Chapter 380

In the depths of the ancient road of the human race, a majestic pass stands quietly, surrounded by chaotic energy, showing the atmosphere in the emptiness, it is eternal, it seems to exist forever, and even the years cannot erase its traces.

This is the ultimate pass, and the way to enter can be found at the end of the ancient road.

But on this day, three figures appeared in front of this nameless pass.

Logically speaking, the outstanding people from all sides are still on the road, far from entering the second half of the ancient road, basically no one will come here.

But now someone is here.

They were separated in three directions, each of them was wrapped in divine light, making people unable to see clearly, but they were afraid of each other, and no one took the lead.

"Chaotic body? It doesn't seem to be." The man on the left opened his mouth, his divine light disappeared, revealing his figure.

This is a very tall and strong figure, with bronzed skin and an extraordinary handsome face, naturally exuding a kind of domineering, like an ancient emperor in this world!

However, what is surprising is that he has four faces, facing all directions, as if he is respected in the universe.

"Bright Clan!" The person who spoke was very calm.

His figure was blurry, wearing a golden crown on his head, like an emperor who walked out of the scroll of time, with only a pair of eyes, there was endless majesty.

This is a strong man who does not belong to this era, and there are not many traces left behind, but there is a terrible legend about him.

This person once killed all the great sages who came here in an era. There are more than 50 of them, each of whom is a hero of the world. After all, there are a few of them who can come here.

"Emperor!" The last figure spoke slowly.

He was wrapped in the light of the beginning, without revealing his figure, he glanced at the two of them, and finally his eyes fell on the emperor.

"They're all here for the Chaos Body?" The Guangming man's eyes turned. These are two powerful enemies, and they are obviously not from this era, which made him feel depressed, which is extremely difficult.

"If you don't come out again, this life will be completely missed." Taichu left a sentence, turned and left.

The emperor and the Guangming man looked at each other and chose to leave.

They didn't come here for the war, but they were looking for the Chaos Body.

That person was terrifying. He had only cultivated for a few decades, but he had already become a great sage. According to legend, he was invincible all over the starry sky, and had already killed emperors one after another.

Now, he has got involved with immortals again, and even several generals who have become enlightened are frantically looking for it, it is conceivable.

This life is too special, the road to immortality is about to open, the two generals who have become enlightened are pressing across the depths of the universe, and Luo Wei is overwhelming the outer universe, domineering for the first time, if it is not for the secret outbreak of immortality, there will probably be a tripartite confrontation in the future.

Nowadays, many people are looking for Luo, many even went to Ziwei Star and Beidou, but there is no trace of Luo.

But no one knew that at this time, in the deepest part of the universe, on a fairy mountain behind the Jiuzhong Emperor Pass, several figures were sitting cross-legged on the ground.

A man with a fairy on his back, a middle-aged man with a beard, and a wretched old man with yellow teeth.

The three of them sat facing each other, the tea in the middle was rich in fragrance, the white smoke curled up, and the sound of the avenue echoed, making people extremely intoxicated.

"Good guy, you're really daring, the Empress of Immortality is about to be blown up." The bearded man stared at the Enlightenment tea in his hand, and ruthlessly pulled his beard.

As soon as the news came out, he himself was taken aback.

"Boy, do you still have enlightenment tea leaves? If you give me a few hundred catties, I'll help you get rid of a quasi-emperor's enemy!" The yellow-toothed old man grinned, and his words were exposed, very serious.

But no one would doubt the authenticity of his words. The old man is very strong, not weaker than the bearded man, and even stronger.

"Of course, if you can give me the white tiger at your feet, it's okay to work hard for you." The old man chuckled, staring at the little white tiger beside Luo Tianchen, his wrinkled old face looked wretched, Let the little white tiger be so excited that its hair explodes.

"Don't... Lord Tiger doesn't like you..." The little white tiger sent out a divine thought, making the bearded man lean forward and back with a smile.

"There are people in this world who can kill me, but the Immortal Queen is not one of them." Luo Tianchen spoke slowly, looking outside the domain.

Originally, he was planning to retreat for a period of time, but now, he feels that he should make a living in this troubled world and rise up in the bloody battle, but he doesn't know if there is an opponent who can make him fight happily.

"You want to go to Outer Universe? I know you have the means, but there are a lot of monsters and monsters jumping out at this stage, and many legendary old immortals have jumped out, and the underworld has also appeared." The bearded man said seriously.

"So what if there are enemies all over the place, my way, if I can't even deal with these people, how can I become a fairy!" Luo Tianchen slowly got up, ready to leave, Dilu needs blood to forge, he wants to kill through this world, Kill all the enemies, all the way into the fairyland, into the world of the sun, the world of the sun!

Seeing that domineering and majestic figure, both of them couldn't help being in a daze, and murmured, "Are there really immortals in the world..."

"Of course there are. Before mythology, there was Chaotic Ancient, and before Chaotic Ancient, there was Immortal Ancient. Immortals have always existed, but no one can get out."

Luo Tianchen left, the two of them were a tiger, the road lines under their feet were endless, as if everything had come to life.

The two looked at Wu Dao tea in front of them, and said nothing for a long time.

They consciously didn't ask any questions about the fairy corpse. Even though they had too many questions, even the bearded man felt that the fairy was not dead, but this was Luo's secret.



More than half a year has passed, and now it has been a year since Xian's secret erupted. Instead of falling silent because of Luo's disappearance, the world became more and more violent.

On this day, in the sky above Huo Sang, a group of hundreds of paladin legions, led by several commanders, tore through the space.

Their armor was bright and their banners were flying. Everyone sat on top of the ferocious ancient beasts, and the chilling aura filled the entire sky, but everyone who saw this scene ran away far away.

"Shenting... how could they appear here!" Someone was surprised.

The activity area of ​​Shenting was originally deep in the universe, and not many people in the world knew about it, but with the appearance of Luo, both Shenting and Huangchao were gradually known to people, and no one was not afraid of those two behemoths.

"It is said that there is a quasi-emperor in Huo Sang, and now that our three commanders are here in person, he should give us some face, right?!" A figure sitting on a white unicorn whispered softly.

"Xuandi was joking, the righteous father is in the world, who dares not to follow the direction of the divine army, and now we come here with the emperor's order, a quasi-emperor, how dare we disobey the emperor's words!" The beautiful woman on the right laughed.

"It's that Luo. If it weren't for him, the master wouldn't have sent us to the barren outer space, but if we can successfully recruit this quasi-emperor, the master will be very happy." Yu Wu's face was gloomy.

(End of this chapter)

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