feathers flew out, like a vast torrent of seven colors, completely submerging the figures of the sun and the moon.

There are roars everywhere, and the eyes are full of divine power. The starry sky collapses in an instant, the earth, wind, water and fire appear together, and the small world is constantly opened up and destroyed, which is terrifying and frightening.


A figure rushed out, his hair was disheveled, his body was tattered, his silver armor was completely torn, and he had long lost his previous aloof posture.

Competing with a great saint, he was actually defeated. This is simply unacceptable to the arrogant general. He can lose, but he must lose to someone stronger!

"Behead you today, go to your lair tomorrow, and send you on your way!"


With a slight tremor, the whole universe seemed to be rotating, as if Luo Tianchen was the center of the whole world.

Thousands of stars sing together, creatures move together, the sun, moon, and galaxy rumble, and as a bright beam of light rushes out, the universe seems to be reversed.

This is the most powerful blow, a lore blow, the halberd is the front, the wings are the blade, in an instant, time and space are still.


With a sound that made people's heads explode, the golden spear lying in front of him broke, and the Sun Moon God General stood there in a daze, his aura like a deflated balloon, and it was difficult to hold it up.

He looked at the figure in front of him and the fairy halberd piercing through his chest, and his whole body shook violently.

"You can't grow up...someone will snipe ahead...and some people are always looking down on the ages..."

With a "bang", the halberd shook, and the body of the Sun Moon God collapsed, turning into a sky full of light and rain, dotted with stars, extremely sacred, but above them stood a tall figure, he stepped on Guangyu seemed to be stepping on the corpse of an enemy, disappearing step by step, and finally disappeared.

But at this moment, on the edge of the universe, on a star in the far east, under a large tomb, the figure sitting cross-legged inside suddenly woke up. He touched his chest, his eyes were extremely cold.

In his life, he never thought that he would lose to a great sage, and he would lose so quickly.

"If I didn't realize something wrong, then what are you!"

Roaring is all about roaring, but he is no longer able to condense the quasi-emperor-level avatar, each time is getting lower and lower, and if he condenses again, the avatar is very likely to fall into the Great Sage, and even be trampled by the opponent again!
However, he also has a kind of fear, the other party's growth rate is too terrifying, maybe in the near future, he will really come to kill him!
(End of this chapter)

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