The meaning of covering the sky is supreme

Chapter 369 The only hope in this world

Chapter 369 The only hope in this world

Reality and illusion exist in opposition to each other, and the end of illusion is reality, but there are not many creatures who can reverse this power.

At the level of the Immortal Emperor, the heavens are destroyed with one thought, and all souls are born with one thought.

At this level, reality and illusion are no longer important, as long as they want to, they can reflect all the people and things in their minds.

Reflection can be understood as turning illusion into reality, and turning the impossible into possibility. Failure to understand does not mean non-existence.

If someone in the world misses them, the Immortal Emperor will not die, even if their Dao is wiped out. This is indeed a bug-like power, but if they are killed by Taoist priests, the Immortal Emperor will really die. This is a higher level. strength.

If not, it would be too difficult for people of the same level to kill each other, unless it is an alternative like Brother Digu, who is clearly the number one emperor of all heavens and ten thousand realms, except for standing above the gods of ten thousand realms, he He is well-deserved number one, but such a person has been completely forgotten. This has something to do with the history of Ten Thousand Realms.

After all, there have been many dynasties, and many things have been buried in the years, and almost no one can find them, just like now, it is clear that the age of mythology is connected to the chaotic ancient times, but no one knows the situation of the chaotic ancient times.

Luo Tianchen looked at everything in front of him, and didn't move for a long time. He didn't know these people, as if someone inserted him into that era and made up for some vacancies.

This is similar to the situation of God in the Holy Ruins, it is completely a conception, like a dream.

"Are you awake?" Luo Tianchen looked behind him from the corner of his eye, as if he had noticed something.

"No... Still sleeping... Only a ray of divine thought woke up..."

All the scenes in front of him disappeared, and the world returned to calm. Everything before it seemed to have never appeared.

"There should have been you in that era...but it didn't..."

"No way, I didn't expect that I would die."

"They pinned all their future hopes on you... Maybe they knew it would fail... Even I kept it from myself..."

"Maybe history will repeat itself." Thinking of the combination of the ten ancestors and the plateau with consciousness, it is really a kind of despair and powerlessness.

If you don't go beyond the sacrificial path, any resistance is only delaying death, but someone needs to stand in the front, even if you lose, you have to do it, God in the beginning, Shi Hao who is now relaying.

"No matter what the result is, at least we did it. Now it is Emperor Huangtian... the future will be you. This process is very difficult and desperate. I am so desperate that I can't see any light.

But this is not something you should bear... just like you once said... If you could, you would choose a peaceful life...

There was no you in that era... but there is me in this era... no matter whether you will fail in the future... no matter how hard it is, I will accompany you, I am... the Luo family is also... everyone is here. "

After Luo Tianxian finished speaking, she closed her eyes again, as if falling into a deep sleep again, but this is already a good start, at least, her recovery may be earlier.

Luo Tianchen shook his head, the future is too far away, there are too many changes, he is a variable, even with the shield of the ten emperors, one day sooner or later he may attract the attention of darkness.

If two or three ancestors are awakened prematurely, I am afraid that Shi Hao's clone will be implicated immediately.

"However, after all, your image is a bit out of place." After thinking about it, he decided to solve this situation. He has the Chaos Immortal Fire and the Elixir of Immortality. Maybe he can use this to make Luo Tianxian manifest a Taoist body, and finally At least he won't be a backsilo.

Just as he was meditating, a type of Changhong flew from afar.

"You...couldn't you really be the heir of a true fairy?!" The bearded man flew back, and the kick just now directly kicked him out of the Heavenly Soldiers Ancient Star. Until now, his buttocks are still swollen, and he couldn't even tear his ass. I dare not open space to hurry.

"Huh... that one... closed his eyes?" The bearded man didn't dare to say more, the previous scene still left him with lingering fears, it was too scary, how could there be such a person in the world!

Luo Tianchen ignored him, took the last source stone beside him, and started to get busy again.

This is a huge source stone, 13 meters long, more than four meters wide, and even two meters high, with an irregular shape, like a large flat stone.

But as he quickly dropped the sword, pieces of brilliance lit up again.

The divine light filled the air, dazzling like a round sun, so divine and holy, it was so dazzling that it was difficult to open your eyes.

"Shenyuan!" The bearded man was surprised.

But this kind of thing is almost useless except for formation, especially at their level.

Unless it is the divine source liquid.

The source of the gods is very large, with dozens of square meters, which can be called a useless huge sum of money, but inside it, there seems to be immortal light that lasts forever, which is very dreamy.

"I published two complete quasi-emperor scriptures, sell this stone to me..."

However, before he could finish his words, the Zhundi sword had fallen, cutting open the source of the gods, revealing the sealed items inside.

This is a dreamlike piece of metal that is more than one meter long. The lines on it are natural, and the fairy light is shining brightly. Ripples like blue feathers appear in this space, and the majesty makes the bearded man in a trance.

Immortal feathers are floating, light and rain are flying, Ruixia is steaming clouds and dreams, making people want to bathe in fairy light and soar.

"Emerging green gold..." The bearded man opened his mouth, and began to doubt life again. Ordinary people would never encounter a kind of immortal gold in their lifetime, but it has become commonplace here in Luo. If the ancient emperor knew about it, he would probably be envious climbed out of the grave.

Ke Luo was not happy, and his attitude was very flat, as if he had seen through the vicissitudes of the world, and put it away neither sad nor happy.

"Could this child be born in response to the immortal calamity in this world? The fate is too deep, maybe when he grows up, the world will undergo unimaginable changes."

Luo Tianchen got up slowly, the figure behind him was still there, with a ray of haze in reality, his figure was flawless, like a fairy who had fallen into the mortal world, just sticking to Luo's back like that, peacefully, with With a trace of indescribable weirdness, the divine sense swept away, and the other party did not exist at all, as if she did not exist in the world.

"Don't you feel... awkward?" The bearded man was full of emotions. Today's encounter was more magnificent than his entire life, and even his heart could not calm down.

It was hard for him to imagine whether Luo was carrying a living person or a dead body, or maybe a creature similar to a god or a heroic spirit.

"You won't understand." Luo Tianchen didn't explain, ignorance is bliss, it's not that he discriminates against anyone, but a feeling.

It's like he has always maintained an attitude of staying away from others.

Is Yiqing Wumei beautiful? There is no doubt that it is enough to make many men's hearts fall in love. She is not the great religious saint in the original book, and she has no calculations or pride in front of him. It is difficult for a man to refuse such a person.

The same is true for Zixia, they are all excellent, so he can't help but want to stop, people are not ruthless, it's okay if they don't know the future, but the future is terrible, so he is destined not to stay.

His heart and body were given to God, to that lonely island surrounded by a sea of ​​blood, and also to that desolate world where countless graves were buried.

Those are sacrifices from generation to generation. They are the heroes who resist at the forefront. Almost no one knows that they will not retreat until they die, fight until the gods perish, and fight until there are countless graves. Does anyone know their credit.

He represents a ray of hope, but also a ray of dawn breaking through the darkness. Maybe he will choose a Taoist companion in the future, but it is not suitable now.

(End of this chapter)

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